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词汇 fit


Word family noun fit fitting fitness fitter misfit fitmentfittingnessfitfulnessadjective fitted fitting fitunfit fitfulverb fit adverb fittingly fitlyfittinglyfitfully
fit1 /fɪt/ ●●● S1 W2 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp fitted also fit American EnglishAmE, present participle fitting)  
1 clothes 服装
a) [intransitiveI, transitiveT]FIT/BE THE RIGHT SIZE if a piece of clothing fits you, it is the right size for your body (对某人)合身
 His clothes did not fit him very well.
 The uniform fitted her perfectly.
 The jacket’s fine, but the trousers don’t fit.
 I know this dress is going to fit you like a glove (=fit you very well).
Use fit to say that clothes are not too big or too small. Use suit to say that clothes look attractive on someone: The dress fits, but it doesn’t suit me.
衣服穿在身上不大不小用 fit ,衣服穿在身上漂亮用 suit : The dress fits, but it doesn’t suit me. 这裙子大小正好,但不适合我穿。
nGRAMMAR: Using the progressive
In this meaning, fit is not used in the progressive. You say:
The skirt fits (me).
Don’t say: The skirt is fitting (me).
b) [transitiveT] to try a piece of clothing on someone to see if it is the right size for them, or to make sure a special piece of equipment is right for them 试穿;试用
be fitted for something
 I’m being fitted for a new suit tomorrow.
be fitted with something
 He may need to be fitted with a hearing aid.
Fit is usually passive in this meaning.
2 FIT/BE THE RIGHT SIZEright size/shape 合适的尺寸/形状
a) [intransitiveI, transitiveT] if something fits in a place, it is the right size or shape to go there 〔尺寸或形状〕合适
 I couldn’t find a key which fitted the lock.
 Most cookers are designed to fit level with your worktops.
fit in/into/under etc
 The plastic cover fits neatly over the frame.
b) [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to put something carefully into a place that is the right size or shape for it 插入,拼入,装入
 She fitted the last piece into the jigsaw puzzle.
3 enough space 足够的空间 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]FIT/BE THE RIGHT SIZE if something fits into a place, there is enough space for it 可容纳,装进
 I wanted to put the wardrobe behind the door, but I don’t think it’ll fit.
 You might be able to fit some small flowering plants between the larger bushes.
fit somebody/something in/into something
 I don’t think we’ll be able to fit any more people into the car.
 We should be able to fit one more in.
4 equipment/part 设备/部件 [transitiveT]PUT to put a piece of equipment into a place, or a new part onto a machine, so that it is ready to be used 安装
fit something on/to etc something
 I need to fit a lock on the door.
 Anti-theft devices are fitted to all our cars.
be fitted with something
 The windows are all fitted with security locks.
5 match/be suitable 符合 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SAME if something fits another thing, it is similar to it or suitable for it 符合,适合
 The punishment should fit the crime.
 Police said the car fits the description of the stolen vehicle.
 Scientists often select facts to fit their theories.
 He didn’t fit the conventional image of a banker.
fit with
 The rhythm should fit with the meaning of a poem.
6 fit somebody for something formal to make someone suitable for something or able to do something 使某人适合某事,使某人胜任某事
 His natural authority fitted him for a senior position.
7 fit the bill to be the type of person or thing that you want 正合适,正符合要求
 We wanted an experienced sportscaster, and Waggoner fit the bill.
Examples from the Corpus
8 if the cap fits (, wear it)wear it) if the cap fits ( British EnglishBrE, if the shoe fits (, wear it) American EnglishAmE spoken used to tell someone that you think a criticism of them is true 要是说得有理(就接受)〔用于告诉对方对其的批评是正确的〕
 ‘So you think I’m a liar.’ ‘Well, if the cap fits ...’
somebody’s face doesn’t fit at face1(20)PHRASAL VERBS
9fit in phrasal verbphr v 
a) RELATIONSHIPif someone fits in, they are accepted by the other people in a group 被他人接受,相处融洽
 I never really fitted in at school.
 I wasn’t sure if she would fit in with my friends.
b) fit something/somebody ↔ inTIME/HAVE TIME to manage to do something or see someone, even though you have a lot of other things to do 安排时间做〔某事〕,安排时间见〔某人〕;找出的时间 SYN squeeze something/somebody ↔ in
 The doctor said he can fit me in at 4:30.
 I wanted to fit in a swim before breakfast.
c) TIME/HAVE TIMEif something fits in with other things, it is similar to them or goes well with them 相似;适应;适合
 I don’t know quite how this new course will fit in.
 A new building must fit in with its surroundings.
 You can’t expect a baby to fit in with your existing routine.
Examples from the Corpus
10fit into something phrasal verbphr v 
a) to be part of a group or system 成为的一部分
 Some of the patients we see do not fit neatly into any of the existing categories.
 How does this fit into the company’s overall marketing strategy?
b) to be accepted by the people in a group or organization 相处融洽
 She fitted into the team very well.
Examples from the Corpus
11fit somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE PUTto provide a person or place with the equipment, furniture, or clothes that they need 装备,配备;布置
 The office had been fitted out in style.
 The new recruits were fitted out with uniforms and weapons.
Examples from the Corpus
12fit together phrasal verbphr v 
a) if something fits together or you fit it together, different pieces can be joined to make something 装配(起来)
 Look, the tubes fit together like this.
fit something together
 The pictures show you how to fit it together.
b) if a story, set of facts, set of ideas etc fit together, they make sense when considered together 〔故事、事实、想法等〕合乎情理,相辅相成
 Telecom and computer businesses fit together well.
Examples from the Corpus
13fit somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE 
a) PUTto provide a place with the furniture or equipment that it needs 装备,配备;布置 SYN fit somebody/something ↔ out
 The rooms are now fitted up with electric lights.
b) SCGUILTY informal to make someone seem guilty of a crime when they are really not guilty 诬陷,陷害
 I knew that I had been fitted up.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
fit2 ●●● S2 W3 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp fitter, superlativesupl fittest)  
1 strong 强壮的HEALTHY someone who is fit is strong and healthy, especially because they exercise regularly 〔尤因经常锻炼而〕健壮的,健康的 OPP unfit
 You must be very fit if you do so much running.
 He was young, good-looking, and physically fit.
 I swim twice a week to try and keep fit.
fit for
 He may not be fit for Saturday’s match.
fit to do something
 I don’t know if I’ll be fit enough to take part in the race.
 Psychiatrists said he was fit to stand trial (=he was mentally healthy enough).
 She’s over eighty now, but still as fit as a fiddle (=very fit).
fighting fit British EnglishBrE (=very fit) 十分健康的
 I had just come back from holiday and was fighting fit.
see thesaurus at healthy
2 SUITABLEsuitable 合适的 suitable or good enough for something 合适的,恰当的 OPP unfit
fit for
 We made sure the land was fit for drilling.
 The food was not fit for human consumption.
 This book is not fit for publication!
fit to do something
 He is not fit to govern this country!
 This room is not fit to be seen!
3 see/think fit (to do something) DECIDEto decide that something is the best thing to do, especially when other people do not agree with you 认为(做某事)恰当,决定(做某事)〔尤在其他人不同意时〕
 The government saw fit to ignore our advice.
 Sort out the problem in any way you think fit.
Examples from the Corpus
4 in a fit state (to do something) especially British EnglishBrE healthy enough or in good enough condition for something 身体健康,状况良好(适合做某事)
 I was still very shocked and in no fit state to work.
 We’ll have to make sure the house is in a fit state to receive visitors.
Examples from the Corpus
5 fit for a king of very good quality 高质量的,精美的,最高级的
 The meal they provided was fit for a king.
Examples from the Corpus
6. attractive 迷人的 British EnglishBrE sexually attractive 性感迷人的
7 fit to drop British EnglishBrE informalTIRED extremely tired 累得快要瘫倒在地的 SYN exhausted
 It was getting late and most of us were fit to drop.
8 fit to burst British EnglishBrE informalLOT/VERY MUCH if you are laughing, shouting etc fit to burst, you are doing it a lot 使劲地〔笑、叫等〕
 The girls were laughing fit to burst.
Examples from the Corpus
9 fit to be tied American EnglishAmE very angry, anxious, or upset 十分恼火[着急,烦恼]
 I was fit to be tied when she didn’t come home until 2 a.m.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Illness & disability
fit3 ●●○ noun  
1 emotion 情感 [countableC]EMOTIONAL a time when you feel an emotion very strongly and cannot control your behaviour 〔感情的〕冲动,一阵发作
fit of
 She killed him in a fit of temper.
 He quit his job in a fit of drunken depression.
2 lose consciousness 失去知觉 [countableC]MI a short period of time when someone loses consciousness and cannot control their body because their brain is not working properly 昏厥抽搐
 She used to have fits as a baby.
 people who suffer from epileptic fits
3 laugh/cough/咳嗽 [countableC]PERIOD OF TIME a short time during which you laugh or cough a lot in a way that you cannot control 突发,一阵
 He had a violent coughing fit.
fit of
 The girls collapsed into a fit of the giggles.
 We were all in fits of laughter trying to clear up the mess.
 Carl had us all in fits (=made us laugh a lot) with his stories.
4 have/throw a fit informalANGRY to be very angry or shocked 大发脾气;大吃一惊
 If your mother finds out about this, she’ll have a fit.
Examples from the Corpus
5 FIT/BE THE RIGHT SIZEright size 正确的尺寸 [singular] the way in which something fits on your body or fits into a space 合身;适合
 The dress was a perfect fit.
 I managed to get everything into the suitcase, but it was a tight fit.
6 suitable 适合的 [singular] formalSAME if there is a fit between two things, they are similar to each other or are suitable for each other 匹配,相配
fit between
 We must be sure that there’s a fit between the needs of the children and the education they receive.
7 in/by fits and starts REGULARif something happens in fits and starts, it does not happen smoothly, but keeps starting and then stopping again 一阵阵地,间歇地
 Technology advances by fits and starts.
 He spoke in fits and starts.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
fit4 verb (fitted, fitting) [intransitiveI] British EnglishBrE  
1to have a seizure (=a sudden condition in which someone cannot control the movements of their body) 〔疾病〕发作,突发
 The patient was fitting.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
fitfit1 /fɪt/ verb (past tensepst fitted also fit American EnglishAmE, present participle fitting) [transitiveT]
to put a piece of equipment into place, or a new part on a machine
fit something on/to something
Interactive entertainment systems have been fitted on all the airline’s 747s.
Anti-theft devices are fitted to all our cars.
fit something with something
Insurance is cheaper for homes fitted with alarms.
fit something → out
fitfit2 noun [countableC, uncountableU]ECONOMICS
if there is a fit between a company’s different activities, they go well together and can be managed together profitably
fit between
The fit between the two merged supermarket chains is excellent.
strategic fit
Origin fit2
(1400-1500) Perhaps from FIT1
Old English fitt disagreement, opposition, fighting




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