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词汇 flush


Word family adjectiveflushedflushynounflusherflushingflushnessflush
Related topics: Household, Technology, Cleaning
flush1 /flʌʃ/ ●○○ verb  
1 become red 变红 [intransitiveI]EMBARRASSED to become red in the face, for example when you are angry or embarrassed 〔生气或尴尬时〕脸红 SYN blush
 Susan flushed deeply and looked away.
 He flushed angrily.
flush red/crimson/scarlet
 Robyn felt her cheeks flush scarlet.
flush with
 Mrs Cooper flushed with indignation.
2 toilet 抽水马桶 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DHT if you flush a toilet, or if it flushes, you make water go through it to clean it 冲洗(抽水马桶)
 Why do children never remember to flush the loo?
 She flushed the rest of her drink down the toilet.
3 clean STH 清洁某物 [transitiveT]DHC to force water through a pipe in order to clean it 冲洗
flush something through something
 They flush clean water through the pipes once a day.
4flush somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v 
a) to make someone leave a place where they are hiding 把〔某人从隐匿处〕驱赶出来
 The government is determined to flush out the terrorists.
b) to clean something by forcing water through it 冲洗干净
 The heating system needs to be flushed out once a year.
 Drinking water helps flush out toxins from the body.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Colours, Cards
flush2 noun  
1 redness on face 脸红 [singular]CC a red colour that appears on your face when you are angry or embarrassed 〔因生气或尴尬而引起的〕脸红,潮红 SYN blush
 His words brought a warm flush to her face.
hot flush
2 FEELINGS 情感a flush of anger/embarrassment/excitement etc FEEL HAPPY/FRIGHTENED/BORED ETCa sudden feeling of anger, embarrassment etc 一阵愤怒/尴尬/兴奋等 SYN surge
 She felt a sudden flush of anger.
3 toilet 抽水马桶 [countableC]
a) the part of a toilet that cleans it with a sudden flow of water 冲洗装置
 The flush isn’t working properly.
b) the act of cleaning a toilet by forcing water through it 冲洗
4. DGCcards [countableC] a set of cards that someone has in a card game that are all of the same suit 〔纸牌戏中的〕同花牌
5 the first flush of youth/manhood BEGINNINGthe beginning of a period of time when you are young etc 青春初期/成年之初
 a group of adolescent boys in the first flush of manhood
Examples from the Corpus
6 a flush of something a large number of things that happen or arrive at the same time 〔同时发生或到来的〕大批某物
 The spring brings a flush of young animals to the farm.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
flush3 adjectiveadj  
1 FLATif two surfaces are flush, they are at exactly the same level, so that the place where they meet is flat 在同一平面上的,齐平的
flush with
 Make sure that the cupboard is flush with the wall.
2 [not before noun] informalRICH if someone is flush, they have plenty of money to spend 很有钱的,富有的
 I’m feeling flush at the moment.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
flushflush /flʌʃ/ adjectiveadj
1be flush (with cash/funds) informal to have a lot of money at a particular time
Singapore’s savings rate is so high that the banks are flush with funds.
The group is flush and has been making more acquisitions.
2be flushed with/by success to be very successful, and keen to achieve more success
Flushed by success in selling homes in the slump, developers now plan to do the same in the commercial property sector.
3a busted flush informal a complete failure
You can get a dealer who is a busted flush at 30.
Origin flush1
(1200-1300) Probably from Latin fluxus; → FLUX
(1500-1600) Probably from → FLUSH1




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