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词汇 corrupt


Word family nouncorruptercorruptibilitycorruptiblenesscorruptioncorruptionistcorruptnessadjectivecorruptiblecorruptiveadverbcorruptiblycorruptlyverbcorrupt
cor·rupt1 /kəˈrʌpt/ ●●○ adjectiveadj  
1 DISHONESTusing your power in a dishonest or illegal way in order to get an advantage for yourself 贪污受贿的,腐败的 OPP incorruptible
 Corrupt judges have taken millions of dollars in bribes.
see thesaurus at dishonest
2 BAD PERSONimmoral or dishonest 不道德的,堕落的
 a corrupt society
 officials engaged in corrupt practices
3 PUREsomething that is corrupt is not pure or has been damaged or partly ruined 不纯的;有缺陷的;有错误的
 corrupt data
corruptly adverbadv
corruptness noun [uncountableU]
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Computers
corrupt2 ●○○ verb [transitiveT]  
1 BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONSto encourage someone to start behaving in an immoral or dishonest way 使堕落,使败坏,使腐化
 Young prisoners are being corrupted by the older, long-term offenders.
2 CHANGE/MAKE something DIFFERENTto change the traditional form of something, such as a language, so that it becomes worse than it was 破坏,侵蚀〔语言等的纯洁〕
 The culture has been corrupted by Western influences.
3 TDto change the information in a computer, so that the computer does not work properly anymore 损坏,破坏〔计算机中的信息〕
 a virus which corrupts the data on your hard drive
corruptible adjectiveadj
corruptibility /kəˌrʌptəˈbɪləti/ noun [uncountableU]
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
corruptcor·rupt1 /kəˈrʌpt/ adjectiveadj
1LAWusing power in a dishonest or illegal way in order to get money or an advantage of some kind
Swiss justice, in our experience, is as tough on corrupt bankers as it is on all other criminals.
people wilfully involved in bribery or other corrupt practices
2COMPUTING information on a computer that is corrupt has been damaged and can no longer be read or used by a computer
The file may contain corrupt data and may cause your machine to crash.
corruptcorrupt2 verb [transitiveT]
1to encourage someone to behave in an immoral or dishonest way
US politics has been corrupted by money and the influence of special interests.
2COMPUTING to damage information on a computer, so that it can no longer be read or used by a computer
viruses which can corrupt and destroy computer data
corrupted adjectiveadj [only before a noun]
A corrupted file is a big problem; you might never recover the data.
corruptible adjectiveadj
providing arms and money to a corruptible military regime
Origin corrupt1
(1300-1400) Latin corruptus, past participle of corrumpere, from com- ( → COM-) + rumpere to break




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