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词汇 wipe


Word family adjectivewipeablenounwiperwipingwipeoutverbwipe
Related topics: Recording, Computers, Cleaning
wipe1 /waɪp/ ●●● S3 verb  
1 clean/rub 清洁/ [transitiveT]
a) CLEANto rub a surface with something in order to remove dirt, liquid etc 擦,拭,揩
wipe something with something
 Wipe the table with a damp cloth.
 Bill wiped his eyes (=wiped the tears from his face) and apologized.
 He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his nose.
b) to clean something by rubbing it against a surface 擦干净〔某物〕
wipe something on something
 He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.
see thesaurus at clean4  See picture on 见图 Page A3 Cleaning 清洁;打扫5 see picture at 见图 clean2
2 remove dirt 去除污垢 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]CLEAN to remove liquid, dirt, or marks by wiping 擦掉〔液体、污垢或印迹〕
wipe something off/from etc something
 Kim wiped the sweat from her face.
5 see picture at 见图 clean2
3. computer/tape 计算机/磁带 [transitiveT]TCRTD to remove all the information that is stored on a tape, video, or computer disk 抹掉,擦掉〔磁带上的录音、录像或磁盘上的信息〕
4. wipe something from your mind/memory to try to forget an unpleasant experience 把某事从心里/记忆中抹去
Examples from the Corpus
5. wipe the floor with somebody informalBEAT/DEFEAT to defeat someone completely in a competition or argument 〔在比赛或辩论中〕把某人打得一败涂地
Examples from the Corpus
6. wipe the slate clean START DOING somethingto agree to forget about mistakes or arguments that happened in the past 把以往的错误[争论]一笔勾销,忘记过去
Examples from the Corpus
7 wipe the smile/grin off somebody’s face informalPROUD to make someone feel less happy or confident, especially someone who is annoying because they think they are clever 抹去某人脸上的笑容〔尤指自以为聪明的人〕
 Tell him how much it’ll cost – that should wipe the smile off his face!
Examples from the Corpus
8 wipe something off the face of the earth/wipe something off the map DESTROYto destroy something completely 彻底毁灭某物
 Another few years and this species could be wiped off the face of the earth.
9 plates/cups etc 盘子/杯子等 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DHC to dry plates, cups etc that have been washed 擦干(洗过的碟子、杯子等) SYN dry
 You wash, I’ll wipe.
10wipe something ↔ away phrasal verbphr v to stop something existing 抹去
 A frown quickly wiped away her smile.
Examples from the Corpus
11.wipe something ↔ down phrasal verbphr v DHCCLEANto completely clean a surface using a wet cloth 〔用湿布〕把〔表面〕擦干净
Examples from the Corpus
12wipe something off something phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE to reduce the value of shares or prices by a particular amount 使〔股票等的价格〕下跌,抹掉
 Nearly £7 billion has been wiped off share prices worldwide.
Examples from the Corpus
13wipe out phrasal verbphr v 
a) wipe something ↔ outDESTROY to destroy, remove, or get rid of something completely 彻底毁灭;勾销;去除,抹去
 Whole villages were wiped out by the floods.
 Nothing could wipe out his bitter memories of the past.
b) wipe somebody ↔ out informalTIRED to make you feel extremely tired 使疲惫不堪
 The heat had wiped us out.
wiped out
53 AmE to fall or hit another object when driving a car, riding a bicycle etc【美】 〔开车、骑自行车等时〕翻跌下来撞上某物
nc) American EnglishAmEFALLHIT/BUMP INTO to fall or hit an object when you are doing something
 Scott wiped out on his bike.
Examples from the Corpus
14wipe something ↔ up phrasal verbphr v DHCREMOVEto remove liquid from a surface using a cloth 〔用布〕揩干
 I hastily wiped up the milk I had spilled.
Examples from the Corpus
5 see picture at 见图 clean2
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Household
wipe2 noun [countableC]  
1 CLEANa wiping movement with a cloth 擦,拭,揩
 An occasional wipe with a soft cloth will keep the surface shiny.
 Give the baby’s nose a wipe, would you?
2 DHa special piece of wet material that you use to clean someone or something and then throw away 〔用完即弃的〕湿巾,湿纸巾
 a pack of baby wipes
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
wipewipe /waɪp/ verb
wipe off
Origin wipe1
Old English wipian




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