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词汇 circle


Word family noun circle semicircle circulation circlercircletcirclingadjective circular semicircular circulatory circledverb circle circulate
Related topics: Theatre
ldoce_047_ccir·cle1 /ˈsɜːkəl $ ˈsɜːr-/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countableC]  
1 shape 形状CIRCLE a completely round shape, like the letter O 圆(形)
 Draw a circle 10 cm in diameter.
 Cut the pastry into circles.
5  See picture of circumference 圆周, diameter 直径, quadrant 四分之一圆 ...
2 arranged in a circle 排成圈GROUP OF PEOPLEGROUP OF THINGS a group of people or things arranged in the shape of a circle 排成一圈的人[]
 The children stood round in a circle.
circle of
 a circle of chairs
3 group of people 人群GROUP OF PEOPLE a group of people who know each other and meet regularly, or who have similar interests or jobs 〔相识并时常见面,或具有相同兴趣、职业的人形成的〕圈子,界
circle of
 a circle of friends
political/legal/literary etc circles
 He’s well-known in fashionable circles.
 Johnson was part of the president’s inner circle (=the people who have the most influence).
4. theatre 剧院 British EnglishBrEAPT the upper floor of a theatre, that has seats arranged in curved rows 〔有半圆形楼座的〕楼厅 SYN American English balcony5 see picture at 见图 theatre
5. go/run around in circles AROUND/ROUNDto think or argue about something without deciding anything or making progress 原地绕圈子;白忙活,瞎忙
Examples from the Corpus
6 come/go full circle  (also turn full circle British English)HAPPEN to end in the same situation in which you began, even though there have been changes in the time in between 循环,兜了一圈回到原处
 Sooner or later, fashion comes full circle.
Examples from the Corpus
7. (dark) circles under your eyes dark areas under your eyes that you have when you are very tired 黑眼圈
square the circle at square3(5), → vicious circle
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 3: a group of people who know each other and meet regularly, or who have similar interests or jobs
a circle of friends
Over the years she had established a circle of good friends.
a circle of acquaintances (=a group of people that someone knows)
She has a wide circle of acquaintances.
a circle of admirers (=a group of people who admire someone)
When she was young, Sophie had a large circle of male admirers.
academic/political/literary etc circles
There has been a lot of debate about this issue in political circles.
a wide/large circle
They now had a wide circle of acquaintances in the area.
a small/narrow circle
Ken was the centre of a small circle of artists and writers.
somebody’s inner circle (=the people who influence someone the most)
He was among the prime minister’s inner circle of advisers.
a social circle
Dan and I didn’t mix in the same social circles.
the family circle
It’s important for children to have friends outside the family circle.
somebody’s immediate circle (=your family and some close friends)
We didn’t tell anyone what had happened outside our immediate circle.
a close circle (=in which the people know each other very well)
He cultivated a close circle of musical acquaintances.
a close-knit/intimate circle (=a close one)
His intimate circle was tiny.
a closed circle (=not open to other people)
He didn’t have much experience of life beyond the closed circle of his family.
a limited circle
His writing was popular with a limited circle of enthusiasts.
have a circle of friends/acquaintances etc
She was beautiful and had a wide circle of admirers.
move/mix in a circle (=belong to a particular type of circle)
At Harvard he moved in scientific circles.
be a member of a circle
He was a powerful member of a circle of financiers.
widen your circle (=make it include more people)
In London she set about widening her circle.
build up/establish a circle
Michael built up a wide circle of customers and friends worldwide.
Examples from the Corpus
circle2 ●●○ verb  
1 [transitiveT]CIRCLE to draw a circle around something 上画圈;圈出
 Circle the correct answer.
2 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]AROUND/ROUND to move in the shape of a circle around something, especially in the air 〔尤指在空中〕(绕)盘旋
 The plane circled the airport before landing.
circle round/above/over etc
 The pigeons circled above the terrace.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin circle1
(1000-1100) Old French cercle, from Latin circulus, from circus; → CIRCUS




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