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词汇 point


Word family noun point pointer pointlessness pointednesspointingpoint manpoint of orderpoint of salepoint of viewpointsmanadjective pointed pointy pointless verb point adverb pointlessly pointedly
Related topics: Sport, Games, Numbers, Geography, Electrical, Measurement, Electricity, Roads
point1 /pɔɪnt/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 idea 想法 [countableC]SUBJECT a single fact, idea, or opinion that is part of an argument or discussion 观点;论点
 That’s a very interesting point.
 She made some extremely good points.
 There are three important points we must bear in mind.
 This brings me to my next point.
point about
 I agree with John’s point about keeping the costs down.
see thesaurus at comment
2 MAIN MEANING/IDEA 主要的意思/观点the point MEANINGthe most important fact or idea 要点,重点;中心意思,主要含义;核心问题
 The point is, at least we’re all safely back home.
 Nobody knows exactly how it works. That’s the whole point.
 He may not have stolen the money himself, but that’s not the point.
 I wish you’d get to the point (=talk about the most important thing).
 I’ll come straight to the point (=talk about the most important thing first).
 I need to find out who killed Alf, and more to the point (=what is more important) I need to do it before anyone else gets killed.
 We all like him, but that’s beside the point (=not the most important thing).
 I think you’ve missed the point (=you have not understood the most important thing).
Examples from the Corpus
3 purpose 目的 [uncountableU]PURPOSE the purpose or aim of something 目的,意图
 I suppose we could save one or two of the trees, but what’s the point?
point of
 What’s the point of this meeting anyway?
 The whole point of this legislation is to protect children.
 There’s no point in worrying.
 We’re going to lose anyway, so I can’t see the point of playing.
 I didn’t see the point in moving to London.
4 place 地方 [countableC]PLACE a particular place or position 地方,地点;位置
 The accident happened at the point where the A15 joins the M1.
 No cars are allowed beyond this point.
 a border crossing point
 Cairo is a convenient departure point for tours.
 Dover is a point of entry into Britain.
see thesaurus at place
5 in time/development 在时间上/在发展中 [countableC]TIME/AT A PARTICULAR TIME an exact moment, time, or stage in the development of something 时候,时刻;〔发展的〕阶段;程度;地步
 I had reached a point in my career where I needed to decide which way to go.
 She had got to the point where she felt that she could not take any more.
 Their win over old rivals Manchester United was the high point (=best part) in their season.
 Sales reached a low point in 1996.
1996 年销量跌入低谷。
 We will take last week’s riots as a starting point for our discussion.
 At one point, I thought he was going to burst into tears.
 Maybe at this point we should move onto some of the practical experiments.
 At that point, I was still living at home and had no job.
 You will probably sell the car at some point in the future.
 It is impossible to give a definite answer at this point in time.
 Some children are bullied to the point of suicide (=until they reach this stage).
see thesaurus at time
6 quality/feature 特质/特点 [countableC usually plural]CHARACTER OF somethingCHARACTER/PERSONALITY a particular quality or feature that something or someone has 特点,特质,特征
somebody’s/something’s good/bad points
 Sometimes she had to remind herself of his good points.
point of
 They would spend hours discussing the finer points (=small details about qualities and features) of various cars.
 The low price is one of its main selling points (=features that will help to sell it).
 Driving was not one of Baxter’s strong points.
 One of the club’s plus points is that it is central.
 There were some weak points in his argument.
7 games/sport 比赛/运动 [countableC]DSDG one of the marks or numbers that shows your score in a game or sport 〔比赛或运动中的〕分数,得分
 He is three points behind the leader.
 Leeds United are now six points clear at the top of the table.
 She had to win this point.
 You get three points for a win and one point for a draw.
 You lose a point if you do not complete the puzzle on time.
 The fight went the full fifteen rounds, and in the end the American won on points.
8 point.jpg sharp end 尖的一端 [countableC]END/POINT a sharp end of something 〔某物的〕尖(端)
 the sharp point of a spear
9 boiling point/freezing point/melting point etc LEVELthe temperature at which something boils, freezes, melts etc 沸点/凝固点/熔点等
 Heat the water until it reaches boiling point.
10 the point of no return CONTINUE/NOT STOPa stage in a process or activity when it becomes impossible to stop it or do something different 有进无退[欲罢不能]的地步
reach/pass the point of no return
 I was aware that we had passed the point of no return.
Examples from the Corpus
11 point of departure an idea which you use to start a discussion 〔讨论的〕出发点
 He takes the idea of personal freedom as his point of departure.
Examples from the Corpus
12 be on the point of (doing) something SOONto be going to do something very soon 正要做某事
 I was on the point of giving up the search when something caught my eye in the bushes.
 The country’s economy is on the point of collapse.
Examples from the Corpus
13 up to a point PARTLYpartly, but not completely 在某种程度上
 I agree with you up to a point.
 That is true, but only up to a point.
Examples from the Corpus
14 to the point dealing only with the important subject or idea, and not including any unnecessary discussions 简明恰当的;简洁中肯的
 Her comments were brief and to the point.
Examples from the Corpus
15 make a point of doing something DELIBERATELYto do something deliberately, even when it involves making a special effort 〔即使费力也〕特意做某事
 He made a point of spending Saturdays with his children.
 I always make a point of being early.
Examples from the Corpus
16 when/if it comes to the point British EnglishBrE used to talk about what happens when someone is in a difficult situation and has to make a difficult decision 必须作决定时
 I’m sure that if it came to the point, he would do what is expected of him.
17 in point of fact formal used when saying that something is true, although it may seem unlikely 实际上;其实
 We were assured that the prisoners were being well treated, when in point of fact they were living in terrible conditions.
Examples from the Corpus
18 not to put too fine a point on it especially British EnglishBrEHONEST used when you are saying something in a very direct way 直言不讳地说,实话实说,说句老实话
 She’s lying, not to put too fine a point on it.
19. numbers 数字 [countableC]HMN a sign (.) used to separate a whole number from any decimals that follow it 小数点
20 measure on a scale 刻度单位 [countableC]MEASURE a mark or measure on a scale 点;度
 The stock market has fallen by over 200 points in the last week.
21 small spot 小点 [countableC]SMALL a very small spot of light or colour 〔极小的〕光点,色点
 The stars shone like points of light in the sky.
22 direction 方向 [countableC]DIRECTION one of the marks on a compass that shows direction 罗盘(方位)点
 Soldiers were advancing on us from all points of the compass.
23 piece of land 一块土地 [countableC]SG a long thin piece of land that stretches out into the sea 尖岬,岬角
 We sailed round the point into a small, sheltered bay.
24 electricity [countableC] British EnglishBrETEE a piece of plastic with holes in it which is attached to a wall and to which electrical equipment can be connected 插座
 a telephone point
 an electrical point
25 RAILWAYS 铁路points [plural] British EnglishBrETTT a piece of railway track that can be moved to allow a train to cross over from one track to another 〔铁路上的〕道岔,转辙器
 The train rattled over the points.
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 1: a single fact, idea, or opinion that is part of an argument or discussion 观点;论点
a good point 很好的观点
I think that’s a very good point.
an interesting point 有趣的观点
He has made an interesting point.
an important point 重要的观点
That’s an important point to bear in mind.
a serious point 严肃的观点
He’s making a joke but there is a serious point there as well.
a valid point 合理的观点
She raised a number of valid points.
a general point 概括性观点
I’d like to make one further general point.
a similar point 相似的观点
nKevin Phillips made a similar point in his 1993 book, ‘Boiling Point’.
the main point 主要观点
nFinally, I will summarise the main points of this chapter.
one final/last point 最终观点
nThere is one final point I would like to make.
make a point 提出观点
He makes the point that predicting behaviour is not easy.
put/get your point across (=make people understand it) 使别人明白你的观点
I think we got our point across.
raise a point (=mention it) 提出观点
I was going to raise that point.
illustrate/demonstrate a point 说明观点
A simple example will illustrate the point.
prove your/a point (=prove that what you say is right) 证明观点
He was determined to prove his point.
understand a point 明白某一观点
I’m sorry, I don’t understand your point.
see/take/get somebody’s point (=understand or agree with it) 明白[同意]某人的观点
OK, I take your point. But it’s not that easy.
have a point (=have made a good point) 某观点有道理
Maybe she has a point.
labour the point British EnglishBrE, belabor the point American English (=keep saying something) 一再重复某一观点
nI don’t wish to labour the point, but why didn’t you just tell me?
nclarify a point (=make it clearer)
Could you clarify a couple of points for me?
point taken (=used to say to someone that you accept what they say) 同意你的观点
All right, point taken – I should have asked you first.
the finer points of something (=the small details) 某事物的细节
nI’m afraid I don’t understand the finer points of the game.
the point is (that) ...
The point is that going by bus would be a lot cheaper.
that’s the (whole) point
That’s the point. She didn’t tell us what was going on.
that's not the point
We'd earn a lot of money, but that's not the point.
be beside the point (=be not the most important thing to consider)
He's the best person for the job so his age is beside the point.
more to the point (=what is more important)
When did she leave, and, more to the point, why?
get/come (straight) to the point (=talk about the most important thing immediately) 我就直奔主题了。
nI haven't got much time so let's get straight to the point.
nget the point (=understand it)
He didn’t get the point at first.
nmiss the point (=not understand it)
I don't know why but Mel always seems to miss the point.
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 5: an exact moment, time, or stage in the development of something 时候,时刻;〔发展的〕阶段;程度;地步
reach a point
Some couples reach a point where divorce is the only solution.
get to a point
You get to the point where ordinary things like climbing stairs are difficult.
mark a high/low/turning etc point (=be or happen at a particular time in the development of something)
The day of the accident marked a turning point in Kenny’s life.
a high point
Winning the World Championship was the high point of my career.
a low point
She helped me when I was at a low point in my life.
a starting point
The following recipes are a good starting point for making your own bread.
a turning point (=the time when an important change starts, especially an improvement)
A turning point in the history of the republic came in 1358.
crisis point (=the point at which a situation becomes extremely serious)
The tensions within the country have reached crisis point.
breaking point (=a time when someone or something can no longer deal with something)
Our resources are stretched to breaking point.
bursting point (=a time when something is completely full)
The hospital was full to bursting point.
saturation point (=a time when no more can be added to something)
Is the market for computer games reaching saturation point?
at one point (=at a time in the past)
At one point I was thinking of studying physics.
at some point
Over half the population suffers from back pain at some point in their lives.
at this/that point
I’m not prepared at this point to make any decision.
at this/that point in time formal (=used especially in official speeches, announcements etc)
It would be wrong to comment at this point in time.
to the point of something (=until a stage is reached or is near)
British industry was driven to the point of collapse.
there comes a point when/where ...
There comes a point where you have to accept defeat.
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 6: a particular quality or feature that something or someone has 特点,特质,特征
ngood points
Every system has its good points and its drawbacks.
nbad points
What would you say are Natalie’s bad points?
nsomebody’s strong point (=something that they are good at)
Mathematics was never my strong point.
nsomebody’s weak point (=something that they are not good at)
Be honest about assessing your weak points.
na plus point British EnglishBrE (=an advantage or good feature)
The airline’s outstanding safety record is a major plus point.
na positive point
Underfloor heating has a lot of positive points.
na negative point
A few negative points should be mentioned.
na selling point (=a quality or feature that makes people want to buy something)
The house's main selling point is its beautiful garden.
the finer points of something (=small details about the qualities or features of something) 某事物的细节
nI'm afraid I'm not interested in the finer points of cars.
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 7: one of the marks or numbers that shows your score in a game or sport 〔比赛或运动中的〕分数,得分
score a point (=especially in games such as football, baseball, cricket etc)
The Kiwis scored 206 points in their three matches.
win a point (=especially in games such as tennis, where the ball goes back and forth between competitors)
I didn't win a single point in my first few games.
get a point informal (=score a point)
Our aim is to get as many points as possible.
lose a point
If he’s got the answer wrong, he loses 250 points.
give/award somebody a point
I was awarded 17 points out of 20.
win/lose by 5/10 etc points
We only lost by two points.
win/lose on points (=win or lose a fight because of the judges’ decision)
He was knocked down twice, before losing on points.
be level on points British EnglishBrE:
The teams finished level on points.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Buildings, Construction
ldoce_737_zpoint2 ●●● S2 W2 verb  
1 show STH with your finger 用手指指某物 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]POINT AT to show something to someone by holding up one of your fingers or a thin object towards it 〔用手指或细的物体〕指,指向
 ‘Look!’ she said and pointed.
point at
 I could see him pointing at me and telling the other guests what I had said.
point to/towards
 She was pointing to a small boat that was approaching the shore.
point with
 The driver pointed with his whip.
 She pointed in the direction of the car park.
 He stood up and pointed his finger at me.
see thesaurus at lead
2 aim STH 瞄准某物 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]POINT AT to hold something so that it is aimed towards a person or thing 用〔某物〕对准〔某人或某物〕,使指向
point something at somebody/something
 He stood up and pointed his gun at the prisoner.
 She produced a camera and pointed it at me.
3 face in one direction 面对一个方向 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]SHOOT to face or be aimed in a particular direction 面向,对着
 The arrow always points north.
 There were flashlights all around us, pointing in all directions.
point at
 There were TV cameras pointing at us.
point to/towards
 The hands of the clock pointed to a quarter past one.
 We found footprints pointing towards the back door.
4 show SB where to go 为某人指示方向 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]POINT AT to show someone which direction they should go in 为〔某人〕指方向[指路]
 She pointed me towards an armchair.
 Could you point me in the direction of the bathroom, please?
5 suggest what SB should do 建议某人做何事 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to suggest what someone should do 建议,为指路
 My teachers were all pointing me towards university.
 A financial adviser should be able to point you in the right direction.
6 suggest that STH is true 暗示某事为真 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to suggest that something is true 暗示,表明
 Everything seemed to point in one direction.
point to/towards
 All the evidence pointed towards Blake as the murderer.
 Everything points to her having died from a drugs overdose.
7. walls/buildings 墙壁/建筑物 [transitiveT] British EnglishBrETBB to put new cement between the bricks of a wall 〔用水泥〕抹〔砖缝〕,勾〔缝〕
8. point your toes APDto stretch the ends of your feet downwards 绷直脚尖
Examples from the Corpus
9 point the/a finger at somebody BLAMEto blame someone or say that they have done something wrong 指责某人,责怪某人
 I knew that they would point the finger at me.
 I don’t want to point a finger of blame at anyone.
Examples from the Corpus
10 point the way 
a) DIRECTIONto show the direction that something is in 指明〔某物所在的〕方向
point the way to/towards
 An old-fashioned signpost pointed the way to the restaurant.
b) SHOW/LET somebody SEE somethingto show how something could change or develop successfully 指出〔变化或发展的〕方向
point the way forward/forwards
 This report points the way forward for the water industry.
point the way to/towards
 a government paper which points the way towards reform
Examples from the Corpus
11point something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v 
a) EXPLAINto tell someone something that they did not already know or had not thought about 指出,指明
 He was always very keen to point out my mistakes.
 The murder was obviously well planned, as the inspector had pointed out.
point out that
 Some economists have pointed out that low inflation is not necessarily a good thing.
point something out to somebody
 Thank you for pointing this out to me.
b) POINT ATto show something to someone by pointing at it 指出〔某物给某人看〕
 Luke pointed out two large birds by the water’s edge.
point somebody/something out to somebody
 I’ll point him out to you if we see him.
Examples from the Corpus
12point to something phrasal verbphr v MENTIONto mention something because you think it is important 提到〔认为重要的事〕
 Many politicians have pointed to the need for a written constitution.
13point something ↔ up phrasal verbphr v formal EMPHASIZEto make something seem more important or more noticeable 强调,突出;清楚地表明
 These cases point up the complete incompetence of some government departments.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
pointpoint1 /pɔɪnt/ noun [countableC]
1a single idea, opinion, or fact, especially one that is part of a plan, argument, or discussion
That’s a very interesting point.
I agree with your point about the importance of safety.
He made the point that economic growth would create the wealth necessary to protect the environment.
2a level on a scale
Gas prices have reached their highest point so far this year.
The president’s approval rating has hit its lowest point.
price point
3the point the main idea in something that is said or done which gives meaning to all of it
The point is that staff are not allowed to smoke in the building.
Have I completely missed the point (=failed to understand the main meaning of something)?
4one of a series of parts into which a meeting, plan etc is divided
What’s the first point on the agenda?
The corporation announced a five-point plan for overhauling its businesses.
action point
5FINANCE a unit of measure used in INDEXES (=series of figures giving the general level of financial markets, economic activity etc)
The Financial Times 30 Share Index closed up 11 points at 1659.5.
basis point percentage point
6a place or position
Your luggage will be searched at thepoint of departure.
Visas cannot be issued at the entry points along the border.
assembly point
7an exact moment, time, or stage in the development or progress of something
It is too early to tell whether last month’s increase marks a turning point (=a time when a situation changes) for the company.
The economy seems to be moving to the point of no return (=the point where it becomes so bad it cannot recover).
break-even point inflection point reorder point trigger point
8a unit used to measure how good someone or something is or how suitable they are for something
The details you give are assessed according to a points system.
9a particular quality or feature that something or someone has
Finance has never been his strong point.
Every system has its good points and its drawbacks.
selling point unique selling point
10spoken a sign (.) used to separate a whole number from any DECIMALs that follow it
see also bullet point
pointpoint2 verb
1point the finger (at somebody) to blame someone for something
To minimise his sentence, he pointed the finger at people he had dealt with.
2point the way to show how something could change or develop successfully
The article summarises the current law and points the way forward.
point something ↔ out
point to something
point to/towards something
point something ↔ up
Origin point1
(1200-1300) Partly from Old French point small hole or spot, point in time or space, from Latin punctum, from pungere ( → PUNGENT); partly from Old French pointe sharp end, from Vulgar Latin puncta, from Latin pungere

point2 verb




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