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词汇 way


Word family noun way subway waybillwayboardwaybreadwayfarerwayfaringwaylayerwayleavewaymarkway of lifewaypostwaysideway stationwaywiseradjective midway waylesswaygonewaywornadverb midway way verbwayfarewaylay
Related topics: Roads
way1 /weɪ/ ●●● S1 W1 noun   whey, weigh
1 method 方法 [countableC]WAY/METHOD a method that you use to do or achieve something 〔做或做成某事的〕方法
 There are several different ways we can tackle this problem.
way of doing something
 Evening classes are one way of meeting new people.
 There’s no way of knowing if the treatment will work.
way to do something
 What’s the best way to learn a language?
in the same way/in various ways
 Make the drink with boiling water in the same way as tea.
 Animals communicate in various ways.
(in) the right/wrong way
 I think you’re going about this the wrong way.
ways and means (=methods of doing something, especially ones that are secret or not yet decided) 〔尤指秘密或还未确定的〕办法,手段,方式
 There are ways and means of raising the money that we need.
way out/out of/around
 One way around the problem (=method of dealing with it) is recycling.
 There seems to be no way out of the current economic crisis.
way into television/publishing/finance etc (=a method of getting involved in a particular activity or type of work) 进入电视界/出版界/金融界等的途径
 companies eager for a way into business in Europe
see thesaurus at method
2 manner 方式 [countableC]WAY/MANNER the manner or style in which someone does something or in which something happens 〔某人做某事或某事发生的〕方式
 Look at the way he’s dressed!
in a ... way
 ‘Hello, ’ he said in a friendly way.
 Maria got up and took a shower in a leisurely way.
(in) this/that way
 I find it easier to work in this way (=like this).
 Sorry, I didn’t know you felt that way (=had that feeling or opinion).
 The drugs didn’t seem to affect Anna in the same way.
that’s no way to do something (=used to tell someone that they should not be doing something in a particular manner) 不能用这种方式做某事
 That’s no way to speak to your father!
in more ways than one (=in a number of ways) 在多方面
 The changes will benefit the company in more ways than one.
in somebody’s (own) way (=in a personal way that other people may not recognize) 以某人(自己)的方式
 I’m sure he does love you, in his own way.
3 direction/how to go somewhere 方向/如何去某处 [countableC]TTRWAY/ROUTE
a) a road, path, direction etc that you take in order to get to a particular place 〔去某处的〕路,道路
the way to/from/out etc
 Which is the quickest way to the sea from here?
 There are several ways through the woods.
ask/tell/show somebody the way
 Could you tell me the way to the station?
 Does anyone know the way from here?
 I was afraid of losing my way in the dark.
 Can you find your way back to the car park?
the way out (=the door, path etc which you can use to leave a building or area) 出口,出去的路
 Which is the way out?
the way in (=the door, path etc which you can use to enter a building or area) 入口,进去的路
 She looked all around, but she couldn’t seem to find the way in.
on somebody’s way (=in the same direction as someone is going) 和某人同路,顺路
 Want a lift? It’s on my way.
out of somebody’s way (=not in the same direction as someone is going) 和某人不同路,不顺路
 I live miles out of your way.
b) a particular direction from where you are now 〔特定的〕方向
 Which way is north?
 Walk this way.
 A big Mercedes was coming the other way (=from the opposite direction).
 He left the house, looking carefully both ways.
4 part of STH that is true 某事正确的部分 [countableC] used to say that there is a fact or a feature of something that makes a statement or description true 方面〔用于指出从某方面来看某种陈述或描述是正确的〕
in a/one way
 In one way you’re right, I suppose.
in some/many ways
 Working at home makes sense, in many ways.
 Ben is a perfectly normal child in every way.
 He never got mad at me. He was great in that way.
in no way (=used to emphasize that something is not true) 绝不,无论如何不
 This should in no way be seen as a defeat.
5 distance/time 距离/时间 [singular]DISTANCE a distance or a length of time, especially a long one 〔尤指较长的〕距离;时间段
 I was still a long way from home.
some way/quite a way (=quite a long distance) 相当远的距离
 She had to park some way from the restaurant.
a long way off/away/ahead etc (=far away in distance or in time) 还有很远[很久]
 A peace settlement now seems a long way off.
 I don’t want to go all that way and not see him.
all the way down/across/through etc (something) (=the full distance or length of something) 全程;一直
 Did you really swim all the way across?
 I was awake all through the night.
a (long) ways American EnglishAmE
 That’s quite a ways from here, isn’t it?
6 the space in front of you 前面的空间 [countableC usually singular] if someone or something is in the way, they are blocking the space in front of you, and you cannot move forward 〔前面的〕道路
be in the way/be in somebody’s way (=be blocking a road, someone’s path etc so that they cannot move forward easily) 挡路/挡着某人的路
 There was a big truck in the way.
 Sorry, am I in your way?
 A policeman yelled at the crowds to get out of the way.
 The way ahead was blocked.
7 make way (for something/somebody) 
a) SPACE/ROOMto move to the side so that there is space for someone or something to pass (给某物/某人)让路
 The crowd stepped aside to make way for the procession.
b) SPACE/ROOMto make it possible for something newer or better to be built, organized etc 让位给〔更新或更好的事物〕
 Several houses were demolished to make way for a new road.
Examples from the Corpus
8 out of the way 
a) (also out of somebody’s way) if someone or something is out of the way, they are somewhere where they are not likely to cause a problem, need attention, be annoying etc 不碍事
move/put/push etc something out of the way
 Why don’t you tie your hair back, out of the way?
 If Uncle Tom had been drinking, I kept out of his way.
 When Mac was safely out of the way, Peter came round.
b) if a particular matter, job etc is out of the way, it has been done or dealt with 结束了,处理完了
 I’d rather get the interview out of the way in the morning.
 As soon as the contract’s out of the way, we can start.
c) a place that is out of the way is far from any towns 远离城镇的,偏远的
Examples from the Corpus
9 on the/your/its way 
a) arriving or happening soon 即将到达[发生]
 There’s a letter on its way to you.
 More changes are on the way.
b) travelling towards a particular place 在〔前往某地的〕路上
 She should be on the way here by now.
on the/your/its way to
 The ships were already on their way to the gulf
c) while going from one place to another 的路上
on the/your/its way to/out/home etc
 I ran out of gas on my way to the airport.
 Guess who I bumped into on the way home.
d) (also along the way) while moving from one situation or part of your life to another 一路过来〔指经历不同境况或人生阶段〕
 Don’s had to change jobs several times along the way.
e) if someone has a baby on the way, they are pregnant 〔婴儿〕即将出生
Examples from the Corpus
10 be/get under way 
a) to have started to happen or be done 已经开始
 Plans are well under way for a new shopping centre.
 The tournament got under way on Friday.
b) to have started to move or travel somewhere 开始上路,出发
 Our train was already under way.
Examples from the Corpus
11 make your way 
a) GOto go towards something, especially when this is difficult or takes a long time 行进〔尤指路途艰难或需要很长时间〕
make your way to/through/towards etc
 The team slowly made their way back to base.
make your own way (home/to something etc) (=go somewhere without the help or company of other people) 自己去(家里/某处等)
 Don’t worry. I can make my own way to the beach.
b) SUCCESSFULto gradually become successful in a particular job, activity, profession etc 〔在工作、活动、职业等中〕逐步取得成功
 young people who are making their way in industry
Examples from the Corpus
12 push/grope/inch etc your way somewhere to get somewhere by using force or moving carefully 硬挤向/摸索着走向/小心翼翼地挪向某处
 She elbowed her way to the front of the queue.
 He drank some water, then groped his way back to the bedroom.
13 give way 
a) to be replaced by something else 取代
give way to
 Stone has given way to glass and concrete.
 My anger gave way to depression.
b) to agree to do what someone else wants, instead of what you want, especially after a lot of discussion or argument 〔尤指经过反复讨论或争论〕让步,退让
 Despite growing pressure, the Minister of State refused to give way.
give way to
 Maria seemed to despise him for giving way to her.
c) to break because of too much weight or pressure 坍塌,垮掉
 The floor’s rotten and likely to give way.
d) British EnglishBrE to stop or slow down when you are driving, in order to allow other vehicles to go first 〔驾驶时〕让行 SYN American English yield
 In Britain, give way to cars coming from the right.
Examples from the Corpus
14 clear/pave/open/prepare etc the way (for something) to make it possible for something to happen or develop later (为某事物)扫清道路/铺平道路/开辟道路/创造条件等
 a study that paved the way for further research
 The Queen’s death opened the way for him to return.
Examples from the Corpus
15 a/the way forward an action, plan etc that seems a good idea because it is likely to lead to success 有望带来成功的事物
 A way forward lies in developing more economic links.
a/the way forward for
 This treatment may be the way forward for many inherited disorders.
Examples from the Corpus
16 state/condition 状况 [singular] a particular state or condition 〔特定的〕状况
 My family was in a bad way financially.
 The chicken’s nice and crispy – just the way I like it.
 It’s worth thinking how you can improve the way things are.
somebody was born/made that way (=used to say that someone’s character is not likely to change) 某人生来如此
 He’ll always be mean – he was born that way.
17 fact/event 事实/事件 [singular] used to refer to something that happens 发生的事
 I hate the way you always give in to him.
18 behaviour 行为 [countableC] someone’s typical style of behaving, especially when it seems different or unusual 〔某人典型的〕行为方式〔尤指看起来不同或不寻常〕
be (just) somebody’s way
 Don’t worry if she’s quiet – that’s just her way.
 Esther quickly changed the subject, as was her way.
strange/funny/odd etc ways
 We all have our funny little ways.
change/mend your ways (=stop behaving badly) 改过自新
see the error of your ways at error(6), → be set in your ways at set3(6)
19 development/progress 发展/进步 [singular] used in expressions about developing and improving 进步;变化
 The team has a long way to go (=needs to develop or improve a lot) before it can match that performance.
 Microwave ovens have come a long way (=have developed or improved a lot) since they first appeared in our kitchens.
 Jen is now well on the way to recovery (=she has improved and will be well soon).
20 go some way towards doing something also go a long way towards doing somethingHELP to help a little or a lot to make something happen 对于做某事有点帮助[很有帮助]
 ideas that go some way towards reducing environmental problems
Examples from the Corpus
21 choices/possibilities 选择/可能性 [countableC] used when talking about two choices someone could make, or two possibilities that could happen 〔两种之中的一种〕选择;可能性
 I’m not sure which way he’ll decide.
 The election could go either way (=both results are equally possible).
 Make your mind up one way or the other.
either way (=used to say that something will be the same, whichever of two things happens) 不管怎样
 Either way, it’s going to be expensive.
22 within two feet/ten years etc either way no more than two feet etc more or less than a particular amount 〔误差〕上下不超过两英尺/十年等
 Your answer must be within a centimetre either way.
23 (in) one way or another/one way or the other WAY/METHODused to say that someone does or will do something somehow, although you are not sure how 不管怎样
 One way or the other he always seems to win.
 We’ll find the money, one way or another.
Examples from the Corpus
24 way around/round/up ORDER/SEQUENCEPLACEa particular order or position that something should be in 〔某物应该属于某个〕次序[位置]
 Which way around does this skirt go?
the other way around/round/up (=in the opposite order or position) 相反;颠倒
 The picture should be the other way up.
 Art reflects life, or is it the other way around (=is it ‘life reflects art’)?
the right/wrong way around/round/up 相反;颠倒
 Are the batteries in the wrong way round?
Examples from the Corpus
25 by way of something 
a) INSTEADBE (also in the way of something) as a form or means of something 当成,用作,作为
 I’d like to say something by way of introduction.
little in the way of something (also not much/enough in the way of something) (=not much of something) 某物不多
 The town has little in the way of leisure facilities.
b) WAY/ROUTEif you travel by way of a place, you go through it 经由,经过〔某地〕 SYN via
 We went by way of London.
Examples from the Corpus
26 get in the way of something PREVENTto prevent someone from doing something, or prevent something from happening 阻止某事发生
 Your social life must not get in the way of your studies.
Examples from the Corpus
27 go out of your way to do something TRY TO DO OR GET somethingto do something with more effort than is usual or expected 特别努力地做某事
 She went out of her way to make me feel welcome.
Examples from the Corpus
28 get/have your (own) way WANTto do what you want to, even though someone else wants something different 随心所欲,为所欲为
 Don’t let the children always get their own way.
Examples from the Corpus
29 go your own way CHOOSEto do what you want, make your own decisions etc 按自己的意愿行事
 At 18, most young people are ready to go their own way.
Examples from the Corpus
30 go somebody’s way 
a) if an event goes your way, it happens in the way you want 〔某事〕按某人意愿发展
 The government are hopeful that the vote will go their way.
everything/nothing goes somebody’s way (=used to talk about events in general) 事事/没有一件事遂某人心愿
b) literary to continue a journey, or to leave and do what you want to do next 继续〔旅程〕;离开〔去做要做的事〕
 She said goodbye and went her way.
c) to travel in the same direction as someone 和某人同路
 I can take you – I’m going your way.
31 come somebody’s way if something comes your way, you get or experience it, especially by chance 意外地落在某人头上
 Luck had come her way at the very last moment.
Examples from the Corpus
32 in a big/small way used to talk about the degree to which something happens, or how important it is /小规模地
 The business was a success, in a small way.
Examples from the Corpus
33 by a long way by a large amount 大大地,远远地
 He was the best in the group by a long way.
Examples from the Corpus
34 talk/buy etc your way into/past etc something/somebody to get where you want or achieve something you want by saying or doing something 通过说[]〔某事〕达到目的
 Caroline managed to talk her way past the guard.
Examples from the Corpus
35 work/munch/smoke etc your way through something to deal with, eat, smoke etc a large amount of things 大量地工作//吸烟等
 He worked his way through the pile of documents.
 She had munched her way through a packet of biscuits.
Examples from the Corpus
36 be on the/your way out to be becoming less popular, important, powerful etc 变得不再受欢迎[不再重要,不再有权势等]
 Is the royal family on the way out?
Examples from the Corpus
37 across/over the way on the opposite side of the street 在街道对面
 They live across the way from us at number 23.
Examples from the Corpus
38 have a way of doing something USUALLYused to say that something often or usually happens 经常[总是]以某种形式发生
 Cheer up – these problems have a way of working out.
Examples from the Corpus
39 get into the way of doing something British EnglishBrE to start to do something regularly 开始习惯于做某事
 He’d got into the way of smoking first thing in the morning.
Examples from the Corpus
40 not in any way, shape, or formshape, or form not in any way used to emphasize that something is not true 不以任何形式〔强调某事不是真的〕
 I am not responsible for his actions in any way, shape, or form.
Examples from the Corpus
41 split something two/three etc ways  (also divide something two/three etc ways)SEPARATE to divide something into two, three etc equal parts 将某物平均分成两份/三份等
 We’ll split the cost between us five ways.
42 have a way with somebody/something CANto be especially good at dealing with people or things of a particular type 对付某人/做某事很有一套
 David seems to have a way with children.
 She’s always had a way with words (=been good at using words effectively).
Examples from the Corpus
43 the way of the world how things always happen or are done, especially when this is not easy to change 大多数人的行为方式;世道;事情发生的规律
 In those days these policies favoured men. That was the way of the world.
Examples from the Corpus
44 every which way informal
a) EVERYWHEREin all directions 四面八方
 Bullets were flying every which way.
b) British EnglishBrEALL/EVERYTHING every possible method 各种可能的办法
 I tried every which way to avoid it.
Examples from the Corpus
n45. Way
46 by the way AND/ALSOused when saying something that is not related to the main subject you were talking about before 附带[顺便]说〔用于转入与之前主题无关的事〕
 By the way, have you seen my keys anywhere?
Examples from the Corpus
47 no way! 
a) NOREFUSEused to say that you will definitely not do or allow something 不!不行!〔表示断然拒绝做某事〕
 ‘Can I borrow your car?’ ‘No way!’
 There’s no way I’ll ever get married again.
No way José! (=used to emphasize that you will not do something) 绝对不做!〔用于强调〕
b) especially American EnglishAmESURPRISED used to say that you do not believe something or are very surprised by it 不会吧!不可能!〔表示不相信或惊讶〕
 She’s 45? No way!
Examples from the Corpus
48 the way I see it  (also to my way of thinking)THINK/HAVE THE OPINION THAT used before telling someone your opinion 依我看,在我看来
 The way I see it, it was a fair trade.
Examples from the Corpus
49 that’s the way used to tell someone that they are doing something correctly or well, especially when you are showing them how 就是这样;就这么做〔尤用于告诉某人其做法正确〕
 Now bring your foot gently off the clutch – that’s the way.
Examples from the Corpus
50 that’s (just) the way something/somebody is/that’s (just) the way something goes used to say that a particular situation or person cannot be changed 某事物/某人就是那样〔指无法改变〕
 Don’t try to fight it. That’s just the way it is.
 Sometimes Tim needs to be alone. That’s the way he is.
Examples from the Corpus
51 be with somebody all the way AGREEto agree with someone completely 完全同意某人(的意见)
 I’m with you all the way on this salary issue, Joe.
Examples from the Corpus
52 if I had my way used when telling someone what you think it would be best to do 要我说〔用于告诉某人什么办法最好〕
 If I had my way, we’d leave this place tomorrow.
Examples from the Corpus
53. have it your (own) way used to tell someone in an annoyed way that you will agree to what they want 你想怎样就怎样吧
Examples from the Corpus
54. (there are) no two ways about it CERTAINLY/DEFINITELYused to say that something is definitely true, especially something unpleasant 〔尤指不愉快的事〕千真万确,绝对错不了
Examples from the Corpus
55 you can’t have it both ways CHOOSEused to say that you cannot have the advantages from both of two different possible decisions or actions 〔两种决定或行动的好处〕不能兼得
 It’s a choice between the time and the money – you can’t have it both ways!
Examples from the Corpus
56. way to go! American EnglishAmEPRAISE used to tell someone that they have done something very well or achieved something special 干得好!
Examples from the Corpus
57 (that’s/it’s) always the way! British EnglishBrECONVENIENT used to say that things always happen in the way that is least convenient 总是这样!〔用于表示事情总是以让人感到最不方便的方式发生〕
 The train was late – always the way when you’re in a hurry!
58. down your/London etc way NEARin your area, the area of London etc 在你住的地区/在伦敦(附近)
59. go all the way (with somebody) to have sex with someone (与某人)性交
Examples from the Corpus
halfway, one-way, right of way, two-way, → that’s the way the cookie crumbles at cookie(3), → cut both ways at cut1(36), → in the family way at family(7), → go the way of all flesh at flesh1(9), → go your separate ways at separate1(4), → know your way around (something) at know1(10), → be laughing all the way to the bank at laugh1(8), → lead the way at lead1(7), → look the other way at look1(9), → out of harm’s way at harm1(6), → parting of the ways at parting1(3), → pay your way at pay1(13), → to put it another way at put(4), → rub somebody up the wrong way at rub1(7), → see which way the wind is blowing at wind1(6), → see your way (clear) to doing something at see1(38), → any way you slice it at slice2, → stand in somebody’s way at stand1(30), → where there’s a will there’s a way at will2(5), → work your way to/through etc something at work1(12)
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 1: a method that you use to do or achieve something
the right way
That’s not the right way to deal with the problem.
the wrong way
There is a right way and a wrong way to do it.
a good way
Parent and toddler groups are a good way to meet other mums.
the best way
Doing the job is often regarded as the best way of learning the job.
a different way
There are many different ways of borrowing money.
a sure way
Improving your diet is the surest way to lower your risk of heart disease.
a quick way
Wouldn’t just asking him be the quickest way to find out?
an easy way
Here’s an easy way to cut up a mango.
have a way
Do you have any way of finding out if that is true?
find a way
We must find a way to help them.
think of/devise a way
I have to think of a way to make some money.
ways and means
We are discussing ways and means of bringing jobs to our area.
a way of doing something 做某事的方法
way something you can do in order to achieve what you want or deal with a problem 〔达到目的或处理问题的〕方法,方式
Visiting a country is a great way to learn a language.
a good way to lose weight
method a way of doing something, especially one that a lot of people know about and use 〔尤指许多人知道并使用的〕方法,办法
They still use traditional methods of farming.
modern teaching methods
nDifferent research methods are used to gather data.
approach a general way of dealing with a particular problem or situation, especially a way that has been carefully thought about 〔尤指经过仔细考虑的〕方法,途径
We need a whole new approach to environmental issues.
There will be considerable advantages to adopting this approach.
technique a way of doing something for which you need a skill that must be learned and practised 〔需通过学习和实践才能获取的〕技巧,手法
I went to a class to learn relaxation techniques.
new surgical techniques
techniques for improving staff performance
strategy a carefully planned way to achieve something difficult or complicated that may take a long time 〔长期的〕行动计划;计谋,策略
They met to discuss the company’s business strategy.
the government’s long-term strategy for reducing crime
how to go to a place
way the road, path, direction etc that you must take in order to get to a place 〔去某处的〕路,道路
nAre you sure this is the right way to the sea?
nWill you come with me? I don’t know the way.
nroute a way from one place to another that people use regularly or that is shown on a map
There are two routes we could take but this is the quickest one.
the overland trade route between Europe and China
ndirections instructions on how to get to a place
Let’s stop and ask someone for directions.
If you follow these directions you’ll have no problem finding the house.
nshort cut a way of getting somewhere that is shorter than the usual way
Let’s take a short cut across the field.
Taxi-drivers know all the short cuts.
nhow to get to ... especially spoken used especially when you ask someone to tell you which is the right way
Can you tell me how to get to Grand Central Station?
It was getting dark and I wasn’t sure how to get home.
the quickest way
She knew the quickest way to the hospital.
the right way
Are you sure this is the right way?
the wrong way
He had ended up going the wrong way down a one-way street.
ask somebody the way
He asked me the way to the police station.
tell somebody the way
Can you tell me the way to the nearest post office, please?
show somebody the way
If you can show me the way, I’ll take you by car.
know the way
Do you know the way to Birkleigh?
lose your way
He lost his way in the fog.
find your way
I managed to find my way home.
Examples from the Corpus
TTRused in the names of roads 道,路〔用于道路名称〕
 Church Way
way2 ●●○ S3 adverbadv  
1 FARvery far 很远
way ahead/behind/out etc
 The other cyclists were way behind.
 She lives way out of town.
2 LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTby a large amount 大大地
way above/below/past etc
 Her IQ is way above average.
way out
 Your guess was way out (=completely incorrect), he’s actually thirty-eight.
way back
 We first met way back (=a long time ago) in the seventies.
way heavier/smarter/bigger etc (=much heavier etc) 重得多/聪明得多/大得多等
 The tickets were way more expensive than I thought.
3 American EnglishAmE informalVERY very 非常,很
 I think she’s way cool, man.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin way1
Old English weg

Wayway2 adverbadv




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