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词汇 proud


Word family adjectiveproudfulproudishproudadverbproudlynounproudness
proud /praʊd/ ●●● S2 W3 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp prouder, superlativesupl proudest)  
1 pleased 高兴的PROUD feeling pleased about something that you have done or something that you own, or about someone or something you are involved with or related to 自豪的,得意的,引以为荣的 pride OPP ashamed
proud of
 Her parents are very proud of her.
 You should be proud of yourself.
 His past record is certainly something to be proud of.
be justly/rightly proud of something (=have good reasons for being proud) 有理由为某事物感到骄傲
 The company is justly proud of its achievements.
proud to do/be something
 Seven-year-old Ian is proud to have earned his red belt in karate.
proud (that)
 She was proud that the magazine had agreed to publish one of her stories.
 Seth was the proud owner of a new sports car.
nGRAMMAR: Prepositions with proud
You are proud of someone or something:
He’s proud of his son.
Don’t say: He’s proud for his son.
2 proudest moment/achievement/possession the moment etc that makes you feel most proud 最值得骄傲的时刻/成就/财产
 His proudest moment was winning the European Cup final.
Examples from the Corpus
3 too high opinion 自视过高的PROUD thinking that you are more important, skilful etc than you really are – used to show disapproval 骄傲的,傲慢的,自负的〔含贬义〕 pride
 a proud man who would not admit his mistakes
4 great self-respect 极高的自尊PROUD having respect for yourself, so that you are embarrassed to ask for help when you are in a difficult situation 自尊心强的;高傲的 pride
 Some farmers were too proud to ask for government help.
5 do somebody proud 
a) informal to make people feel proud of you by doing something well 让某人为你感到骄傲
 I tried to do my country proud.
b) old-fashioned to treat someone well by providing them with good food or entertainment 盛情款待某人
Examples from the Corpus
6. impressive 给人印象深刻的 literaryIMPRESS tall and impressive 宏伟的,壮观的
proudly adverbadv
very/really proud
Your family must be very proud of you.
justifiably/justly/rightly proud (=with good reason)
He is justifiably proud of what he and his father achieved.
fiercely proud
They are fiercely proud of their native land.
immensely/intensely/inordinately proud (=extremely proud)
He said he was immensely proud to have been elected prime minister.
She was intensely proud of being Japanese.
the proud owner (of something) (also the proud possessor of something formal)
She is now the proud owner of a four-bedroomed house.
a proud mother/father/parent
Mark is the proud father of a three-week-old baby boy.
proud very pleased with what you, your family, or your country have achieved, or of something you own 自豪的,骄傲的
I felt so proud when my son graduated from college.
Judith’s very proud of her new Ferrari.
pleased with yourself feeling pleased because something good has happened, especially because you think you have been very clever, skilful etc 得意扬扬的
He was smoking a big cigar and was obviously pleased with himself.
I’d made a big profit and was feeling pretty pleased with myself.
arrogant disapproving behaving in an unpleasant and annoying way, because you think you are better or know more than other people, and that your opinions are always right 傲慢的,目中无人的
He was arrogant and regarded people who disagreed with him as fools.
his arrogant attitude to women
vain disapproving too proud of your appearance, in a way that annoys other people 自负的
He’s so vain – he thinks all the girls fancy him.
conceited/big-headed disapproving proud of yourself because you think you are very intelligent, skilful, beautiful etc, especially without good reason and in a way that annoys people 自负的,自高自大的
Stewart’s the most arrogant conceited person I’ve ever known.
She was offered a brilliant job and became incredibly big-headed overnight.
pompous disapproving thinking that you are much more important than you really are, and using very long and formal words to try to sound important 自大的,浮夸的
The clerk was a pompous little man with glasses.
a pompous speech
smug disapproving pleased with yourself in a quiet but annoying way because you think you are in a better position than other people 自以为是的,沾沾自喜的
Milly was looking very smug about coming top of the class.
a smug expression
self-satisfied disapproving pleased with what you have achieved and showing it clearly in an annoying way 自满的,自鸣得意的
She glared angrily into his self-satisfied face.
a self-satisfied grin
Examples from the Corpus
Origin proud
(1100-1200) Old French prod, prud, prou good, brave, from Late Latin prode advantage, advantageous, from Latin prodesse to be advantageous




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