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词汇 bitter


Word family nounbittbitter
Related topics: Tastes, Nature
bit·ter1 /ˈbɪtə $ -ər/ ●●○ S3 W3 adjectiveadj  
1 ANGRY/UPSETANGRYfeeling angry, jealous, and upset because you think you have been treated unfairly 愤愤不平的,充满怨恨的 bitterly
bitter about
 I feel very bitter about it.
 a bitter old man
2 CAUSING UNHAPPINESS[only before noun]UNPLEASANT making you feel very unhappy and upset 带来痛苦的,令人难过的 bitterly
a bitter disappointment/blow
 If he failed, it would be a bitter disappointment to his parents.
 His photo stirred up bitter memories.
from bitter experience (=because of your own very unpleasant experiences) 因为痛苦的经历
 She knew from bitter experience that it would be impossible to talk it over with Julian.
3 FULL OF HATREDHATEa bitter argument, battle etc is one in which people oppose or criticize each other with strong feelings of hate and anger 〔争论、战斗等〕激烈的,充满敌意的,怨愤的
bitter dispute/battle/struggle etc
 The couple are locked in a bitter battle for custody of the children.
 The government faces bitter opposition to these policies.
 The countries are still bitter enemies.
4 TASTECThaving a strong sharp taste, like black coffee without sugar 苦的,有苦味的 sour, sweet
 Enjoy the beer’s bitter taste as you slowly drink it.
 bitter chocolate
see thesaurus at taste
5 COLDDNCOLDunpleasantly cold 刺骨的,寒冷的 bitterly
 a bitter wind
 the bitter cold of the Midwestern winters
6 to the bitter end FINISH/COME TO AN ENDcontinuing until the end, even though this is difficult 坚持到底;拼到底
 Employees have vowed to fight the closure to the bitter end.
Examples from the Corpus
7 a bitter pill (to swallow) UNPLEASANTsomething very unpleasant that you must accept 必须吞下去的苦药丸,不得不接受的现实
 The knowledge that his friends no longer trusted him was a bitter pill to swallow.
Examples from the Corpus
bitterness noun [uncountableU]
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 3: a bitter argument, battle etc is one in which people oppose or criticize each other with strong feelings of hate and anger
a bitter battle/dispute
There was a bitter battle over the building of the new airport.
a bitter fight/struggle
The law was passed after a bitter fight that lasted nearly a decade.
a bitter conflict
The stage is set for a bitter conflict with trade unions.
a bitter debate/argument
The country now faces a bitter debate over the issue.
bitter disagreement
There were reports of bitter disagreement between the European Communities.
bitter opposition
The new tax aroused bitter opposition.
a bitter rival/enemy (=a rival/enemy who you have strong feelings of dislike or anger about)
The two men are bitter rivals for the party leadership.
bitter having a strong sharp taste that is not sweet, like black coffee without sugar – used especially about chocolate, medicine etc
The dessert is made with a slightly bitter chocolate.
Hops give beer its distinctive bitter taste.
The medicine tasted bitter.
As the lettuce gets older, the leaves become more bitter.
sharp having a taste that makes your tongue sting slightly
Rhubarb has quite a sharp taste.
The cheese has a pleasing colour and a pleasantly sharp flavour.
sour having a usually unpleasant sharp acid taste, like the taste of a lemon, or a fruit that is not ready to be eaten – used especially about fruit, or about liquids that have gone bad
Some people say that the purpose of the lemon’s sour taste is to stop the fruit being eaten by animals.
Rachel sampled the wine. It was sour.
acidic very sour – used especially about liquids or things made with fruits such as oranges, lemons, or grapes
Some fruit juices taste a bit acidic.
tangy having a taste that is pleasantly strong or sharp, and that often tastes a little sweet as well
The ribs are cooked in a tangy barbecue sauce.
tart having a taste that lacks sweetness – used especially about fruit such as apples, which you need to add sugar to
The pudding had rather a tart flavour.
The trees were covered with tart wild plums.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Drink
bitter2 noun  
1 [countableC, uncountableU] British EnglishBrEDFD a type of dark beer that is popular in Britain, or a glass of this (一杯)苦啤酒
 A pint of bitter, please.
see thesaurus at taste
2. bitters [uncountableU]DFD a strong bitter liquid made from plants that is added to alcoholic drinks 〔掺入酒精饮料的〕苦味汁
Origin bitter
Old English biter




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