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词汇 latch


Word family nounlatchkeylatch
Related topics: Daily life
latch1 /lætʃ/ noun [countableC]  
1 DSHUT/CLOSEa small metal or plastic object used to keep a door, gate, or window closed 〔门或窗的〕闩,插销
 Gwen lifted the latch and opened the gate.
4  See picture of 见图 LOCK 25 see picture at 见图 lock2
2 especially British EnglishBrEDSHUT/CLOSE a type of lock for a door that you can open from the inside by turning a handle, but that you need a key to open from the outside 碰锁,碰簧锁
on the latch (=shut but not locked) 合上〔关闭但没有锁上〕
 Ray went out, leaving the door on the latch.
Examples from the Corpus
latch2 verb [transitiveT]  
1.SHUT/CLOSEto fasten a door, gate, or window with a latch 用碰()锁锁上;用插销插上
2latch on phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE informal to understand 理解
 He’s so thick it took him ages to latch on.
3latch onto somebody/something (also latch on to somebody/something) phrasal verbphr v informal 
a) INTERESTEDto become very interested in something 对某人/某事深感兴趣
 Don’t just latch on to the latest management fads.
b) ATTENTIONto follow someone and keep trying to talk to them, get their attention etc, especially when they would prefer to be left alone 缠住某人不放
 He latched onto Sandy at the party and wouldn’t go away.
c) to hold tightly to something with your hand, mouth etc 紧抓;紧咬
 a baby latching on to its mother’s breast
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin latch2
Old English læccan




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