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词汇 shit


Word family adjectiveshitlessshittyshitfacedshit-hotshit-scarednounshittinessshitfaceshitheadshitholeshithouseshitloadshit-stirrershit
shit1 /ʃɪt/ interjection not polite  
used to express anger, annoyance, fear, or disappointment 呸,放屁,妈的〔表示气愤、害怕或失望〕 SYN damn
Shit! I’ve left my purse at home.
shit2 noun spoken not polite  
1 body waste 身体排泄物
a) [uncountableU]HBH solid waste that comes out of your body from your bowels 屎,粪,大便
a car covered in bird shit
b) [singular] an act of getting rid of solid waste from your bowels 拉屎,排便
take a shit 拉屎 (also have a shit British English)
2 STH bad 劣质品 [uncountableU]UNPLEASANT something that you think is bad or of very bad quality, or a bad situation 无用之物,劣质品;糟糕的情况
I’m not eating that shit!
piece/pile/load etc of shit 一件/一堆等没用的东西
3 stupid/untrue talk 蠢话/假话 [uncountableU]UNTRUE something that someone says that you think is stupid or untrue 胡说八道,屁话 SYN nonsense
You expect me to believe that shit?
You’re full of shit (=the things you say are stupid or untrue).
4 not give a shit (what/whether/about etc) spoken not polite DON'T CAREto not care at all about something or someone 毫不在乎,毫不关心 SYN not give a damn
I don’t give a shit what you think!
Examples from the Corpus
5. have/get the shits spoken not polite MIILLto have or get diarrhoea (=an illness in which solid waste comes out of your body in a much more liquid form than usual) 腹泻,拉肚子
6. take/put up with shit (from somebody) spoken not polite to allow someone to behave badly or treat you badly 允许(某人的)胡作非为,忍受(某人的)恶劣对待
7. person [countableC]UNPLEASANT an insulting word for someone who is very unpleasant and treats other people badly. Do not use this word. 讨厌的人,卑鄙的人
8. feel/look like shit spoken not polite ILLto feel or look very ill, or to not look as neat and clean as you should 感到/看上去很不舒服;显得邋遢
Examples from the Corpus
9. treat somebody like shit spoken not polite to treat someone very badly 恶劣地对待某人
Examples from the Corpus
10 SB’s possessions 某人的所有物 [uncountableU] American EnglishAmE someone’s possessions, especially the things they have with them 〔某人〕所有的随身物品
Get your shit together, then come on over.
11. shit happens spoken not polite used to say that sometimes bad things happen, and people cannot always prevent them from happening 糟糕的事难免会发生
Examples from the Corpus
12 ... and shit spoken not polite used to say that there are more details that you could mention, but it should be clear to someone else what you mean 之类的东西
You said you had maps and shit.
13 no shit spoken not polite American EnglishAmE
a) used to express surprise or to check whether what someone has just said is true 不会吧,真的吗〔表示惊讶或质疑〕
‘I can get you one for $50.’ ‘No shit?’
“50 美元我就可以给你弄到一个。”“真的吗?
b) used to emphasize that what you are saying is true, or to agree that what someone else says is true 真的,没错〔强调所说属实或同意某人说法〕
They had like, no shit, 40 different kinds of beer.
他们有,40 种啤酒,这千真万确。
Examples from the Corpus
14. in deep shit spoken not polite  (also in the shit British English)PROBLEM in a lot of trouble 遇到大麻烦,陷入困境 SYN in big trouble
Examples from the Corpus
15. beat/kick etc the shit out of somebody spoken not polite HITto beat, kick etc someone so violently that they are badly injured 把某人打得/踢得屁滚尿流
Examples from the Corpus
16. give somebody shit spoken not polite CRITICIZEto insult someone or criticize them 侮辱某人;批评某人
Examples from the Corpus
17. the shit hits the fan spoken not polite PROBLEMused to say that there will be a lot of trouble when someone finds out about something 〔事情暴露时〕大麻烦到来,灾难临头
Examples from the Corpus
be hot shit at hot1(4), → tough shit! at tough1(8)
Examples from the Corpus
shit3 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp shit or shat /ʃæt/, present participle shitting) spoken not polite  
1. shit yourself spoken not polite British EnglishBrE, shit (in) your pants American EnglishAmEFRIGHTENED to feel very worried or frightened 吓得尿裤子;非常担[害怕]
Examples from the Corpus
2. [intransitiveI]HBH to pass solid waste out of your body from your bowels 拉屎,排便
3 [transitiveT] American EnglishAmELIE/TELL A LIE to tell someone something that is untrue 糊弄,胡说
Are you shitting me?
4 [intransitiveI] to treat someone very badly 恶劣对待
shit on
This will teach you not to shit on me.
Examples from the Corpus
shit4 adjectiveadj British EnglishBrE spoken not polite  
BAD ATvery bad 极坏的,极差的
a really shit job
shit at
I’m shit at tennis.
up shit creek at creek(3)
Origin shit2
Old English scite

shit3 verbshit4 adjectiveadj




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