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词汇 screw


Word family adjectivescrewablescrewedscrewynounscrewerscrewinessscrewingscrewballscrewballerscrewdriverscrewtopscrew
Related topics: Household, Occupations
ldoce_293_cscrew1 /skruː/ ●●● S3 noun [countableC]  
1 screw.jpg DHTBCa thin pointed piece of metal that you push and turn in order to fasten pieces of metal or wood together 螺丝,螺(丝)钉 nail
 Fix the frame in position and tighten the screws.
5  See picture of nail 钉子, screw 螺丝, bolt 螺栓 ...
2 informal not polite
a) SYSEX/HAVE SEX WITHan offensive word meaning an act of having sex 性交
b) a good screw a very offensive word for someone who is good at having sex 性交好手,好的性交对象
3. have a screw loose informalCRAZY to be slightly crazy 有点疯疯癫癫,头脑有些不正常
Examples from the Corpus
4 put/tighten the screws on somebody informalTHREATEN to force someone to do something by threatening them 威逼某人做某事
 The government has started to tighten the screws on illegal share dealers.
5. British EnglishBrE informalBONAME OF A PERSON a prison officer – used especially by prisoners 监狱看守人,狱警〔尤为囚犯用语〕
Examples from the Corpus
screw2 ●●○ verb  
1 attach 固定 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]TBCFASTEN/DO UP to attach one thing to another using a screw 用螺丝固定 nail
screw something into/onto/to something
 The chairs were screwed to the floor.
 The wooden frame should be screwed onto the wall.
2 close by turning 拧紧 [intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]FASTEN/DO UP to fasten or close something by turning it, or to be fastened in this way 拧紧,旋紧 OPP unscrew
screw (something) on/onto something
 The lens screws onto the front of the camera.
 She carefully screwed the cap back onto the toothpaste.
3 paper/cloth/ [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] (also screw up)SQUASH to twist paper or cloth into a small round shape 揉成一团
 She screwed the letter up and threw it in the bin.
screw something (up) into something
 I screwed my handkerchief into a ball.
4. sex [intransitiveI, transitiveT] informal not politeSYSEX/HAVE SEX WITH an offensive word meaning to have sex with someone (和某人) 性交
5. screw you/him etc spoken not politeANGRY an offensive expression used to show that you are very angry with someone 去你妈的/滚他妈的
Examples from the Corpus
6 cheat 欺骗 [transitiveT] not politeTRICK/DECEIVE to cheat someone in order to get money from them 欺骗〔某人〕
screw somebody for something
They screwed us for $60 in the end.
他们最后骗走了我们 60 美元。
7screw around phrasal verbphr v 
a) informal to do silly things that may cause trouble 胡搅,捣蛋 SYN mess around
 The kids were screwing around down by the bus station.
b) SYSEX/HAVE SEX WITH informal not polite an offensive expression meaning to have sex with a lot of different people 乱交,乱搞
8screw up phrasal verbphr v 
a) informalDO BADLY to make a bad mistake or do something very stupid 犯大错;做蠢事 SYN mess up
 You’d better not screw up this time.
b) screw something ↔ up informalSPOIL to spoil something by doing something stupid 把某事搞糟[弄糟] SYN mess something up
 She realized that she had screwed up her life.
c) screw up your eyes/faceHBH to move the muscles in your face in a way that makes your eyes seem narrow 瞇起眼睛/扭曲面部
 He screwed up his eyes against the bright light.
 Her face was screwed up with pain.
d) screw somebody ↔ up informalSAD/UNHAPPYCONFUSED to make someone feel very unhappy, confused, or upset so that they have emotional problems for a long time 〔长时间地〕使某人很不愉快,使某人非常烦恼 SYN mess somebody up
 It really screwed her up when her mother died.
screwed up
e) screw up the/enough courage to do something (also screw up your courage to do something)BRAVE to be brave enough to do something you are very nervous about 鼓起/鼓足勇气做某事
 I finally screwed up enough courage to talk to her.
Examples from the Corpus
have your head screwed on (straight) at head1
Examples from the Corpus
Origin screw1
(1400-1500) Old French escroe inner screw, nut, from Latin scrofa female pig




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