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词汇 schedule


Word family noun schedule scheduleradjective scheduled rescheduled schedularscheduledverb schedule reschedule
Related topics: Transport
sched·ule1 /ˈʃedjuːl, ˈske- $ ˈskedʒʊl, -dʒəl/ ●●● S2 W3 AWL noun [countableC]  
1 PLANa plan of what someone is going to do and when they are going to do it 计划表,进度表,日程表
on schedule (=at the planned time) 按预定时间
 The majority of holiday flights depart and arrive on schedule.
ahead of/behind schedule (=before or after the planned time) 先于/迟于预定时间
 Meg’s new book is still well ahead of schedule.
 How can he fit everything into his busy schedule?
 I’m going to be working to a very tight schedule (=including a lot of things that must be done in a short time).
2. American EnglishAmETT a list that shows the times that buses, trains etc leave or arrive at a particular place 〔公共汽车、火车等的〕时间表,时刻表 SYN British English timetable
3 LISTa formal list of something, for example prices 一览表,清单,明细表
 a schedule of postal charges
schedule a detailed plan of what someone is going to do and when they will do it, especially someone important
He has a very busy schedule.
The president’s schedule includes a two-day visit to St Petersburg.
timetable British EnglishBrE, schedule American English a written list that shows the exact times when something will happen, for example when planes or buses leave, or when classes at school take place
The timetable said there was another train at 6.15.
According to the class schedule, English 104 is at 10 am in Royce Hall.
programme British EnglishBrE, program American English a plan that shows the order of activities at a ceremony, sports meeting, public event etc
Who is organizing the conference programme?
the next event on the program
agenda a list of the subjects that will be discussed at a meeting
Attached is the agenda for the budget committee meeting.
the final item on the agenda
timeline a plan for when things will happen or how long you think something will take – used especially in business English
The timeline for the project is less than six months from start to finish.
What is the usual timeline from the sale of a house to the day you can move in?
itinerary a plan or list of the places you will visit on a journey, usually with the date or time that you will be there
The Travel Pack includes a detailed itinerary, maps, and a travel guide.
Let me know your itinerary when you know it.
Examples from the Corpus
schedule2 ●●● S3 AWL verb [transitiveT]  
TIME THAT IS PLANNEDto plan that something will happen at a particular time 排定,把安排在,预定
be scheduled for June/Monday etc
 The elections are scheduled for mid-June.
be scheduled for release/publication/completion etc
 Her first album is scheduled for release in September.
be scheduled to do something
 Meetings are scheduled to take place all over the country.
scheduled flight/service (=a plane service that flies at the same time every day or every week) 定期航班/服务
 Prices include scheduled flights from Heathrow.
 We will not cancel your holiday less than eight weeks before the scheduled departure date.
Schedule is usually passive.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
schedulesched·ule1 /ˈʃedjuːlˈskedʒʊl, -dʒəl/ noun [countableC]
1a plan of what someone is going to do and when they are going to do it
I’ve got a very full schedule (=I will be very busy because a lot of meetings and other activities have been arranged) today.
Our production schedule is tight and we may need extra staff.
We are running several weeks behind schedule.
The company is on schedule to bring out its new product in March.
aging schedule
2American EnglishAmE the list of television or radio programmes that are broadcast
The dramatic news disrupted all the TV schedules.
His show was a big success for the channel’s daytime schedule.
3a formal list of something, for example prices
a schedule of postal charges
4LAW a list added to a law, contract, or other formal document, giving details of things affected by the main document
The Supplier will supply to the Company the products set out in Schedule 1 to this Agreement.
5INSURANCE a list sent with an insurance policy document which gives details of the things that the policy covers
See the attached schedule of insurance.
6 (also tax schedule)TAX one of the different classes that incomes are put into under tax law. For example, in Britain there are six schedules from A to F, and income from employment falls into Schedule E
This amount will be taxed as income under Schedule F.
7American EnglishAmETAX a tax form for one of the different classes of income
scheduleschedule2 verb [transitiveT]
to plan that something will happen at a particular time
schedule something for
I’ve scheduled a meeting for this afternoon.
be scheduled to do something
The new airport is scheduled to open just before Christmas.
There are daily scheduled flights (=that fly at the same time every day) to Geneva, Zurich, or Basle.
Origin schedule1
(1300-1400) Old French cedule piece of paper, note, from Late Latin schedula, from Latin scheda sheet of papyrus




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