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词汇 pitch


Word family nounpitcherpitchingpitched battlepitchforkpitchmanpitchpipepitchinesspitchpinepitchstoneadjectivepitchypitch-blackpitch-darkverbpitch
Related topics: Sport, Music, Trade, Baseball, Industry, Air, Leisure, Textures, sounds
pitch1 /pɪtʃ/ ●●○ S3 W3 noun  
1 sports field 运动场地 [countableC] British EnglishBrEDSDS a marked out area of ground on which a sport is played 场地 SYN field
football/cricket/rugby etc pitch
 the world-famous Wembley football pitch
 He ran the length of the pitch and scored.
on the pitch (=playing a sport) 参加比赛
 Jack was on the pitch for his school in the Senior Cup Final.
2 strong feelings/activity 强烈的感情/活动 [singular, uncountableU]EMOTIONAL a strong level of feeling about something or a high level of an activity or a quality 〔感情或活动的〕激烈,强烈
 The controversy reached such a pitch (=become so strong) that the paper devoted a whole page to it.
a pitch of excitement/excellence/perfection etc (=a high level of excitement etc) 非常激动/极为优秀/十全十美等
 He screamed at her in a pitch of fury.
 The goal roused the crowd to fever pitch (=a very excited level).
3 music 音乐
a) APM[singular, uncountableU] how high or low a note or other sound is 音高
 Ultrasonic waves are at a higher pitch than the human ear can hear.
b) APM[uncountableU] the ability of a musician to play or sing a note at exactly the correct level 音准
 She’s got perfect pitch.
4 persuading 说服 [countableC] informalBBT the things someone says to persuade people to buy something, do something, or accept an idea 叫卖语,广告语;宣传
 an aggressive salesman with a fast-talking sales pitch
make a/somebody’s pitch (for something) (=try to persuade people to do something) (推销宣传 某事物)
 He made his strongest pitch yet for standardized testing in schools.
5 baseball 棒球 [countableC]DSB a throw of the ball, or a way in which it can be thrown 投球
 His first pitch was high and wide.
5 see picture at 见图 baseball
6 black substance 黑色物质 [uncountableU]TI a black sticky substance that is used on roofs, the bottoms of ships etc to stop water coming through 沥青
 The night was as black as pitch (=very dark).
pitch-black, pitch-dark
7 ship/aircraft/ 飞机 [uncountableU]TTATTS an up and down movement of a ship or an aircraft 〔船或飞机的〕颠簸 roll
 the pitch and roll of the ship
8 slope 斜坡 [singular, uncountableU]HORIZONTAL the degree to which a roof slopes or the sloping part of a roof 〔屋顶的〕斜度,坡度;屋顶的倾斜处
 the steep pitch of the roof
9 street/market 街道/市场 [countableC] British EnglishBrEDL a place in a public area where someone goes to sell things or where an entertainer goes to perform 〔街道小商贩的〕摆摊处;〔街头艺人的〕表演场地
 We found the boy at his usual pitch at the bottom of the Acropolis.
queer somebody’s pitch/queer the pitch for somebody at queer3
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Baseball, Cricket, Golf, Air, Water, Textures, sounds, Music
pitch2 ●○○ verb  
1 throw,, [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]THROW to throw something with a lot of force, often aiming carefully 〔通常仔细瞄准后〕用力投[扔,抛,掷]
 She crumpled up the page and pitched it into the fire.
see thesaurus at throw
2 pitch.jpg ball games 球类运动
a) [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DSB to aim and throw a ball in baseball 〔棒球中〕投(球)
pitch to
 Stanton pitched to two batters in the ninth inning.
b) [intransitiveI]DSCDSG if a ball pitches in cricket or golf, it hits the ground 〔板球或高尔夫球〕落地,击地
c) [transitiveT]DSG to hit the ball in a high curve in golf 〔高尔夫球中〕把〔球〕击成高球
d) [transitiveT]DSC to make the ball hit the ground when you are bowling in cricket 〔板球中投球手〕使球击地[触地]
4  See picture of 见图 pitch5 see picture at 见图 baseball
3 fall 跌倒 [intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]FALL to fall or be moved suddenly in a particular direction, or to make someone or something do this (使)跌倒;(使)猛然移动
pitch (somebody/something) forward/backward/over etc
 She slipped and pitched forward onto the ground.
pitch somebody/something into/onto/through etc something
 Without a seat belt, you can easily be pitched right through the windscreen.
4. ship/plane/ 飞机 [intransitiveI]TTATTW if a ship or an aircraft pitches, it moves up and down in an uncontrolled way with the movement of the water or air 〔船或飞机〕颠簸 roll2(4), → yaw
5 set a level 确定水平 [transitiveT]
a) CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDto set a speech, examination, explanation etc at a particular level of difficulty 把〔演说、考试、解释等〕定于〔某一特定难度〕
npitch something at a high level/the right level etc
n You have to pitch your writing at the right level.
5 The projects were pitched at a number of different levels.
 Some questions were pitched too high for intermediate students.
b) COST British EnglishBrE to set prices at a particular level 把〔价格〕定在〔某个水平〕
be pitched at something
 Room rates are pitched at £69 for a single.
Pitch is often passive in this meaning.
6 aim product 确定产品目标 [transitiveT] to aim a product at a particular type of organization, group of people etc, or to describe it in a particular way, in order to sell it 使〔产品〕针对,面向
be pitched at somebody/something
 The new machine will be pitched at users in the hotel and air reservation business.
be pitched as something
 It is pitched as a cheaper alternative to other workstations.
Pitch is usually passive in this meaning.
7 business deals 交易 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] informalSELL to try to persuade someone to do business with you, buy something etc 竭力推销
pitch for business/contracts/custom etc
 Booksellers are keen to pitch for school business.
pitch to
 For many companies, pitching to investors has become almost a full-time job.
 sales reps pitching new gadgets
8 voice/music 声音/音乐 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]CSAPM if you pitch your voice or another sound at a particular level, the sound is produced at that level 的音高
pitch something high/low etc
 Her voice is pitched a little too high.
high-pitched, low-pitched
9 pitch a tent/pitch camp DLOto set up a tent or a camp for a short time 〔临时〕搭帐篷/扎营
 Try and pitch your tent on level ground.
10 slope 斜坡 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]HORIZONTAL to slope down 向下倾斜
pitch gently/steeply etc
 The roof pitches sharply to the rear of the house.
11 pitch somebody a line American EnglishAmE informalTELL/ORDER somebody TO DO something to tell someone a story or give them an excuse that is difficult to believe 给某人编造荒诞无稽的故事[令人难以相信的借口]
 She pitched me some line about a bomb scare on the metro.
Examples from the Corpus
12pitch in phrasal verbphr v informal 
a) START DOING somethingto join others and help with an activity 投入;参与;支援
 If we all pitch in, we’ll have it finished in no time.
 Everyone pitched in with efforts to entertain the children.
b) to join others and pay part of the money towards something 凑钱,出份子
 They all pitched in and the money was collected within a few days.
c) EAT British EnglishBrE to start to eat hungrily 开始狼吞虎咽,开始大吃特吃
 Pitch in – there’s plenty.
Examples from the Corpus
13pitch into somebody/something phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE informal 
a) ATTACKto suddenly start criticizing someone or hitting them 〔突然〕批评,攻击
 She pitched into me as soon as I started to speak.
b) to start doing something, especially quickly and eagerly 〔尤指迅速而急切地〕开始干
 Rick pitched into decorating the house at once.
Examples from the Corpus
14pitch up phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE spoken ARRIVEto arrive somewhere 到达 SYN turn up
 Wait a bit longer – Bill hasn’t pitched up yet.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
pitchpitch1 /pɪtʃ/ noun [countableC]
1 (also sales pitch) informalMARKETING what a sales person says about a product to persuade people to buy it
2MARKETING an attempt by an ADVERTISING AGENCY to persuade a company to use its services to advertise a product
Each agency made its pitch.
3British EnglishBrECOMMERCE a place in a public area where a street trader goes to sell things
pitchpitch2 verb
1[transitiveT]FINANCE to set prices at a particular level
Prices for the new trucks are pitched very competitively.
2[intransitiveI, transitiveT] informalMARKETING to try to make a business agreement, or to sell something in a particular way
sales reps pitching the latest gadgets
The resort is being pitched as a conference venue.
pitch for
The luxury clothing retailer has invited a number of agencies to pitch for its estimated £1.5 million international business.
Origin pitch1
1. (1400-1500) → PITCH2
2. Old English pic, from Latin pix
(1100-1200) Origin unknown




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