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词汇 opening


Word family noun the open opener opening openness open dayopen-heart surgeryopen houseopening timeopen letteropen marketopen marriageopen primaryopen prisonopen sandwichopen seasonopen sesameopen systemopen verdictopenworkadjective open opening unopened openableopen-airopen-eyedopen-handedopen-heartedopen-mindedopen-mouthedopen-planverb open adverb openly
o·pen·ing1 /ˈəʊpənɪŋ $ ˈoʊ-/ ●●○ S3 noun  
1 [countableC]START DOING something the time when a new building, road etc is used for the first time, or when a public event begins, especially when it involves a special ceremony 〔新建筑、道路等的〕落成,启用,开通;〔公众活动的〕开幕式
opening of
 the official opening of the new theatre
 the opening of the Cannes film festival
2 [countableC]HOLE a hole or space in something 洞,缺口
opening in
 a narrow opening in the fence
see thesaurus at hole
3 [countableC usually singular]BEGINNING the beginning or first part of something 开始,开端
opening of
 at the opening of the trial
4 [countableC]JOB/WORK a job that is available 职位空缺
 There are very few openings in scientific research.
see thesaurus at job
5 [countableC]CHANCE/OPPORTUNITY a chance for someone to do or say something 〔某人说话或做事的〕良机,机会
opening for
 His question left an opening for me to say exactly what I thought.
6 [uncountableU]FREE TO DO WHAT YOU WANT when something opens, or is opened 开,打开
opening of
 I was startled by the sudden opening of the door.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Arts
opening2 ●○○ adjectiveadj [only before noun]  
ABEGINNINGfirst or beginning 首先的;开始的
 the opening match of the season
 the opening chapter of the book
 the chairman’s opening remarks
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
openingo·pen·ing /ˈəʊpənɪŋˈoʊ-/ noun
1[countableC, uncountableU]FINANCE the beginning of a trading day on a financial market
After a weak opening (=one with falling prices), Stockholm equities recovered to close mostly higher.
Oil and gasoline prices ended higher in moderate trading after a strong opening (=one with rising prices).
2[countableC]COMMERCE the time when a new business opens
A number of celebrities attended the opening of his new restaurant.
3[uncountableU]COMMERCE (also opening up) when a country allows types of imports or foreign investment that it did not allow before, or when it allows more of these
opening of
last year’s opening of the capital market to foreigners
a gradual opening up of the EU market to Japanese car makers
4[countableC] a job or position that is available
With markets declining, banks have fewer openings for merger specialists.




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