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词汇 back seat

back seat

Related topics: Motor vehicles
ˌback ˈseat noun  
1. [countableC]TTC a seat at the back of a car, behind where the driver sits 汽车后座
2 back seat driver informal
a) TTCa passenger in the back of a car who gives unwanted advice to the driver about how to drive 后座驾驶员〔指坐在后座对司机指手画脚、瞎指挥的乘客〕
b) CONTROLsomeone in business or politics who tries to control things that they are not really responsible for 〔商业或政治上〕干涉与自己职责无关的事情的人,多管闲事的人
3 take a back seat to accept a less important position than someone or something else 退居次要地位,退居二线
 Finally, Bryant decided to take a back seat and let his son run the company.
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