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词汇 harmony


Word family adjectiveharmonicharmonicalharmoniousharmonisticnounharmonicaharmonichordharmoniconharmonicsharmoniousnessharmoniphoneharmonistharmoniumharmoniumistharmonizationharmonizerharmonogramharmonographharmonometerharmonyadverbharmonicallyharmoniouslyverbharmonize
Related topics: Music
har·mo·ny /ˈhɑːməni $ ˈhɑːr-/ ●○○ noun (plural harmonies)  
1 [countableC usually plural, uncountableU]APM notes of music combined together in a pleasant way 〔音乐中的〕和声
in harmony
 a choir singing in perfect harmony
 the gorgeous vocal harmonies on ‘Mexicali Rose’
 three-part harmonies
see thesaurus at music
2 AGREE[uncountableU] when people live or work together without fighting or disagreeing with each other 〔一起生活或工作时的〕融洽相处
 I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony.
peace and harmony
 an era of peace and harmony
live/work etc in harmony 融洽地生活/工作等
3 be in harmony with something formalAGREE to agree with another idea, feeling etc, or look good with other things 和某事物一致;和某事物协调
 Your suggestions are not in harmony with the aims of this project.
Examples from the Corpus
4 [uncountableU]NICE the pleasant effect made by different things that form an attractive whole 和谐,协调
 the harmony of sea and sky
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: when people live or work together without fighting or disagreeing with each other
racial/social/political harmony
We aim to promote racial harmony through shared sporting activities.
domestic harmony (=harmony in the home)
There was a lot of tension beneath the impression of domestic harmony.
perfect harmony
As producer and director, the Coen brothers work together in perfect harmony.
relative/reasonable harmony (=quite friendly and peaceful when compared to something else)
The tribes have lived together in relative harmony for years.
inner harmony (=a feeling of being peaceful and calm)
His search for inner harmony led him to Buddhism.
live in harmony
The two friends continued to live in harmony.
work in harmony
He urged all Americans to work in harmony to solve the nation’s problems.
achieve harmony
If this really is a fair society, why is it taking so long to achieve racial harmony?
promote harmony (=do things that help friendship or peace develop or improve)
We need to develop ways of promoting harmony between nations.
create harmony
The idea is to create better harmony in the community.
restore harmony (=make friendship or peace exist again)
The couple decided to put their problems behind them in an attempt to restore harmony to the family.
peace and harmony
We must stop these disagreements in the interests of peace and harmony.
a sense of harmony (=a feeling of friendship and peace)
There was a quiet sense of harmony between them as they walked along.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin harmony
(1300-1400) French harmonie, from Latin harmonia, from Greek, joint, harmony




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