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词汇 lock


Word family adjectivelockablelockfastlocklessnounlockagelockfullockawaylockdownlockhouselockjawlockmanlocknutlockoutlockpicklocksmanlocksmithlocksteplockstitchlock
Related topics: Motor vehicles
lock1 /lɒk $ lɑːk/ ●●● S2 W3 verb   lough, loch
1 fasten STH 拴住某物 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SHUT/CLOSE to fasten something, usually with a key, so that other people cannot open it, or to be fastened like this 把()锁住;被锁住
 Did you lock the car?
 I can’t get this drawer to lock.
4  See picture of 见图 LOCK 25 see picture at 见图 fasten
2 keep in a safe place 存放在安全的地方 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]SHUT/CLOSE to put something in a place and fasten the door, lid etc with a key 把〔某物〕锁起来
lock something in something
 Lock the cat in the kitchen.
3 fixed position 固定的位置 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]TTC to become fixed in one position and impossible to move, or to make something become fixed (使)固定,卡住,塞住
 The wheels suddenly locked.
lock something around/round something
 He locked his hands around the younger man’s throat.
 A moment later they were locked in an embrace (=holding each other very tightly in a loving or friendly way).
 Their eyes locked together (=they could not look away from each other) for an instant.
4 fixed situation 固定不变的情形 [transitiveT] if you are locked in a situation, you cannot get out of it 陷入
be locked in/into something
 The two groups are locked in a vicious cycle of killing.
 The company is locked into a five-year contract.
Lock is usually passive in this meaning.
5 be locked in battle/combat/dispute etc TAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDto be involved in a long, serious argument or fight with someone 卷入斗争/战斗/争论等之中
 They are now locked in a bitter custody battle over the three children.
6 lock arms HOLDif people lock arms, they join their arms tightly with the arms of the people on each side 臂挽着臂
 The police locked arms to form a barrier against the protesters.
Examples from the Corpus
7 lock horns (with somebody) ARGUEto argue or fight with someone (与某人)争吵;打架
 The band have now locked horns with their record company over the album.
Examples from the Corpus
lockable adjectiveadj
8lock somebody/something ↔ away phrasal verbphr v 
a) SHUT/CLOSEto put something in a safe place and lock the door, lid etc 锁起来 SYN lock up
 He locked his money away in the safe.
b) KEEP somebody IN A PLACEto put someone in prison 关进监狱 SYN lock up
 I hope they lock him away for years.
c) lock yourself away to keep yourself separate from other people by staying in your room, office etc 把自己关起来〔和别人隔开〕
Examples from the Corpus
9lock in phrasal verbphr v 
a) KEEP somebody IN A PLACE lock somebody in (something) to prevent someone from leaving a room or building by locking the door 把某人锁在(某处)里面
 She locked herself in.
 They locked the director in his office.
b) lock something ↔ in to do something so that a price, offer, agreement etc cannot be changed 锁定〔价格、报价、协议等〕,使不变
 Sell your stocks now to lock in some of the gains of recent months.
c) lock something ↔ in to make the taste, liquid etc remain in something 锁住〔味道、水分等〕
 This method of cooking locks in the flavour of the meat.
Examples from the Corpus
10.lock onto something phrasal verbphr v PMWif a missile or satellite locks onto a target or signal, it finds it and follows it closely 〔导弹〕锁定〔目标〕;〔卫星〕锁定〔信号〕
Examples from the Corpus
11lock somebody ↔ out phrasal verbphr v 
a) SHUT/CLOSEto keep someone out of a place by locking the door 把〔某人〕锁[]在门外
 I locked myself out of the house!
b) STOP WORKING/GO ON STRIKEif employers lock workers out, they do not let them enter their place of work until they accept the employers’ conditions for settling a disagreement 不让〔工人〕进厂〔直到纠纷按雇主的条件解决〕
Examples from the Corpus
12lock up phrasal verbphr v 
a) SHUT/CLOSEto make a building safe by locking the doors, especially at night 〔尤指在夜间〕锁好门窗
 I’ll leave you to lock up.
lock something ↔ up
 Don’t forget to lock up the warehouse.
b) lock something ↔ upSHUT/CLOSE to put something in a safe place and lock the door, lid etc 把某物锁起来 SYN lock away
c) lock somebody ↔ up to put someone in prison 把某人关进监狱 SYN lock away
 Rapists should be locked up.
d) be locked up (in something)MONEY if your money is locked up, you have put it into a business, investment etc and cannot easily move it or use it 〔钱〕被搁死(在某事上)
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Daily life, Water, Other sports, Motor vehicles
ldoce_205_glock2 ●●● S2 noun  
1 fastening 扣拴物 [countableC]D a thing that keeps a door, drawer etc fastened and is usually opened with a key or by moving a small metal bar
 I’m sorry, there isn’t a lock on the bathroom door.
 The key turned stiffly in the lock.
 a bike lock
pick a lock at pick1(10)5  See picture of a bike lock 自行车锁, combination lock 密码锁, padlock 挂锁 ...4  See picture of 见图 lock
2 under lock and key 
a) SHUT/CLOSEkept safely in a box, cupboard etc that is locked 安全地锁着
 Dad keeps all his liquor under lock and key.
b) KEEP somebody IN A PLACEkept in a place such as a prison 被关押着
Examples from the Corpus
3 lock, stock, and barrelstock, and barrel lock ALL/EVERYTHINGincluding every part of something 全部,一切
 He moved the whole company, lock, stock, and barrel, to Mexico.
Examples from the Corpus
4 hair 头发
a) [countableC]DCB a small number of hairs on your head that grow and hang together 一绺头发
lock of
 He gently pushed a lock of hair from her eyes.
b) locks [plural] literaryDCB someone’s hair 头发
 long flowing locks
5. on a river etc 在河上等 [countableC]TTW a part of a canal or river that is closed off by gates so that the water level can be raised or lowered to move boats up or down a slope 〔运河、河流的〕水闸,船闸
6 in a fight 在搏斗中 [countableC]DSO a hold which wrestlers use to prevent their opponent from moving 〔摔跤中的〕抱,夹
 a head lock
7. vehicle 交通工具 [countableC, uncountableU] British EnglishBrETTC the degree to which a vehicle’s front wheels can be turned in order to turn the vehicle 〔汽车前轮的〕转动角度
8. rugby 橄榄球 [countableC] a playing position in the game of rugby 〔英式橄榄球的〕第二排前锋
9 a lock on something American EnglishAmE complete control of something 对某事物的完全控制
 Pro football still has a lock on male viewers aged 18 to 34.
Examples from the Corpus
air lock, combination lock
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
locklock1 /lɒklɑːk/ verb
1[transitiveT] lock horns (with somebody) if two people or organizations lock horns, they start being involved in a serious disagreement or struggle with each other
Mr. Lorenzo locked horns with union representatives in his efforts to turn around the struggling business.
2be locked in a battle/struggle/dispute etc (with somebody) if two people or organizations are locked in a battle, they are involved in a serious disagreement or struggle against each other
The two networks are locked in a close ratings battle.
The unions are locked in difficult negotiations with the company.
lock something → away
lock in
lock into something
lock out
lock something → up
locklock2 noun
1have a lock on something to have complete control of something
The firm now has an 85% lock on the market.
Between them the two airlines have a virtual lock on domestic air traffic.
2put a lock on something to limit or control something
These currency controls put a lock on Pakistan’s dealings with the larger world.
Origin lock2
1. Old English loc
2. Old English locc




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