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词汇 successor


Word family noun success succession successor succeedersuccessfulnesssuccessionistsuccessivenesssuccesslessnesssuccessorshipadjective successfulunsuccessful successive succeedingsuccessionalsuccessionlesssuccesslessverb succeed adverb successfullyunsuccessfully successantlysuccessionallysuccessivelysuccesslessly
suc·ces·sor /səkˈsesə $ -ər/ ●○○ AWL noun [countableC]  
1 REPLACEsomeone who takes a job or position previously held by someone else 继承人;继任者,接班人 predecessor
 His successor died after only 15 months in office.
 I’m sure she will be a worthy successor (=someone who is very good and deserves to be someone’s successor).
successor to
 her successor to the post
successor as
 Sloan will be Barrett’s successor as treasurer.
2 formalAFTER a machine, system etc that exists after another one in a process of development 〔机器、操作系统等的〕换代产品,接替的事物
 the transistor’s successor, the microchip
a worthy successor (=someone who is good and deserves to be someone's successor)
He is proving to be a worthy successor to his father in the business.
a possible/potential successor
He had been tipped as a possible successor to the president.
a likely successor
Who is his most likely successor as Director of the BBC World Service?
a natural successor
Murray was viewed as the natural successor to Henman as Britain's top player.
an obvious successor
He doesn't have an obvious successor as leader.
somebody's immediate successor (=the person who has their job or position next)
Valentinian's immediate successor, Petronius Maximus, was killed in 455.
choose/appoint a successor
The Board met to choose his successor.
find a successor
Non-executive director John Evans will act as chairman until a permanent successor is found.
elect a successor
Ghanaians went to the polls to elect President Rawlings's successor.
name a successor (=tell people who the successor will be)
The company is expected to name a successor for Corbett in May.
be tipped as somebody's successor (=be said to be a possible or likely successor)
When Tizard was about to retire as chairman, Cockcroft was tipped as his successor.
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