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词汇 hook


Word family adjectivehookedhookynounhookednesshookerhook-uphookwormhook
Related topics: Daily life, Other sports
hook1 /hʊk/ ●●● S3 noun [countableC]  
1 hanging things 挂东西D a curved piece of metal or plastic that you use for hanging things on 挂钩,吊钩 peg
 Tom hung his coat on the hook behind the door.
2. hook.jpg catching fish 钓鱼DSOTA a curved piece of thin metal with a sharp point for catching fish 鱼钩,钓钩4  See picture of 见图 FISHING5 see picture at 见图 fishing
3 let/get somebody off the hook FORGIVEto allow someone or help someone to get out of a difficult situation /帮某人脱离困境
 I wasn’t prepared to let her off the hook that easily.
Examples from the Corpus
4. leave/take the phone off the hook OFF/SWITCHED OFFto leave or take the telephone receiver (=the part you speak into) off the part where it is usually placed so that no one can call you 〔因不想接听电话而〕摘下电话听筒
5. be ringing off the hook American EnglishAmE if your telephone is ringing off the hook, a lot of people are calling you 〔大量电话打进来时〕铃声大作,铃声不断
Examples from the Corpus
6 interest 兴趣 something that is attractive and gets people’s interest and attention 吸引人的东西 SYN draw
 You always need a bit of a hook to get people to go to the theatre.
7 by hook or by crook DETERMINEDif you are going to do something by hook or by crook, you are determined to do it, whatever methods you have to use 千方百计地;不择手段地
 The police are going to get these guys, by hook or by crook.
Examples from the Corpus
8. hitting SB 击打某人DSO a way of hitting your opponent in boxing, in which your elbow is bent 〔拳击中的〕钩拳 punch, jab
9. hook, line, and sinkerline, and sinker hook BELIEVEif someone believes something hook, line, and sinker, they believe a lie completely 完全地,无保留地〔相信谎言〕
Examples from the Corpus
boat hook, curtain hook, → sling your hook at sling1(4)
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Other sports
hook2 ●○○ verb [transitiveT]  
1 fishDSO to catch a fish with a hook 钓〔鱼〕
 I hooked a 20-pound salmon last week.
2 fasten 固定 [always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]FASTEN/DO UP to fasten or hang something onto something else 固定在;吊,挂
hook something onto/to something
 Just hook the bucket onto the rope and lower it down.
3 bend your finger/arm etc 屈起手指/手臂等 [always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]BEND to bend your finger, arm, or leg, especially so that you can pull or hold something else 〔用手指、手臂或腿〕钩,绕
 Ruth hooked her arm through Tony’s.
 He tried to hook his leg over the branch.
4 interest/attract 引起兴趣/吸引 informalMEET to succeed in making someone interested in something or attracted to something 吸引
 cigarette ads designed to hook young people
5 electronic equipment 电器 [always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] (also hook up) to connect a piece of electronic equipment to another piece of equipment or to an electricity supply 连接〔电器〕;接通〔电器〕 hook-up
 We’ve got a CD player, but it’s not hooked up yet.
hook something together
 Computers from different manufacturers can often be hooked together.
6. ball 球类 to throw or kick a ball so that it moves in a curve []弧线球
7hook up with somebody/something phrasal verbphr v especially American EnglishAmE informal 
a) to start having a sexual relationship with someone 勾搭上,与开始性关系
b) MEETto meet someone and become friendly with them 交往 SYN meet up with
 Did you ever hook up with Maisy while you were there?
c) TOGETHERto agree to work together with another organization for a particular purpose 挂钩〔指与某个组织合作〕
b) hook somebody up with something to help someone get something that they need or want 帮助某人获得某物 SYN fix up with
 Do you think you can hook me up with some tickets for tonight?
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
hookhook1 /hʊk/ verb [transitiveT]
1American EnglishAmE informal to succeed in attracting someone
These tactics have helped hook such big clients as Coca-Cola.
2to connect one piece of electronic equipment to another piece of equipment or to an electricity supply
hook something to/into something
Hook one of the telephone lines to the fax machine.
hook into something
hook something → up
hook up to something
hook up with somebody/something
hookhook2 noun [countableC]
1MARKETING something that attracts customers
Free hotel rooms are one of the hooks designed to bring in new clients.
2off the hook if a person or business is off the hook, they are allowed to get out of a difficult situation, especially one they might have been punished for
The broker isn’t off the hook yet for the security violations.
3be on the hook (for something) American EnglishAmE to have to pay for something, especially something that is not really your responsibility
Two dozen banks are on the hook for at least $100 million each.
Origin hook1
Old English hoc




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