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词汇 accident


Word family noun accident accidentalismaccidentalityadjective accidental accidentedadverb accidentally
ac·ci·dent /ˈæksɪdənt/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  
1 by accident CHANCE/BY CHANCEin a way that is not planned or intended 偶然,意外地 OPP on purpose, deliberately
 I met her quite by accident (=completely by accident).
 The discovery was made almost by accident.
 The pilot, whether by accident or design (=whether it was planned or not planned), made the plane do a sharp turn.
Don’t say: by an accident
Examples from the Corpus
4  See picture of 见图 accident
2 ACCIDENT[countableC] an event in which a car, train, plane etc is damaged and often someone is hurt 交通事故;车祸;失事
 Over 70,000 people are seriously injured every year in road accidents.
 The accident happened at the junction of Forest Road and Pine Walk.
 a train accident
3 ACCIDENT[countableC] a situation in which someone is injured or something is damaged without anyone intending them to be 事故,意外事件
 Ken had an accident at work and had to go to hospital.
 I’m sorry about breaking the vase – it was an accident (=I did not intend to do it).
a climbing/skiing/hunting etc accident
 He died in a climbing accident in the Himalayas.
 She was injured in a freak accident (=an unusual accident) when a wall suddenly collapsed.
 I had a slight accident with your coffee.
 They lost their lives in a tragic accident.
4 CHANCE/BY CHANCE[countableC, uncountableU] something that happens without anyone planning or intending it 意外事件
 My third baby was an accident.
 It is no accident that men fill most of the top jobs in nursing, while women remain on the lower grades.
an accident of birth/geography/history etc (=an event or situation caused by chance) 出生/地理/历史等的偶然
5. accidents (will) happen spoken used to tell someone who has broken something that they should not worry that it has happened 意外事情在所难免,不小心总是有的
Examples from the Corpus
6 an accident waiting to happen used about a situation in which an accident is likely to happen because no one is trying to prevent it 肯定会出的事故
 The boats are being left to drift; it’s an accident waiting to happen.
Examples from the Corpus
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: an event in which a car, train, plane etc is damaged and often someone is hurt 交通事故;车祸;失事
a bad/serious accident 严重事故
There’s been a bad accident on the freeway.
nThe road is closed following a serious accident.
a major accident 重大事故
News is coming in of a major rail accident.
a horrible/nasty/horrific accident 可怕的/严重的/骇人听闻的事故
We narrowly avoided a nasty accident.
n‘This was an absolutely horrific accident, ’ said an ambulance spokesman.
a fatal accident (=in which someone is killed) 致命的事故
a fatal accident involving a bus and a cyclist
a minor accident (=one that is not serious) 轻微事故
nThe ice and poor visibility caused minor accidents all over the country.
a road/traffic accident 道路/交通事故
nThe number of traffic accidents has gone down.
nPortugal has one of Western Europe’s worst road accident rates.
a car accident (also an automobile accident American EnglishAmE formal) 撞车事故,车祸
nHe was badly injured in a car accident.
a plane accident/an airplane accident American EnglishAmE (also a flying accident) 坠机事故
nHolly died in a plane accident.
a rail accident/a train accident 铁路事故/火车事故
nIt was the country's worst ever rail accident.
a hit-and-run accident (=when someone is hit by a driver who does not stop) 撞车逃逸事故
nA woman is fighting for her life after a hit-and-run accident.
be involved in an accident formal: 卷入事故
Your son has been involved in a car accident.
prevent an accident 预防事故
Steps have been taken to prevent a similar accident happening again.
an accident happens (also an accident occurs formal) 事故发生
nNo one saw the accident happen.
nMost road accidents occur in urban areas.
have an accident 出事故
nYoung drivers are more likely to have accidents than older drivers.
5I had an accident on my way to work.
accident + NOUN
an accident victim 事故受害者
One of the accident victims is still trapped in his vehicle.
accident rates/statistics 事故发生率/统计数字
nThere is a relation between accident rates and the numbers of drivers on the road.
na survey of the latest airline accident statistics
an accident investigation/inquiry 事故调查
nThe two deaths are the subject of an accident inquiry.
nAccident investigations often take months.
an accident investigator 事故调查人员
nAccident investigators have been there all morning.
the scene of an accident (=the place where it happened) 事故现场
Police were at the scene of the accident within minutes.
COMMON ERRORSDon’t say ‘a small accident’. Say a minor accident.
不要说 a small accident. 而要说 a minor accident .
accident an event in which a vehicle is damaged and often someone is hurt 交通事故
Her father died in a car accident.
Hugh had an accident on his way to work.
crash a serious accident in which a vehicle hits something else 撞车事故;相撞
Rees-Jones was the only person to survive the crash.
a car/plane/train crash
nHe was killed in a plane crash.
collision an accident in which two or more cars, trains etc hit each other 相撞事故
His car was involved in a collision with a train.
| a head-on collision (=between vehicles that are driving towards each other) 〔车辆的〕迎面相撞
nThe actor was killed in a head-on collision while driving his new sports car.
disaster a serious accident involving a train, plane, or boat, in which a lot of people are killed or injured 灾难,灾祸
It was Britain’s worst air disaster.
wreck American EnglishAmE an accident in which a car or train is badly damaged 〔汽车或火车遭严重损毁的〕交通事故
Ben nearly died in a car wreck.
pileup an accident that involves several cars or trucks 多车相撞,连环撞车
The pileup happened in thick fog.
nThere was a 12-car pileup on the motorway.
nfender-bender American EnglishAmE informal, prang British EnglishBrE informal a car accident in which little damage is done
Atkinson was involved in a fender-bender in the hotel parking lot.
At 15, he borrowed his parents’ car and had a prang.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin accident
(1300-1400) French Latin accidens additional quality, chance, from accidere to happen, from ad- to + cadere to fall




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