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词汇 object


Word family nounobjectificationobjectionobjectionablenessobjectivationobjectivenessobjectivismobjectivistobjectivityobjectivizationobjectorobject codeobjectverbobjectifyobjectivateobjectivizeadjectiveobjectionableobjectivalobjectiveobjectivisticobjectlessadverbobjectionablyobjectively
Related topics: Grammar, Computers
ob·ject1 /ˈɒbdʒɪkt $ ˈɑːb-/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  
1 thing 东西 [countableC]THING a solid thing that you can hold, touch, or see but that is not alive 实物,物体
 an everyday object such as a spoon
 a small metal object
 scientists studying plants, animals, or inanimate objects (=things that are not alive)
UFOsee thesaurus at thing
2 aim 目标 [singular]PURPOSE the purpose of a plan, action, or activity 目的,目标;宗旨 goal, aim
object of
 The object of the game is to improve children’s math skills.
 My object was to explain the decision simply.
 The customer will benefit most, and that is the object of the exercise (=the purpose of what you are doing).
3 an object of pity/desire/ridicule etc GETsomeone or something that is pitied, wanted etc 怜悯/渴望/嘲弄等的对象
 She feared becoming an object of ridicule.
 sports cars and other objects of desire
 an object of study
sex object
Examples from the Corpus
4 money/expense is no object SPEND MONEYused to say that you are willing to spend a lot of money to get something /费用不成问题
 Money’s no object; I want the best.
5 object lesson TEACHan event or story that shows you the right or wrong way of doing something 可资借鉴的事例
object lesson in
 The way ants work is an object lesson in order and organization.
Examples from the Corpus
6 grammar 语法 [countableC]
a) SLGa noun or pronoun representing the person or thing that something is done to, for example ‘the house’ in ‘We built the house.’ 直接宾语〔如 We built the house 中的 the house SYN direct object
b) SLGa noun or pronoun representing the person or thing that is joined by a preposition to another word or phrase, for example ‘the table’ in ‘He sat on the table.’ 介词宾语〔如 He sat on the table 中的 the table
c) SLGthe person who is involved in the result of an action, for example ‘her’ in ‘I gave her the book.’ 间接宾语〔如 I gave her the book 中的 her SYN indirect object, → subject
7 computer 计算机 [countableC] a combination of written information on a computer and instructions that act on the information, for example in the form of a document or a picture 对象〔计算机中编写的信息和有关指令的组合体,形式为文档或图像〕
 multimedia data objects
Examples from the Corpus
ob·ject2 /əbˈdʒekt/ ●●○ W3 verb  
1 [intransitiveI]PROTESTAGAINST/OPPOSE to feel or say that you oppose or disapprove of something 反对,不赞成
 If no one objects, I would like Mrs Harrison to be present.
object to (doing) something
 Robson strongly objected to the terms of the contract.
 I objected to having to rewrite the article.
I object (=used in formal arguments, for example in a court of law) 我反对〔用于法庭等正式辩论中〕
 Mr Chairman, I object. That is an unfair allegation.
see thesaurus at complain
You object to something:
She objected to my suggestion.
Don’t say: She objected my suggestion.
2 [transitiveT]COMPLAIN to state a fact or opinion as a reason for opposing or disapproving of something 提出作为反对的理由;反对说
object that
 The group objected that the policy would prevent patients from receiving the best treatment.
 ‘My name’s not Sonny, ’ the child objected.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
objectob·ject1 /əbˈdʒekt/ verb [intransitiveI]
to complain or protest about something, or to feel that you oppose it or disapprove of it
The mayor considered contracting out garbage collection, but the unions objected.
object to
The banks objected to the proposal fiercely.
objection noun [countableC, uncountableU]
The creditors raised no objection to the deadline extension.
objector noun [countableC]
There are few objectors to the proposal amongst private investors.
objectob·ject2 /ˈɒbdʒektˈɑːb-/ noun [countableC]
1a solid thing, especially something you can hold or touch
The firms sell products ranging from art objects to vintage cars.
2the intended result of a plan, action, activity, or documentSYN AIM, OBJECTIVE
Our object is to keep costs down.
object of
The object of a contract of sale is to transfer the property from the seller to the buyer.
Applying for extra amounts in loans defeats the object (=does not have the intended result), because the students then get themselves further into debt.
3objects [plural]COMMERCE the things that a company has been formed to do and the types of goods or services that it has been formed to deal in
The objects of a business dictate what sort of organisation structure it needs.
4money/expense is no object used to say that you do not care how much money is spent on something
It would appear that money is no object for the people behind this offer.
5COMPUTING a combination of DATA (=written information) and instructions acting on the data, for example in the form of a document or a picture
multimedia data objects
Origin object1
(1300-1400) Medieval Latin objectum, from Latin obicere; → OBJECT2
(1400-1500) Latin past participle of obicere to throw in the way, prevent, object, from jacere to throw




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