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词汇 future


Word family adjectivefuturelessfuturisticfuturologicalfuture perfectfutureprooffuturenounfuturismfuturistfuturitionfuturityfuturologistfuturology
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fu·ture1 /ˈfjuːtʃə $ -ər/ ●●● S1 W1 adjectiveadj [only before noun]  
1 FUTURElikely to happen or exist at a time after the present 将来的,未来的
 We are now more able to predict future patterns of climate change.
 We’ve been able to save this land from development and preserve it for future generations.
 the debate over the future development of the European Union
future wife/husband/son-in-law etc (=someone who will be your wife, husband, son-in-law etc) 未来的妻子/丈夫/女婿等
2 technicalSLG the form of a verb used for talking about things that are going to happen 〔语法中的〕将来式[]
 the future tense
3. for future reference something kept for future reference is kept in order to be used or looked at in the future 供日后参考
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
future2 ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 the future FUTURE
a) the time after the present 将来,未来
 What are your plans for the future?
 It may be useful at some time in the future.
b) technicalSLG the form of a verb that shows that something will happen or exist at a later time. In the sentence, ‘I will leave tomorrow, ’ the verb is in the future. 〔语法中的〕将来式[]
Examples from the Corpus
2 [countableC]FUTURE what someone or something will do or what will happen to them in the future 前途;前景
 The islands should have the right to decide their own future.
future of
 Ferguson is optimistic about the future of the business.
 a leader who will shape the organization’s future
3 in future British EnglishBrE from now 今后
 In future, staff must wear identity badges at all times.
Examples from the Corpus
4 have a/no future to have a chance or no chance of being successful or continuing /没有前途,有/没有未来
 Does this school have a future?
Examples from the Corpus
5 there’s a/no future in something used to say that something is likely or not likely to be successful 某事有/没有前途
 He felt there was no future in farming.
Examples from the Corpus
6. futures [plural] technicalBBT goods, money, land etc that will be supplied or exchanged in the future at a time and price that has already been agreed 期货
COLLOCATIONSMeanings 1 & 2
predict the future (=say what will happen in the future) 预言未来
No-one can predict the future of boxing.
foretell the future (=say or show what will happen in the future) 预言[预示]未来
Some people think that dreams can foretell the future.
see/look into the future (=know what will happen in the future) 预知未来
I wish I could see into the future.
look to the future (=think about or plan for the future) 展望未来
She could now look to the future with confidence.
plan for the future (also make plans for the future) (=think carefully about the future and decide what you are going to do) 计划未来
nAs soon as she knew she was pregnant, she started to plan for the future.
nface a bleak/grim etc future
Many pensioners face a bleak future.
nshape somebody's future
Your boss is the one who writes your evaluations, recommends you for promotions and shapes your future.
somebody’s/something’s future lies in/with something (=it is in a particular thing) 某人/某事物的未来在于某事物
nThe country’s economic future lies with its skilled workforce.
the future looks good/bright etc 未来美好/光明等
The future looks good for the company.
great/good 极好的/好的
The country has a great future.
bright/promising (=showing signs of being successful) 光明的/有前途的
Her future as a tennis player looks promising.
uncertain (=not clear or decided) 不确定的
The college's future is now uncertain.
bleak/grim/dark (=without anything to make you feel hopeful) 前景)暗淡的/严酷的/黑暗的
The theatre is losing money and its future looks bleak.
the immediate future (=very soon) 不久的将来
There will be no major changes in the immediate future.
the near future (=soon) 不久的将来
A new product launch is planned for the near future.
the distant future (=a long time from now) 遥远的未来
I don't worry about what might happen in the distant future.
nthe dim and distant future (=a very long time from now)
He plans to get married in the dim and distant future.
for/in the foreseeable future (=as far into the future as you can possibly know) 在可预见的将来
The population is expected to keep growing for the foreseeable future.
in the not too distant future (=quite soon) 在不太遥远的将来
We’re planning to go there again in the not too distant future.
somebody’s hopes/fears/plans for the future 某人对未来的希望/担忧/计划
What are your hopes for the future?
nsomebody’s worries/concerns about the future
their worries about the future of the English countryside
what the future holds (=what will happen) 未来会发生的事
nHe is worried about what the future holds for the company.
the time after now 以后的时间
the future the time after now 将来
What will life be like in the future?
The company is hoping to expand in the near future (=soon).
from now on used when saying that something will always happen in the future, starting from now 从现在起
nFrom now on, I’m not letting anyone borrow my car.
The meetings will be held once a month from now on.
nFrom now on, you will have to make your own lunch.
nFrom now on, homeowners will have to get a city permit if they want to build an addition onto their homes.
years/days etc to come for a long time in the future 未来的几年/几天等
In years to come, people will look back on the 20th century as a turning point in history.
Nuclear power stations will still be needed for a long time to come.
in the long/short/medium term use this to talk about what will happen over a period from now until a long, short etc time in the future 长期/短期/中期
We don’t know what will happen in the long term.
In the short term, things look good.
n Aid to these countries is bound to run into billions of dollars in the long term.
on the horizon used when talking about what is likely to happen in the future 即将
There are some big changes on the horizon.
what will happen to somebody/something 某人/某事物会发生什么
somebody’s/something’s future what will happen to someone or something 某人/某事物的未来
He knew that his future was in films.
Shareholders will meet to decide the company’s future.
fate someone or something’s future – used especially when you are worried that something bad could happen 命运〔尤指担心不好的事发生〕
The fate of the hostages remains uncertain.
nThe show’s fate lies in the hands of TV bosses.
destiny what will happen to someone in their life, especially something important 命运,天数〔尤指人生中重要的事〕
Sartre believed that everyone is in charge of their own destiny.
He thinks that it is his destiny to lead the country.
the outlook what will happen, especially concerning business, the economy, or the weather 〔公司、经济的〕前景;〔天气〕预报
The economic outlook looks good.
Here is the weather outlook for tomorrow.
prospect the idea or possibility that something will happen 预期,可能性
the awful prospect of another terrorist attack
Prospects for a peace settlement don’t look too good.
fortune what will happen to a person, organization etc in the future – used especially when talking about whether or not they will be successful 命运〔尤用于谈论是否成功〕
Fans are hoping for a change in the club’s fortunes.
nTwo years ago, my financial fortunes took a turn for the better (=they improved).
nIn 1680 he decided that his fortune lay in the theatre.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin future1
(1300-1400) Old French futur, from Latin futurus going to be




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