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词汇 freeze


Word family noun freeze freezer freezing antifreeze freeze-framefreezing pointadjective freezing frozen freezableverb freeze adverb freezing
freeze1 /friːz/ ●●● S3 W3 verb (past tensepst froze /frəʊz $ froʊz/, past participlepp frozen /ˈfrəʊzən $ ˈfroʊ-/)   frieze
1 liquid 液体 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]COLD if a liquid or something wet freezes or is frozen, it becomes hard and solid because the temperature is very cold (使)结冰,(使)冻结 melt, thaw
 The lake had frozen overnight.
2 food 食品 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]COLD to preserve food for a long time by keeping it at a very low temperature, or to be preserved in this way 冷藏;冷冻
 I think I’ll freeze that extra meat.
 Tomatoes don’t freeze well.
3 machine/engine 机器/发动机 [intransitiveI]HARD if a machine, engine, pipe etc freezes, the liquid inside it becomes solid with cold, so that it does not work properly 冻住
 The water pipes have frozen.
4 WEATHER 天气it freezes if it freezes outside, the temperature falls to or below freezing point 冰冻;严寒
 Do you think it’ll freeze tonight?
Examples from the Corpus
5 feel cold 感到寒冷 [intransitiveI]COLD to feel very cold 感到很冷,冻僵
 I nearly froze to death watching that football match.
6 wages/prices 工资/价格 [transitiveT]STOP something THAT IS HAPPENING if a government or company freezes wages, prices etc, they do not increase them for a period of time 冻结〔工资、物价等〕
 The government has been forced to cut spending and freeze public-sector wages.
7 money/property/财产 [transitiveT]PREVENT to legally prevent money in a bank from being spent, property from being sold etc 冻结〔存款、财产等〕
 The court froze their assets.
8 stop moving 停止移动 [intransitiveI]STOP MOVING to stop moving suddenly and stay completely still and quiet 突然停止;呆住
 I froze and listened; someone was in my apartment.
我突然停下来仔细听: 有人在我的公寓里。
freeze with
 She froze with horror.
9 film 电影 [transitiveT] to stop a DVD or video in order to be able to look at a particular part of it 使定格 freeze-frame
 He froze the picture on the screen.
10 somebody’s blood freezes used to say that someone is very frightened or shocked 某人血液凝固〔指十分惊恐〕
 I heard his scream and felt my blood freeze.
11freeze somebody ↔ out phrasal verbphr v PREVENTto deliberately prevent someone from being involved in something, by making it difficult for them, being unkind to them etc 排挤
 Why did you freeze me out?
Examples from the Corpus
12freeze over phrasal verbphr v HARDif an area or pool of water freezes over, its surface turns into ice 〔表面〕结冰,封冻
 The lake has frozen over.
13freeze up phrasal verbphr v 
a) if a machine, engine, or pipe freezes up, the liquid inside becomes solid with cold so that it does not work properly 〔机器、引擎或管子〕冻住 SYN freeze
b) to suddenly be unable to speak or act normally 〔突然〕呆住
 I wouldn’t know what to say. I’d just freeze up.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Nature
freeze2 ●○○ noun  
1 [countableC]STOP something THAT IS HAPPENING a time when people are not allowed to increase prices or pay 〔价格、工资等的〕冻结
a price/pay/wage freeze 价格/工资冻结
freeze on
 a freeze on pay rises
2 [countableC]STOP something THAT IS HAPPENING the stopping of some activity or process 〔活动或过程的〕停止
freeze on
 The government have imposed a freeze on civil service appointments.
3. DNCOLD[singular] British EnglishBrE a period of extremely cold weather 冰冻期,严寒期
4. [countableC usually singular] American EnglishAmEPERIOD OF TIME a short period of time, especially at night, when the temperature is extremely low 〔尤指夜间的〕霜冻
deep freeze
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
freezefreeze1 /friːz/ verb (past tensepst froze /frəʊzfroʊz/, past participlepp frozen /ˈfrəʊzənˈfroʊ-/)
1[transitiveT]COMMERCE if a government or company freezes prices, wages etc, they keep them at a particular level
The company cut executive salaries by 10%, all remaining salaries were frozen.
The president froze fuel prices and set a ceiling on prices for basic foodstuffs.
2LAWBANKINGto legally prevent money in a bank from being taken out, property from being sold etc, for example because there is a disagreement concerning it
A federal judge froze more than $20 million in FundAmerica bank accounts last Friday after several California investors sued Mr Edwards.
3[transitiveT]COMMERCE to stop an activity or a proposed activity for a period of time
The airline froze hiring and instructed employees to reduce spending.
Mr Smith has frozen plans to develop the record company.
4[intransitiveI]computing if a computer or a computer screen freezes, the image on the screen will not change because of a problem with the computer
My computer froze and I had to reboot it.
see also frozen
freezefreeze2 noun
1[countableC]ECONOMICS when prices, wages etc are fixed at a particular level
They said the cable television industry was abusing its market position, and called for a mandatory price freeze in cable rates.
The prime minister called for a pay freeze to help keep inflation down.
credit freeze
2[countableC] when an activity is stopped for a period of time
freeze on
If the government imposes a freeze on the roads programme, up to 20,000 jobs could be lost.
In an effort to reduce overheads, they laid off a quarter of the staff and initiated a hiring freeze (=when a company does not take new employees).
Origin freeze1
Old English freosan




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