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词汇 free


Word family noun freebie freedom freenessfreerfree agentfreebasefreeboardfreebooterfreebooteryfreebootyfree collective bargainingfreedmanfreedom fighterfree enterprisefree fallFreefonefree-for-allfreeholdfreeholderfree housefree kickfreelancefreeloaderfreeloadingfree lovefreemanfree marketfreemasonfreemasonryfree pardonfree portFreepostfree radicalfreeridefreesheetfreestonefreestylerfreethinkerfreethinkingfree tradefree versefree votefreewarefreewayfreewheelfreewheelingfree willadjective free freebootingfreebornfree-floatingfreehandfreemasonicfree-rangefreestylefree-to-airverb free freeloadadverb free freely
free1 /friː/ ●●● S1 W1 adjectiveadj  
1 FREE/COST NOTHINGno cost 不花钱的 something that is free does not cost you any money 免费的
 Admission is free for children under 9.
 All students are offered free accommodation.
 Send for our free information pack for more details.
 There’s a special free gift with this month’s magazine.
2 FREE/COST NOTHINGnot a prisoner 不是囚犯 not held, tied up, or kept somewhere as a prisoner 自由的
 He knew he could be free in as little as three years.
 With one leap he was free!
 He walked out of the courtroom a free man.
 They have called on the government to set all political prisoners free.
 He was found not guilty and walked free from the court.
 The animals are allowed to run free in the park.
 Hundreds of dogs roam free on the streets.
break/pull/struggle free
 She broke free from her attacker.
3 FREE TO DO WHAT YOU WANTnot controlled 未控制的 allowed to do or say whatever you want, or allowed to happen, without being controlled or restricted by anyone or anything 能随心所欲的,不受限制的
 We had a free and open discussion about religion.
free to do something
 Remember, you are free to say no.
free from
 Newspapers today are entirely free from government control.
 Women are struggling to break free from tradition.
free of
 I longed to be free of my family.
 He became president following the country’s first free elections last year.
 We would all support the principle of free speech.
 For the first time in its history, the country has a free press.
 Patients are now allowed free access to their medical records.
 The legislation will allow the free movement of goods through all the countries in Europe.
4 AVAILABLEnot busy 不忙的 if you are free, or have some free time, you have no work, and nothing else that you must do 空闲的,有空的 available
 I’m free next weekend.
free for
 Are you free for lunch tomorrow?
free to do something
 At last I was free to concentrate on my own research.
a free day/morning/half-hour etc
 I haven’t got a free day this week.
 Children these days have very little free time.
5 AVAILABLEnot being used 不在使用的 something that is free is available to use because it is not already being used 不在使用的,空着的
 Is this seat free?
 I’m afraid we don’t have any free tables this evening.
 He used his free hand to open the door.
see thesaurus at empty
6 NOT HAVEnot suffering 未受苦的 not suffering from something 不受之苦的
free of
 At last she was free of pain.
free from
 A lot of the patients are now free from symptoms.
pain-free/trouble-free etc
 a stress-free life
7 not containing STH 不含的,没有 not containing something 不包含某物的
free from/of
 All our drinks are free from artificial colourings.
fat-free/dairy-free etc
 a fat-free yoghurt
8 tax if something is free of tax, you do not have to pay tax on it 免〔税〕的
free of
 This income should be free of tax.
tax-free/duty-free etc
 tax-free earnings
 an opportunity to buy duty-free goods
9 feel free spokenLET/ALLOW used to tell someone that they can do something 随便,随意
 Feel free to ask questions.
 ‘Can I use your bathroom?’ ‘Yes, feel free.’
Examples from the Corpus
10 free and easy RELAXEDrelaxed, friendly, and without many rules 无拘束的,随便的;不拘礼节的
 I knew that life wasn’t going to be so free and easy now.
 the free and easy atmosphere of university life
Examples from the Corpus
11. free spirit INDEPENDENT PERSONsomeone who lives as they want to rather than in the way that society considers normal 我行我素的人
Examples from the Corpus
12 give somebody a free hand/rein LET/ALLOWto let someone do whatever they want or need to do in a particular situation 让某人有自主权
 The producer was given a free rein with the script.
Examples from the Corpus
13. there’s no free lunch  (also there’s no such thing as a free lunch) used to say that you should not expect to get something good without having to pay for it or make any effort 天下没有免费的午餐
Examples from the Corpus
14 it’s a free country British EnglishBrE used, usually humorously, to say that you are or should be allowed to do something, after someone has said that you should not do it 这是个自由的国家〔一般作幽默用法〕
 It’s a free country. You can’t stop me.
Examples from the Corpus
15 get/take a free ride informalFREE/COST NOTHING to get something without paying for it or working for it, because other people are paying or working for it 白白捞到好处
 They are encouraging all workers to join the union rather than just taking a free ride on those who do join.
Examples from the Corpus
16 be free with something GENEROUSto be very generous with something 慷慨使用某物;随意给予某物
 He seems to be very free with other people’s money.
 She is always free with her advice.
Examples from the Corpus
17 make free with something informalUSE something to use something that belongs to someone else when you should not 擅自使用某物
 I knew that they had been making free with our food.
Examples from the Corpus
18 GRACEFULnot restricted 不受限制的 something that is free is not held, blocked, or restricted 无阻碍的;不受限制的
 We opened both doors to allow a free flow of air through the building.
19 chemicals 化学物 technicalHCE a free chemical substance is not combined with any other substance 游离的,自由的,单体的
 the amount of free oxygen in the atmosphere
free something that is free does not cost you any money 免费的
Parking is free after 6 pm.
n‘How much is it to get into the concert?’ ‘Oh, I think it’s free.’
They were giving away free tickets for the concert.
nI’m saving these tokens to get a free poster.
for nothing/for free without having to pay for something that you would normally have to pay for 〔尤指一般需付费时〕免费
He offered to fix the car for nothing.
nFans were allowed into the stadium for nothing as a way of celebrating.
Children under five can see the show for free.
at no extra cost if a shop or company provides an additional service at no extra cost, they do it without asking you for any more money 不额外收费
The shop will install the cooker for you at no extra cost.
nTours of the city are available from the hotel at no extra cost.
complimentary [only before noun] free – use this about things that a company, theatre, hotel etc gives people 〔公司、剧院、酒店等〕馈赠的,免费供应的
nKaren’s sister works at the New York Ballet and she’s managed to get us some complimentary tickets.
Honeymooners receive a complimentary bottle of champagne in their hotel room.
be on the house if food or drinks are on the house, the owner of a bar or restaurant says you do not have to pay for them 由〔酒吧或餐厅〕付费,免费招待
These drinks are on the house.
ngratis especially written without having to pay for something
Users will be able to listen to tracks (=songs)gratis.
Examples from the Corpus
free2 ●●● W3 verb (freed, freeing) [transitiveT]  
1 FREE/NOT IN PRISONrelease 释放 to allow someone to leave prison or somewhere they have been kept as a prisoner 释放,使自由 SYN release
 He expects to be freed quite soon.
 The terrorists have at last agreed to free the hostages.
free somebody from something
 She was freed from prison last week.
2 not control 不控制 to allow someone to say and do what they want, after controlling or restricting them in the past 解放,使摆脱
free somebody from/of something
 The press has now been freed from political control.
 She longed to be freed of her responsibilities.
 Art frees the imagination.
3 LOOSEallow SB/STH to move 允许某人/某物移动 to move someone or something so that they are no longer held, fixed, or trapped 解救,使解脱出来;解开 SYN release
 He struggled to free himself, but the ropes were too tight.
 I couldn’t free the safety catch.
free somebody/something from something
 All the victims have now been freed from the wreckage.
4 HELPstop SB suffering 使某人不再经受痛苦 to stop someone suffering from something by removing it 解除,去除
free somebody from something
 new drugs that can free people from pain
 At last the country has been freed from its enormous debts.
5 make available 使可用 (also free something ↔ up)AVAILABLE to make something available so that it can be used 腾出;使可用
 I need to free up some of the disk space on my computer.
 This should free some money for investment.
6 give SB more time 给某人更多时间 (also free somebody ↔ up) to give someone time to do something by taking away other jobs that they have to do 使能腾出时间
free somebody (up) to do something
 Taking away the burden of administration will free teachers to concentrate on teaching.
 We have freed up some staff to deal with the backlog of work.
Examples from the Corpus
free3 ●●● S3 adverbadv  
1 FREE/COST NOTHINGwithout payment 免费地
 Children under four can travel free.
 You can get advice free from your local library.
for free
 He offered to do the work for free.
 All these services are available to the public free of charge.
2 LOOSEnot fixed or held in a particular place or position 不固定地;松脱地
 The ropes were now hanging free.
 A gold chain swung free around his neck.
freely, scot-free
Examples from the Corpus
free4 noun [countableC] British EnglishBrE informal  
a free transfer; the process by which a player moves from one football club to another, but the new club does not pay any money for him 自由转会
 We got Kevin on a free from Manchester United.
-free /friː/ suffix [in adjectives and adverbs]  
NOT HAVEwithout something that you do not want
 a trouble-free journey
 duty-free cigarettes
 a salt-free diet
 They live in the house rent-free.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
-free-free /friː/ suffix
without something, often something that you do not want
Earnings will be tax-free if the money remains on deposit for seven years.
Heathrow Airport gets more money from duty-free sales than from landing fees.
The casino will generate $10 million a year in risk-free income for the consortium.
freefree1 /friː/ adjectiveadj
1costing nothing
First-class passengers will have four films to choose from, all of them free.
Like pizza, Chinese food is more expensive than hamburgers and can bear the cost of free delivery.
In order to attract new members, the gym decided to offer a week’s free trial.
2no free lunch/no such thing as a free lunch used to say that something may seem to be free, but that in fact somebody must pay for it
The economic principle of ‘no free lunch’ applies — people get the services they pay for.
There’s no such thing as a free lunch. If you receive ‘free’ shares, you’re bound to pay for them in other ways.
3free of/from something without something, usually something that you do not want
The economy remains slow but relatively free of inflation.
The interest on savings bonds is free from state and local tax.
Personal Equity Plans, which have a £6,000 investment limit each financial year, arefree of income tax and capital gains tax.
4not restricted, limited, or controlled
Privatization is important, but the main condition for a market economy is free prices.
free to
The company is free to impose whatever work rules and pay it chooses.
freefree2 verb [transitiveT]
1to remove laws, rules etc
free from
More prices, including that of milk, will be freed from state control.
2 (also free up)COMMERCE to make something available so that it can be used
Ford said the sale of its heavy truck unit will free resources to concentrate on its light and medium truck business.
The government have freed up several million dollars of federal money that was reserved for development but never spent.
freefree3 adverbadv
without payment
Senior citizens can travel free at off-peak times.
This service is available to the public free of charge.
The downloads are available for free from their website.

→THESAURUS1free2 verbfree3 adverbadvfree4 noun-free suffix




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