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词汇 finally


Word family noun final semi-final finalist semi-finalist finale finality finalization finalismadjective final verb finalize adverb finally
fi·nal·ly /ˈfaɪnəl-i/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL adverbadv  
1 EVENTUALLYafter a long time 最后,终于 SYN eventually
 After several delays we finally took off at six o'clock.
 Finally, Karpov cracked under the pressure.
2 LAST[sentence adverbadv] used to introduce the last in a series of things 最后〔用于列举事物〕 SYN lastly, → firstly OPP firstly
 And finally, I’d like to thank the crew.
3 used when talking about the last in a series of actions 最后〔用于列举动作〕
 She drove off at great speed, hit several parked cars, and finally crashed into a lamp-post.
4 FINISH/COME TO AN ENDin a way that does not allow changes 彻底地;决定性地
 The matter was not finally settled until 1475.
finally/eventually/in the end after a long time, especially when there have been difficulties or delays. In the end is used especially in spoken English
After a lot of questioning, James finally admitted he had taken the car.
The plane eventually arrived at 6:30 – over three hours late.
In the end, I decided that the best thing to do was to ask Billy for help.
at last used when something good happens after you have waited for it for a long time
I’m really glad that Ken’s found a job at last.
At long last (=after a very long time)he was able to see his family again.
after much ado often humorous after a long time and when there have been a lot of worries, problems, or delays
After much ado, we moved into our new house last week.
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