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词汇 fill


Word family noun fill refill filling filler filler capfilling stationadjective filling verb fill refill
ldoce_096_dfill1 /fɪl/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  
1 become/make full 变满/使充满FULL [intransitiveI, transitiveT] (also fill up) if a container or place fills, or if you fill it, enough of something goes into it to make it full (使)充满;装满
 He poured her a drink, then filled his own glass.
 My job was filling the flour sacks.
 Take a deep breath and allow your lungs to fill.
fill (something) with something
 Her eyes filled with tears.
fill something to the brim/to overflowing (=fill something completely) 将某物装得满满的
 a bucket filled to the brim with ice
 There was just enough wind to fill the sails.
 Miller’s band was filling dance halls (=attracting a lot of people) all over the country.
2 large thing/number 大的东西/数字 [transitiveT] if a thing or group fills something, there is no space left 挤满;占满
 Crowds of well-wishers filled the streets.
 His wartime experiences would fill a book!
 All the seats were filled and a number of people were standing.
 Numerous pictures fill every available space.
3 sound/smell/light 声音/气味/光线 [transitiveT]C if a sound, smell, or light fills a place, you notice it because it is very loud or strong 〔声音、气味或光〕遍及,弥漫,照满
 The smell of freshly baked bread filled the room.
be filled with something
 The air was filled with the sound of children’s laughter.
4 emotions 感情 [transitiveT]EMOTIONAL if you are filled with an emotion, or if it fills you, you feel it very strongly 使充满〔某种感情〕
be filled with admiration/joy/happiness etc
 I was filled with admiration for her.
be filled with horror/fear/anger/doubt/remorse
 Their faces were suddenly filled with fear.
fill somebody with something
 The prospect filled him with horror.
5 NEEDprovide STH 提供某物 [transitiveT] to provide something that is needed or wanted but which has not been available or present before 满足
fill a need/demand
 Volunteers fill a real need for teachers in the Somali Republic.
fill a gap/hole/niche etc
 I spent most of the summer filling the gaps in my education.
 The company has moved quickly to fill the niche in the overnight travel market.
6 spend time 花费时间 [transitiveT]SPEND TIME if you fill a period of time with a particular activity, you spend that time doing it 占据〔时间〕
fill your time/the days etc (with something)
 I have no trouble filling my time.
7 perform a job 完成一项工作 [transitiveT] to perform a particular job, activity, or purpose in an organization, or to find someone or something to do this (派人)担任;充任
fill a post/position/vacancy etc
 Women fill 35% of senior management positions.
 Thank you for your letter. Unfortunately, the vacancy has already been filled.
 The UK should find another weapon to fill the same role.
8 crack/hole 缝隙/ [transitiveT] (also fill in)REPAIR to put a substance into a hole, crack etc to make a surface level 填补
 Fill in any cracks before starting to paint.
 materials developed to fill tooth cavities
9. fill yourself (up)/fill your face informalFULL to eat so much food that you cannot eat any more 吃饱
10 fill an order BBTto supply the goods that a customer has ordered 供应订单;按单配足订货
 The company is struggling to fill $11 million in back orders.
11 fill the bill American EnglishAmESUITABLE to have exactly the right qualities 完全符合要求,正合适 SYN British English fit the bill
 We needed an experienced reporter and Willis fills the bill.
Examples from the Corpus
12. fill somebody’s shoes to do the work that someone else normally does, especially when this is difficult because they have set a high standard 代做某人的工作〔尤用于某人定下很高标准以致工作很难做时〕
Examples from the Corpus
13fill in phrasal verbphr v 
a) document 文件WRITE fill something ↔ in to write all the necessary information on an official document, form etc 填写〔正式文件、表格等〕
 Don’t forget to fill in your boarding cards.
b) tell SB news 告诉某人消息 fill somebody ↔ inTELL to tell someone about recent events, especially because they have been away from a place 提供最新消息〔尤因某人曾去别处〕
fill somebody ↔ in on
 I think you’d better fill me in on what’s been happening.
c) crack/hole 缝隙/REPAIR fill something ↔ in to put a substance into a hole, crack etc so it is completely full and level 填补,填平〔洞、缝隙等〕
d) SPEND TIME fill in time to spend time doing something unimportant because you are waiting for something to happen 打发时间
 She flipped through a magazine to fill in the time.
e) space 空间DRAW fill something ↔ in to paint or draw over the space inside a shape 给〔图形〕填色[添阴影]
f) do SB’s job 干某人的工作JOB/WORK to do someone’s job because they are not there 〔因某人不在而〕临时替代
 I’m filling in for Joe for a few days.
Examples from the Corpus
14fill out phrasal verbphr v 
a)DOCUMENT 文件 WRITE fill something ↔ out to write all the necessary information on an official document, form etc 填写〔正式文件、表格等〕
b) FATif you fill out, or your body fills out, you become slightly fatter 长胖
 Eric has filled out around the waist.
c) if a young person fills out, their body becomes more like an adult’s body, for example by having bigger muscles, developing breasts etc 〔年轻人〕身体逐渐发育成熟
 At puberty, a girl’s body begins to fill out.
d) fill something ↔ out to add more details to a description or story 使〔描述或故事〕更详尽,充实
Examples from the Corpus
15fill up phrasal verbphr v 
a) FULLif a container or place fills up, or if you fill it up, it becomes full (使)充满;(使)装满
 Her eyes filled up with tears.
fill something ↔ up
 Shall I fill the car up (=with petrol)?
b) fill (yourself) up informalFULL to eat so much food that you cannot eat any more 吃饱
fill (yourself) up with/on
 Don’t fill yourself up with cookies.
 He filled up on pecan pie.
c) DFFULL fill somebody up informal food that fills you up makes you feel as though you have eaten a lot when you have only eaten a small amount 〔食物〕使某人觉得饱〔实际吃的量很少〕
Examples from the Corpus
Fill belongs to a group of verbs where the same noun can be the subject of the verb or its object.
You can say:
She filled the bath with water.
In this sentence, ‘the bath’ is the object of fill.
You can say:
The bath filled with water.
In this sentence, ‘the bath’ is the subject of fill.
fill to put enough of something into a container to make it full (使)充满
Jenny filled the kettle and put it on to boil.
Party balloons can be filled with helium.
fill up to fill something completely – used especially about putting petrol in the tank of a car (使)加满〔尤指给车加汽油〕
I need to fill up the car.
The waiter filled up everyone’s glasses.
nIf the oil tank is less than half full, tell them to fill it up.
load/load up to fill a vehicle with goods, furniture etc 装货
Two men were loading a truck with boxes of melons.
stuff/cram to quickly fill something such as a bag or pocket by pushing things into it tightly 〔将包或口袋〕塞满,装满
She hurriedly stuffed some things into an overnight bag and left.
refill to fill a container again, after what was in it has been used 再装满〔容器〕
I’m just going to refill this bottle from the tap.
top up British EnglishBrE, top off American EnglishAmE to fill a glass or cup that still has some liquid in it 斟满〔杯子〕
Can I top up your glass of wine?
replenish formal to make something full again, especially with a supply of something such as water or food 再装满〔尤指水、食物等〕
The lake is fed by springs that are eternally replenished by the rain.
Examples from the Corpus
fill2 noun  
1 have had your fill of something informalENOUGH to have done something or experienced something, especially something unpleasant, so that you do not want any more 对某事受够了
 I’ve had my fill of screaming kids for one day.
5  See picture of fill 装满, load 装车, cram 硬塞
2. eat/drink your fill old-fashionedFULL to eat or drink as much as you want or need 开怀大吃/畅饮
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
fillfill /fɪl/ verb
1fill a job/post/vacancy etcHUMAN RESOURCES to find and employ a suitable person to do a job that has been advertised
Headhunters are charging up to 60% of annual salary to fill a top job.
The post cannot be filled by a British executive because it requires a more south-east Asian background.
2fill a gap/hole/nicheMARKETING to provide a product or service that is needed but is not available or has not been provided before
The product has been researched and developed to fill a gap in the market place.
IBM introduced a mainframe that fills a hole in its product line.
3fill a need/demandMARKETING to provide a service that will deal with a problem
The futures and options business has filled a need for managing the fluctuating exchange rates.
4fill an orderMANUFACTURING to supply the goods a customer has ordered
After filling an order for the car from other Eastern European countries, the plant will be shut down.
fill something → in
fill in for somebody
fill something → out
fill up
Origin fill1
Old English fyllan; related to → FULL1




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