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词汇 fence


Word family adjectivefencedfencelessfenciblefencingnounfencerfence
Related topics: Building, Daily life, Horses, Crime
ldoce_093_gfence1 /fens/ ●●● S3 noun [countableC]  
1. fence.jpg TBDa structure made of wood, metal etc that surrounds a piece of land 〔木头、金属等做的〕栅栏,围栏,篱笆5  See picture of barbed wire fence 带刺铁丝网, electric fence 电围栏, fence/picket fence AmE 【美】尖桩篱栅 ...4  See picture of 见图 fence
2. DSHa wall or other structure that horses jump over in a race or competition 〔赛马中的〕障碍物
3. informalSCC someone who buys and sells stolen goods 买卖赃物者
4. sit/be on the fence DECIDEto avoid saying which side of an argument you support 保持中立,抱骑墙态度
Examples from the Corpus
mend (your) fences at mend1(4)
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Construction, Other sports
fence2 verb  
1 [transitiveT]TBC to put a fence around something 用栅栏[篱笆]围起
 old farmhouses and fenced gardens
2. [intransitiveI]DSO to fight with a long thin sword as a sport 击剑
3. ALANSWER/REPLY[intransitiveI + with] to answer someone’s questions in a clever way in order to get an advantage in an argument 巧妙回答;搪塞
4fence somebody/something ↔ in phrasal verbphr v 
a) TBCto surround a place with a fence 用栅栏[篱笆]围住
 The yard was fenced in to keep out wolves.
b) ESCAPEto make someone feel that they cannot leave a place or do what they want 限制〔某人〕的自由,束缚〔某人〕
 Young mothers often feel fenced in at home.
Examples from the Corpus
5fence something ↔ off phrasal verbphr v SEPARATEto separate one area from another area with a fence 用栅栏[篱笆]隔开
 a planting area fenced off from the main garden
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
fencefence /fens/ verb [intransitiveI] informalLAW
to buy and sell stolen goods
The police suspect he has been fencing electronic equipment.
Origin fence1
(1300-1400) defense




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