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词汇 feed


Word family adjectivefeedablenounfeederfeedingfeedbackfeedlotfeedstockfeedstufffeedthroughverbfeed
Related topics: Food, Biology, Computers
feed1 /fiːd/ ●●● S1 W2 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp fed /fed/)  
1 give food 给予食物 [transitiveT]
a) DFFOODto give food to a person or animal 喂养,饲养,给食物
 Have you fed the cat?
feed yourself
 She was too weak to feed herself.
feed something to somebody
 Several children were feeding bread to the ducks.
feed somebody on/with something
 They were fed well on her mother’s home cooking.
b) DFto provide enough food for a group of people 养活
 groceries to feed a family of five
 The prison is required to feed and clothe the prisoners.
2 plant 植物 [transitiveT]HBP to give a special substance to a plant, which helps it grow 施肥
 Feed the tomatoes once a week.
feed something with something
 Feed houseplants with a liquid fertilizer.
3 animal/baby 动物/婴儿 [intransitiveI]HBEAT if a baby or an animal feeds, they eat 吃东西,进食
 Frogs generally feed at night.
 Let your baby feed as long as she wants.
4 well-fed/under-fed/poorly-fed DFhaving plenty of food or not enough food 吃得好的/吃不饱的/吃得不好的
 a well-dressed, well-fed woman
5 computer 计算机 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to put information into a computer over a period of time 将〔信息〕输入计算机
feed something into something
 Figures are fed into the computer, which then predicts the likely profit.
6 supply STH 提供某物 [transitiveT]PROVIDE to supply something, especially a liquid, gas, or electricity 供给,供应〔尤指液体、气体或电〕
 The public baths are fed by natural springs.
feed something to something
 The sound is fed directly to the headphones.
feed something with something
 Laura crouched by the fire, feeding it with dry sticks.
7 put STH into STH 将一物放入另一物中 [transitiveT]PUT to put something into something else, especially gradually and through a small hole 〔尤指通过一个小孔慢慢地〕把放进[塞进]
feed something into/through something
 A tube was fed down the patient’s throat into her stomach.
feed something into something
 She fed her last two coins into the machine for a cup of coffee.
 Shelton fed the electricity meter.
8 increase emotion 加深情绪 [transitiveT]INCREASE IN ACTIVITY, FEELINGS ETC to increase the strength of an emotion, desire etc 加深〔情绪、愿望等〕
 Her depression grew, fed by her bitter experiences.
9 feed an addiction/need etc to satisfy a strong need, such as a need for a drug 满足毒瘾/需要等
 He committed both crimes to feed his addiction to heroin.
Examples from the Corpus
10 information 信息 [transitiveT] to give someone information or ideas over a period time 提供
feed somebody with something
 She feeds the media with stories, which is a way of getting free advertising.
feed something to somebody
 US intelligence had been feeding false information to a KGB agent.
11 sport 体育运动 [transitiveT] to throw or hit a ball to someone else on your team, especially so that they can make a point 〔尤指为了让队友得分〕传〔球〕
feed something to somebody
 He fed the ball to Jol, who scored.
12. feed lines/jokes to somebody APto say things to another performer so that they can make jokes 为某人捧哏,为某人提供笑料
13. feed your face informal to eat a lot of food 大吃一顿 SYN stuff yourself
14. tv/radio 电视/广播 [transitiveT] to send a television or radio programme somewhere so that it can be broadcast 向电视台[电台]传送以供播出
15. feed somebody a line informalLIE/TELL A LIE to tell someone something which is not true, so that they will do what you want 向某人虚报情况[撒谎]
Examples from the Corpus
breast-feed, force-feed, spoon-feed, → mouth to feed at mouth1(10)PHRASAL VERBS
16feed back phrasal verbphr v to give advice or criticism to someone about something they have done 反馈
 We’re just waiting for the manager to feed back on it.
feed something ↔ back (to somebody)
 I am grateful to all those who fed back their comments.
 They feed back to the government the reactions of the people affected.
Examples from the Corpus
17feed into something phrasal verbphr v to have an effect on something or help to make it happen 影响
 The influence of Italian designer fashion feeds into sports fashion.
Examples from the Corpus
18feed off something phrasal verbphr v 
a) HBAEATif an animal feeds off something, it gets food from it 〔动物〕从取食
 birds that feed off the seeds from trees
b) to use something to increase, become stronger, or succeed – sometimes used to show disapproval 而壮大[成功]〔有时含贬义〕
 fad diets that feed off our desire to be thin
19feed on something phrasal verbphr v 
a) HBAEATif an animal feeds on a particular food, it usually eats that food 〔动物〕以为食物
 Owls feed on mice and other small animals.
b) INCREASE IN ACTIVITY, FEELINGS ETCif a feeling or process feeds on something, it becomes stronger because of it 〔某种感觉或过程〕因变得更强烈
 Prejudice feeds on ignorance.
Examples from the Corpus
20.feed somebody up phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE DFFOODto give someone a lot of food to make them more healthy 〔用大量食物〕养肥,养壮〔某人〕 SYN American English fatten up
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Babies, Animals, Technology, Food, Computers
feed2 noun  
1 baby 婴儿 [countableC] British EnglishBrEDHB one of the times when you give milk to a small baby 〔给婴儿的〕一次喂奶
 the two a.m. feed
4  See picture of 见图 feed
2 animal food 动物的食物 [uncountableU]HBA food for animals 饲料
 fish feed
3. supply 供应 [countableC]TPROVIDE a tube or piece of equipment which supplies a machine with something, especially fuel 输油管[装置];进料管[装置]
4 tv/radio/computer 电视/广播/计算机 [countableC, uncountableU] when a television or radio signal, computer information etc is sent somewhere, or the connection that is used to do this 〔电视或广播信号、计算机信息等的〕传送,传输
 a live satellite feed from the space station
5. meal 饭菜 [countableC] old-fashionedDF a big meal 丰盛的一餐
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
feedfeed1 /fiːd/ verb (past tensepst and past participlepp fed /fed/) [intransitiveI, transitiveT]
to pass to a later stage in a process or system
feed into something
The data is fed into computers for analysis.
Tax increases and spending curbs by state and local governments feed into the private sector.
feed through something
Reductions in corporation tax, which are still feeding through the economy, will be worth £1 billion to industry in the next year.
feed through into something
Growth across the portfolio was 7%, which feeds through into higher dividend income.
feedfeed2 noun
1[countableC] a way of supplying something that is needed for a particular process or activity
Traders on each of the four markets will be able to view listings on the others via a common data feed.
2[countableC]TELECOMMUNICATIONS a television or radio signal, computer information etc is sent somewhere, or the connection that is used to do this
a live satellite feed from the White House
3[uncountableU]FARMING food for farm animals
cattle feed
Origin feed1
Old English fedan; related to food




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