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词汇 failure


Word family noun fail failure failing adjective failed unfailing fail-safeverb fail adverb unfaillingly
Related topics: Finance
fail·ure /ˈfeɪljə $ -ər/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  
1 lack of success 不成功 [countableC, uncountableU]FAIL a lack of success in achieving or doing something 失败 OPP success
 Successful people often aren’t very good at dealing with failure.
failure to do something
 the conference’s failure to reach an agreement
2 unsuccessful person/thing 失败的人/ [countableC]FAIL someone or something that is not successful 失败的人[] OPP success
 I always felt a bit of a failure at school.
3 failure to do something NOT DO somethingan act of not doing something which should be done or which people expect you to do 未能做〔应做到的〕某事
 Failure to produce proof of identity could result in prosecution.
Examples from the Corpus
4 business 企业 [countableC, uncountableU]BBBF a situation in which a business has to close because of a lack of money 倒闭,关闭
 Business failures in Scotland rose 10% last year.
5 machine/body part 机器部件/身体部位 [countableC, uncountableU]THB an occasion when a machine or part of your body stops working properly 故障,失灵;衰竭
 The cause of the crash was engine failure.
heart/kidney/liver etc failure
 He died from kidney failure.
failure in
 a failure in the computer system
6 crops 庄稼 [countableC, uncountableU] an occasion when crops do not grow or produce food, for example because of bad weather 歉收
 a series of crop failures
COLLOCATIONSMeanings 1 & 2
end in/result in failure 以失败告终
A series of rescue attempts ended in failure.
be doomed to failure (=be certain to fail) 注定失败
The rebellion was doomed to failure from the start.
admit failure 承认失败
He was too proud to admit failure.
accept failure 接受失败
nBeing able to accept failure is part of life.
avoid failure 避免失败
nShe was anxious to avoid failure.
complete/total/utter failure 完全的/十足的/彻底的失败
The project ended in total failure.
abject/dismal failure (=used to emphasize how bad a failure is) 惨败
The experiment was considered a dismal failure.
a personal failure (=a failure that is someone's personal fault) 个人失败
nHe considered his inability to form long-term relationships to be a personal failure.
economic failure 经济失败
nEconomic failure drove the government out of office.
fear of failure 对失败的畏惧
Fear of failure should not deter you from trying.
the risk/possibility of failure 失败的风险/可能性
The risk of failure for a new product is very high.
nThe possibility of failure was sufficiently high for the auditors to warn investors.
an admission of failure 认输
Dropping out of college would be an admission of failure.
a history of failure (=a situation in which someone has failed many times in the past) 失败的历史
Some children have a history of failure at school.
a string of failures (=a series of failures) 一连串失败
nThe team has had a string of failures in recent games.
a sense of failure 挫折感
nPeople may feel a sense of failure if they admit they have ended up in a job they hate.
nthe consequences of failure
The political consequences of failure would be defeat at the next election.
failure + NOUN
a failure rate 失败率
There is a high failure rate in the restaurant industry.
failure noun [countableC] someone or something that is not successful
The book was a complete failure.
I felt a complete failure.
flop noun [countableC] informal something that is not successful because people do not like it – used especially about a film, play, product, or performance
Despite the hype, the movie was a flop at the box office.
Their next computer was a flop.
disaster noun [countableC] used when saying that something is extremely unsuccessful
Our first date was a disaster.
Their marriage was a total disaster.
fiasco noun [countableC usually singular] something that is completely unsuccessful and goes very badly wrong – used especially about things that have been officially planned, which go very wrong
The baggage system broke down on the first day the airport was open. It was a complete fiasco.
The fiasco came close to ending de Gaulle's political career.
debacle noun [countableC usually singular] formal an event or situation that is a complete failure, because it does not happen in the way that it was officially planned
the banking debacle that has put our economy at risk
shambles noun [singular] especially British EnglishBrE if a situation or event is a shambles, it is completely unsuccessful because it has been very badly planned or organized, and no one seems to know what to do
The first few shows were a shambles, but things soon got better.
washout noun [singular] informal a failure – used when something is so bad that it would be better if it had not happened
The play wasn’t a complete washout; the acting was okay.
His most recent and ambitious project, a big-budget Hollywood film, was a washout with both critics and audiences alike.
turkey noun [countableC] informal something that is so bad and unsuccessful that you think the people involved should be embarrassed about it – a very informal use
At the time most people thought the car was a complete turkey.
Since then he has appeared in a string of turkeys.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
failurefail·ure /ˈfeɪljə-ər/ noun
1[countableC, uncountableU]COMMERCE a situation in which a business that is not successful has to close because it is losing money
The Official Receiver recommended a detailed investigation intothe reasons for the company’s failure.
Business failures rose by 31% to 62,767, according to Dun & Bradstreet.
2[uncountableU] lack of success in achieving or doing something
failure to do something
the failure of some large firms to adhere to a strict policy on wages
audit failure market failure
3[countableC, uncountableU] a situation in which equipment or a machine stops working
potential financial loss as a result of computer failure




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