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词汇 fail


Word family noun fail failure failing adjective failed unfailing fail-safeverb fail adverb unfaillingly
Related topics: Companies, Illness & disability, Nature
fail1 /feɪl/ ●●● S2 W1 verb  
1 not succeed 没有成功 [intransitiveI]FAIL to not succeed in achieving something 失败
 It looks likely that the peace talks will fail.
fail in
 He failed in his attempt to regain the world title.
fail to do something
 Doctors failed to save the girl’s life.
 Millions of people have tried to quit smoking and failed miserably (=been completely unsuccessful).
 his efforts to save his failing marriage
 If all else fails, you may be advised to have an operation.
2 not do STH 未做某事 [intransitiveI]FAIL to not do what is expected, needed, or wanted 未做到
fail to do something
 The letter failed to arrive.
 Firms that fail to take advantage of the new technology will go out of business.
 The government are failing in their duty to protect people.
Fail to do something is used mainly in writing and in formal contexts. In everyday English, people usually say do not do something instead: fail to do something主要用于书面语或正式文章。在日常英语中,人们一般说do not do something
The letter failed to arrive. → The letter didn’t arrive. 那封信没寄到。
3 exam/test 考试/测验
a) [intransitiveI, transitiveT]FAIL to not pass a test or examination 不及格,未能通过
 I failed my driving test the first time I took it.
 He failed maths but passed all his other subjects.
b) [transitiveT] to decide that someone has not passed a test or examination 评定〔某人〕不及格
 Her work was so bad that I had no choice but to fail her.
4 I fail to see/understand formalUNDERSTAND used to show that you are annoyed by something that you do not accept or understand 我不明白〔用于表示为不愿接受或不理解的事而生气〕
 I fail to see why you find it so amusing.
Examples from the Corpus
5. company/business 公司/商号 [intransitiveI]BBC if a company or business fails, it is unable to continue because of a lack of money 倒闭,破产
6 machine/body part 机器部件/身体部位 [intransitiveI]STOP MOVING if a part of a machine or an organ in your body fails, it stops working 〔机件或人体器官〕失灵,丧失功能
 The engine failed on take-off.
 The hospital said that his kidneys were failing.
7 health 健康MI [intransitiveI] if your sight, memory, health etc is failing, it is gradually getting weaker or is not as good as it was 〔视力、记忆、健康等〕衰退
 Failing eyesight forced him to retire early.
8 never fail to do something CERTAINLY/DEFINITELYto do something or happen so regularly that people expect it 从来不会忘记做某事
 My grandson never fails to phone me on my birthday.
Examples from the Corpus
9 your courage/will/nerve fails (you) NOT HAVEif your courage etc fails, or if it fails you, you suddenly do not have it when you need it 你的勇气/意志/胆量消失
 She had to leave immediately, before her courage failed her.
10 fail somebody NOT HAVEto not do what someone has trusted you to do 使某人失望,有负于某人 SYN let somebody down
 I feel I’ve failed my children by not spending more time with them.
Examples from the Corpus
11. crops 庄稼 [intransitiveI]TAC if crops fail, they do not grow or produce food, for example because of bad weather 歉收
12. rains 雨水 [intransitiveI]DN if the rains (=a lot of rain that falls at a particular time each year) fail, they do not come when expected or it does not rain enough 〔在该下雨的季节〕无雨,不下雨,下雨少
words fail me at word1(29)
fail to not succeed – used about people, plans, methods etc 〔人、计划、方法等〕失败
The plan failed.
They failed to persuade her to change her mind.
nThis method never fails.
go wrong if something you do goes wrong, it fails after starting well 出问题
The experiment went wrong when the chemicals combined to form a poisonous gas.
not work if something does not work, it does not do what you want it to do 不起作用
The drugs don’t work.
I tried to fix it with glue, but that didn’t work.
be unsuccessful /ˌʌnsəkˈsesfəl◂/ to not have the result you wanted 不成功
His first attempt to get a teaching job was unsuccessful.
The search was unsuccessful.
be a failure to be unsuccessful, with the result that you have wasted your efforts 失败
The government’s 5-year plan to modernize the economy was a complete failure.
backfire if a plan or action backfires, it does the opposite of what it was intended to do 产生事与愿违的结果
His plan to get attention backfired, and instead of being promoted he lost his job.
in vain if you try to do something in vain, you fail to do it 徒劳地
They tried in vain to save him.
All her efforts had been in vain.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Education
fail2 noun  
1 without fail 
a) ALWAYS/EVERY TIMEif you do something without fail, you always do it 必定,总是
 Tim visits his mother every day without fail.
b) CERTAINLY/DEFINITELYused to tell someone very firmly that they must do something 务必,一定〔用于坚决地告诉别人一定要做某事〕
 I want that work finished by tomorrow, without fail!
Examples from the Corpus
2 [countableC]SE an unsuccessful result in a test or examination 〔考试〕不及格 OPP pass
 I got a fail in history.
n3 [countableC] informal an occasion when someone is not successful or does something badly
 My parenting has included some spectacular fails.
Examples from the Corpus
fail3n interjection informal  
nused for saying that someone has failed or done something badly
From Longman Business Dictionary
failfail /feɪl/ verb
1[intransitiveI]COMMERCE if a business fails, it is not successful and loses so much money that it has to close
The company failed amid charges that the chairman had stolen $17 million.
More than 10,000 companies failed with debts of more than 10 million yen.
failed adjectiveadj [only before a noun]
the failed Bank of Credit & Commerce International
2[intransitiveI] if something you try to do fails, it is not successful
A move to vote the chairman off the Bell Resources board failed.
fail to do something
A salesman may communicate perfectly well with a customer but fail to make a sale.
failed adjectiveadj [only before a noun]
The firm collapsed after a failed bid for a rival insurer.
3[intransitiveI] if something fails to happen, it does not happen, although you expected or wanted it to
fail to do something
The new projects have failed to gain general acceptance from the board.
If the recovery fails to cut the deficit sharply, a rise in taxes will be needed.
4[intransitiveI]MANUFACTURING if equipment or a machine fails, it stops working because there is a fault
5FARMING [intransitiveI] if crops fail, they do not grow or produce any food
The corn harvest failed after a terrible drought.
6[intransitiveI, transitiveT] to not pass an examination, test or INSPECTION
The railway line failed its Board of Trade inspection earlier this year.
Origin fail1
(1200-1300) Old French faillir, from Latin fallere to deceive, disappoint




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