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词汇 fact


Word family noun fact facticityfactualityfactualnessfactumfact sheetadjective factual fact-findingadverb factually
fact /fækt/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 true information 真实信息 [countableC]TRUEINFORMATION a piece of information that is known to be true 事实;真相
fact about
 The book is full of facts about the World Cup.
fact of
 First of all, we need to know the facts of the case.
it’s a fact/that’s a fact (=used to emphasize that something is definitely true or that something definitely happened) /那是事实〔用于强调〕
 The divorce rate is twice as high as in the 1950s – that’s a fact.
is that a fact? (=used to reply to a statement that you find surprising, interesting, or difficult to believe) 真的吗?
 ‘She used to be a professional singer.’ ‘Is that a fact?’
2 the fact (that) TRUEused when talking about a situation and saying that it is true 的)事实
 Our decision to build the museum in Hartlepool was influenced by the fact that there were no national museums in the North East.
 He refused to help me, despite the fact that I asked him several times.
given the fact (that)/in view of the fact (that) (=used when saying that a particular fact influences your judgment about something or someone) 鉴于,考虑到
 Given the fact that this is their first game, I think they did pretty well.
due to the fact (that)/owing to the fact (that) (=because) 由于,因为
 The school’s poor exam record is largely due to the fact that it is chronically underfunded.
 The fact we didn’t win when we were so close is very disappointing.
Examples from the Corpus
3 in (actual) fact 
a) IN FACTused when you are adding something, especially something surprising, to emphasize what you have just said 事实上〔用于补充说明,强调前面所说的话〕
 I know the mayor really well. In fact, I had dinner with her last week.
b) IN FACTused to emphasize that the truth about a situation is the opposite of what has been mentioned 事实上,实际上〔用于强调实际情况与刚提及的恰恰相反〕
 They told me it would be cheap but in fact it cost me nearly $500.
 Her teachers said she was a slow learner, whereas in actual fact she was partially deaf.
Examples from the Corpus
4 the fact (of the matter) is spokenIN FACT used when you are telling someone what is actually true in a particular situation, especially when this may be difficult to accept, or different from what people believe 事实是/实际情况是〔尤指事实难以接受或与人们所想不同〕
 The fact of the matter is that he’s just not up to the job.
Examples from the Corpus
5 the fact remains IN FACTused to emphasize that what you are saying about a situation is true and people must realize this 事实是,真实的情况是〔用于强调所说的某一情况为事实,人们必须意识到〕
 The fact remains that the number of homeless people is rising daily.
Examples from the Corpus
6 TRUEreal events/not a story 真实的事件/非故事 [uncountableU] situations, events etc that really happened and have not been invented 真实情况 OPP fiction
 Much of the novel is based on fact.
 It’s a news reporter’s job to separate fact from fiction.
7 facts and figures [plural] the basic details, numbers etc concerning a particular situation or subject 基本资料
 Here are a few facts and figures about the country.
Examples from the Corpus
8. the facts speak for themselves used to say that the things that have happened or the things someone has done show clearly that something is true 事实足以说明一切
Examples from the Corpus
9. after the fact AFTERafter something has happened or been done, especially after a mistake has been made 情况发生后,事后〔尤指错误发生后〕
Examples from the Corpus
as a matter of fact at matter1(4), → face facts at face2(2), → in point of fact at point1(17)
the basic/key facts 基本的/关键的事实
The report outlines the basic facts concerning the case.
a well-known fact 众所周知的事实
It is a well-known fact that new cars lose a lot of their value in the first year.
a little-known fact 鲜为人知的事实
nIt is a little-known fact that the actor was born in London.
an interesting fact 有趣的事实
nThe research revealed some interesting facts about the behaviour of cats.
a curious/remarkable fact 奇怪的/显著的事实
nIt is a remarkable fact that elephants do not use their trunks to suck up water until they are over four months old.
hard facts (=information that is definitely true and can be proven) 确凿的事实
nHis theory is supported by hard facts.
a historical/scientific fact 历史的真相/科学的事实
nThis was presented as a historical fact when it was just an opinion.
the bare facts (=only the basic general facts of a situation) 基本事实
nWe know the bare facts of his life, but nothing about what he was really like.
give somebody/provide the facts 告诉某人真相/提供事实真相
Newspapers have a duty to give their readers the facts.
establish/piece together the facts (=find out what actually happened in a situation) 确定真相/拼出真相
The police are still piecing together the facts.
examine the facts 调查事实
nI decided to examine the facts for myself.
state the facts (=say what you know is true) 陈述事实
nPress reports often fail to state the facts completely.
stick to the facts (=say only what you know is true) 只讲事实
nJust stick to the facts when the police interview you.
know for a fact (=used to say that something is definitely true) 肯定
I know for a fact that she is older than me.
get your facts right/straight (=make sure that what you say or believe is correct) 弄清事实
You should get your facts straight before making accusations.
get your facts wrong 弄错事实
nIt’s no use putting together a beautifully-written argument if you get your facts wrong.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin fact
(1400-1500) Latin factum thing done, from facere to do, make




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