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词汇 face to face

face to face

Word family adjectivefacedfacelessfacialnounfacerfacialistfacingface cardfaceclothface creamfaceliftfacemanface packfaceplateface powderface-savingface timeface valuefaceadverbfacially
ˌface-to-ˈface adjectiveadj [only before noun]  
PERSONALLY/YOURSELFa face-to-face meeting, conversation etc is one where you are with another person and talking to them 〔会晤、谈话等〕面对面的
 a face-to-face interview
face to face at face1(7)
Examples from the Corpus
face to facen
a) OPPOSITE/FACEif two people are standing face to face, they are very close and are looking at each other
meet somebody/talk to somebody/explain something etc face to face (=to meet someone and talk to them, instead of just hearing about them, talking to them on the phone etc)
 I’ve never met her face to face.
 ‘You could have just phoned.’ ‘I wanted to explain things face to face.’
come face to face/find yourself face to face (with somebody) (=to meet someone, especially in a way that surprises or frightens you)
 At that moment he came face to face with Sergeant Burke.
 The two men stood face to face without a word.
b) DEAL WITHif you come face to face with something difficult, you experience it and have to deal with it
 It was the first time he’d ever come face to face with death.
bring somebody face to face with something
 Sometimes one is brought face to face with facts which cannot be ignored.
Examples from the Corpus




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