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词汇 express


Word family noun expression expressiveness expressageexpresserexpressionismexpressionistexpressionlessnessexpressivityexpressnessexpressureexpressmanexpresswayadjective expressiveinexpressive expressionless inexpressible expressibleexpressionalexpressionisticverb express adverb expressively expressionlessly inexpressibly expressionisticallyexpressly
Related topics: Maths, Arts, Babies
ex·press1 /ɪkˈspres/ ●●● S2 W1 verb [transitiveT]  
1 feeling 感受SAY/STATE to tell or show what you are feeling or thinking by using words, looks, or actions 表达;表示;表现
express your views/opinions
 Bill’s not afraid to express his opinions.
 Parents have expressed their concerns about their children’s safety.
 She expressed an interest in seeing York.
express something in/by/through something
 Express your reasons for applying in simple terms.
express sympathy/fear/anger etc
 She doesn’t express her emotions as much as he does.
express thanks/gratitude (for something) (to somebody) (=thank someone in a speech or by writing a letter) (因某事)(向某人)表示感谢/感激
 Finally, I’d like to express my sincere thanks to all those who have helped today.
express doubts/reservations
 The USA expressed reservations before agreeing to sign the agreement.
 Many people have expressed their opposition to the proposals.
express yourself (=say what you think or feel) 表达自己的想法[感情]
 Young children often have difficulty expressing themselves.
 He first learnt to express himself through movement at his dance classes.
 Words can’t express (=it is impossible to describe) how angry we felt.
see thesaurus at say
2 particular emotion 某种情感EXPRESS to show or describe a particular feeling 描绘,表达〔某种情绪〕
 Many of Munch’s paintings express a deep feeling of despair.
3 something expresses itself if something expresses itself, it becomes noticeable 某事物显而易见 SYN something reveals itself
 Religious faith expresses itself in a variety of ways.
Examples from the Corpus
4 mathematics 数学 technicalHM to change an amount or quantity into a different form, especially in mathematics 〔用某种形式〕表示
express something as/in something
 Express three-quarters as a decimal.
 The value of the coffee becomes significantly higher when expressed in foreign currency.
5. feeding babies 喂婴儿 if a woman expresses milk, she presses milk out of her breast in order to feed it to her baby later 挤出〔母乳,以备后用〕
nCOLLOCATIONSMeanings 1 & 2
express your views/opinions/ideas
Everyone who attends the meeting will be given the opportunity to express their opinions.
express your feelings
He felt unable to express his feelings in a letter.
express an interest in something
Many property developers have expressed an interest in buying the land.
express concern (=say or show that you are worried)
Financial analysts have expressed concern about the possibility of a recession.
express your thanks/gratitude/appreciation (=say thank you to someone, in a speech)
On behalf of the team, I’d like to express our appreciation for all your efforts.
express doubts/reservations (=say or show that you are not sure whether something is true or right)
Environmentalists began to express doubts about the benefits of biofuels.
express surprise/shock
‘I don’t believe he could hurt anyone, ’ she said, expressing her surprise.
express anger
Teachers have expressed anger at the government’s education reforms.
express your grief (=say or show that you are very sad, especially because someone you love has died)
She searched for further words to express her grief, but could find none.
express your sympathy (=say that you feel sorry for someone who is in a bad situation)
I wrote to his widow expressing our sympathy and sending her our condolences.
express confidence
Throughout the trial, his legal team expressed confidence in the outcome.
express your hopes/desires (=say what you hope or want to happen)
Nadia expressed her hopes about remaining in San Diego County with her two children.
express your support (=say that you support someone or something)
The Israeli leader expressed his support for the U.S. plan.
express opposition to something (=say that you oppose someone or something)
Local people have expressed their opposition to plans for a new airport.
express a willingness to do something (=say or show that you are willing to do something)
The unions expressed a willingness to have talks with the employers.
express something openly (=express a feeling in a way that is obvious to other people)
They expressed their anger openly in the meeting.
express something clearly (=express an idea or opinion in a way that other people can understand)
He expresses his views very clearly.
express yourself (=say what you think or feel)
He is very confident and finds it easy to express himself.
a chance/opportunity to express something
The debate will give MPs an opportunity to express their views in detail.
words cannot express something (=it is impossible to describe something)
Words can’t express how much I miss her.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Roads
express2 ●●○ adjectiveadj [only before noun]  
1 EMPHASIZEdeliberate and for a specific situation 特意的
 The school was founded with the express purpose of teaching deaf children.
2 clear and definite 明确的
express agreement/consent/authority etc
 He is not to leave without my express permission.
 Matthew left express instructions to keep all doors locked.
3. express train/coach/bus TTCTTTa train or bus that does not stop at many places and can therefore travel more quickly 特快列车/长途汽车/公共汽车
Examples from the Corpus
4. express post/mail TCMa system that delivers letters and packages very quickly 特快邮递
Examples from the Corpus
5 American EnglishAmE designed to help you move through a place more quickly 用于快速行进的
 express lanes on the freeway
 an express line at a supermarket (=where people with only a few things to buy go to pay)
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Trains & railways, Motor vehicles, Mail
express3 ●●○ noun  
1 [countableC usually singular]TTTTTC a train or bus that does not stop in many places and therefore travels quickly 〔火车或公共汽车的〕快车
London–Gatwick Express/Orient Express (=a fast train or bus which does a particular journey regularly) 伦敦盖特威克快车/东方快车
2 [uncountableU]TCM a post service that delivers letters and packages very quickly 邮件快递
 Send these books by express.
Examples from the Corpus
express4 adverbadv  
send/deliver something express TCMto send or deliver a letter, package etc quickly using a special post service 用快递寄出/递送某物
The ExpressExpress, Then  
na British daily tabloid newspaper which usually supports the ideas of the conservative party newspaper
From Longman Business Dictionary
expressex·press1 /ɪkˈspres/ verb [transitiveT]
1to say what you think or feel about something
The sales manager expressed caution about the deal.
The USA expressed reservations before eventually signing the agreement.
Worries have been expressed within the industry about a rise in interest rates.
2LAW to state clearly and openly something that has been agreed
Such warranties are implied, unless a contract expresses a contrary intention.
3STATISTICSto write a quantity or amount in numbers, letters, or other figures
express something as/in
The country’s level of expenditure is expressed as a percentage of the measure of economic activity.
The value of the coffee becomes significantly higher when expressed in foreign currency.
expressexpress2 adjectiveadj [only before a noun]
1stated or written clearly and openly, and showing a clear purpose or intention
the distinction between express authority and mere consent
Copyright prevents use of this material without theexpress permission of the author.
There is an express agreement by the plaintiff to pay £10 towards the ground-rent.
2an express service is one that is quicker than the normal service
overnight express trains
It takes anything from 2 to 5 days, depending on whether or not you use an express transfer.
Origin express1
(1300-1400) Early French expresser, from Latin expressus; → EXPRESS2
(1300-1400) French exprès, from Latin expressus, past participle of exprimere to press out, from premere to press; the idea of speed comes from trains stopping only at specific places, so the complete journey takes less time




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