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词汇 exposure


Word family adjectiveexposableexposednounexposalexposéexposednessexposerexposureverbexpose
Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishing, Broadcasting, Illness & disability, Photography
ex·po·sure /ɪkˈspəʊʒə $ -ˈspoʊʒər/ AWL noun  
1 to danger 受危害 [uncountableU]HARM/BE BAD FOR when someone is in a situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant 暴露
exposure to
 Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.
2 truth 真相 [uncountableU]TELL A SECRET the action of showing the truth about someone or something, especially when it is bad 揭发,揭露
exposure of
 the exposure of his underground political activity
exposure as
 her fear of exposure as a spy
3 public attention 公众的注意 [uncountableU]TCNTCB the attention that someone or something gets from newspapers, television etc 报道,关注 SYN publicity
 The failure of their marriage has got a lot of exposure recently.
4 experience 体验 [singular, uncountableU] the chance to experience new ideas, ways of life etc 接触,体验
exposure to
 The visit to Germany gave them exposure to the language.
 her brief exposure to pop stardom
5 be very cold 感觉非常冷 [uncountableU]MI the harmful effects on your body of being outside in very cold weather without protection 受冻,冻伤
 We nearly died of exposure on the mountainside.
6 photography 摄影 [countableC]
a) TCPa length of film in a camera that is used to take a photograph 底片中的一张
 I have three exposures left on this roll.
b) TCPthe amount of time that light is allowed to enter the camera when taking a photograph 〔照片的〕曝光时间
7. show 显示 [countableC]SHOW/LET somebody SEE something the act of showing something that is usually hidden 显露,暴露
8. business 商业 [countableC, uncountableU] the amount of financial risk that a company or person has 金融风险
9 direction 方向 [singular]DIRECTION the direction in which a building, hill etc faces 〔建筑、山等的〕朝向
 My bedroom has a southern exposure.
indecent exposure
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
exposureex·po·sure /ɪkˈspəʊʒə-ˈspoʊʒər/ noun
1[uncountableU]MARKETING advertising and PUBLICITY which is used to sell a product or service
Our unrivalled advertising exposure gets fast results.
The convention is important because of the money and media exposure it could bring to the city.
2[countableC, uncountableU] when a newspaper article or a television programme tells people the truth for the first time about something bad, or someone who has done something illegal, dishonest, or wrong
Other exposures such as the irregular payments to Graham Roberts have come largely from the Press or club officials.
3[countableC, uncountableU]FINANCE the amount of money that a bank lends to a customer, and which the bank therefore risks losing
Rising government debt will be a worry, though most of us will be concentrating on dealing with our own borrowing exposures.
Concern overexposure to the troubled group hit the banking sector, with Barclays the main casualty.
4[countableC, uncountableU]FINANCE the amount of money an investor risks losing if their investments do badly, for example on the stockmarket
Some companies overlook the fact that foreign exchange exposures rise when the contract is signed.
The fund is aiming to raise $200 million from banks looking to reduce their exposure to Eastern Europe.
currency exposure debt exposure




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