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词汇 abstract


Word family adjectiveabstractedabstractionalabstractiveadverbabstractedlyabstractivelyabstractlynounabstractednessabstracterabstractionabstractionismabstractionistabstractnessverbabstract
Related topics: Visual
ab·stract1 /ˈæbstrækt/ ●●○ AWL adjectiveadj  
1 REAL/NOT IMAGINARYbased on general ideas or principles rather than specific examples or real events 纯理论的,纯概念的,抽象的 SYN theoretical
abstract idea/concept etc
 the ability to translate abstract ideas into words
 By the age of seven, children are capable of thinking in abstract terms.
 Human beings are the only creatures capable of abstract thought (=thinking about ideas).
4  See picture of 见图 PAINTING
2 REAL/NOT IMAGINARYexisting only as an idea or quality rather than as something real that you can see or touch 抽象的,无形的 OPP concrete
 the abstract nature of beauty
3. abstract.jpg AVabstract paintings, designs etc consist of shapes and patterns that do not look like real people or things 〔画、设计等〕抽象(派)的
abstract noun
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Painting and drawing, Newspapers, printing, publishing
abstract2 ●○○ AWL noun [countableC]  
1. AVPa painting, design etc which contains shapes or images that do not look like real things or people 抽象画;抽象派作品5 see picture at 见图 painting
2. TCNa short written statement containing only the most important ideas in a speech, article etc 摘要,概要
3 in the abstract REAL/NOT IMAGINARYconsidered in a general way rather than being based on specific details and examples 抽象地,概括地,从理论上说
 Talking about crime in the abstract just isn’t enough.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
ab·stract3 /əbˈstrækt, æb-/ AWL verb [transitiveT]  
1. WRITEto write a document containing the most important ideas or points from a speech, article etc 的摘要
2. formal to remove something from somewhere 抽取,提取;使分离
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
abstractab·stract /ˈæbstrækt/ noun [countableC]
a short written statement that contains the most important details of a longer piece of writing such as a newspaper article, a report, or a speech
an abstract of the Chairman’s speech to the shareholders
Origin abstract1
(1300-1400) Latin past participle of abstrahere, from abs- away + trahere to pull




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