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词汇 evidence


Word family nounevidenceevidentialityadjectiveevidentialevidentadverbevidentiallyevidently
Related topics: Law
ev·i·dence1 /ˈevɪdəns/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL noun  
1 [uncountableU]PROVE facts or signs that show clearly that something exists or is true 证据,证明
evidence of
 At present we have no evidence of life on other planets.
evidence for
 There is no evidence for these claims.
evidence that
 Do you have evidence that this treatment works?
see thesaurus at sign
2 [uncountableU]SCT information that is given in a court of law in order to prove that someone is guilty or not guilty 〔法庭上证明某人有罪或无罪的〕证据,证词
 Murrow’s evidence was enough to convict Hayes of murder.
 He refused to give evidence at the trial.
evidence against
 There was very little evidence against the two men.
in evidence
 The documents may be used in evidence at the trial.
3 be in evidence formalSHOW/BE A SIGN OF to be present and easily seen or noticed 显眼,显而易见
 The police are always in evidence at football matches.
Examples from the Corpus
king's evidence, Queen's evidence, State's evidence
Evidence is an uncountable noun and has no plural form. Use a singular verb after it. evidence是不可数名词没有复数形式其后要用单数动词
Vital evidence was destroyed.
nGRAMMAR: Countable or uncountable?
Evidence is an uncountable noun and is not used in the plural. You say:
The judge listened to all the evidence.
Don’t say: The judge listened to all the evidences.
Evidence is always followed by a singular verb:
The evidence is very clear.
When talking about one fact or sign, you say a piece of evidence:
The police found a vital piece of evidence.
COLLOCATIONSMeanings 1 & 2
have evidence 有证据
Do the police have any evidence against him?
find evidence (also obtain evidence formal) 找到证据
The authorities failed to obtain enough evidence to convict him.
gather/collect evidence 收集证据
Police experts are still collecting evidence at the scene of the crime.
look for/search for evidence 寻找/搜寻证据
The investigation will look for evidence of financial mismanagement.
hide evidence 隐藏证据
The killer may have tried to burn the bodies in an attempt to hide the evidence.
plant evidence (=deliberately put evidence somewhere to make someone look guilty) 栽赃
He claims the evidence was planted there by the police.
produce evidence (=find evidence and prepare it for a court case) 提供证据
The case was adjourned to allow the police time to produce further evidence.
give evidence (=tell a court about what you have seen or know to be true) (出庭)作证
Ms White has agreed to give evidence at their trial.
consider/examine/study the evidence 审查/研究证据
Having considered all the evidence, the court found him not guilty.
good/clear/strong evidence 充分的/明显的/有力的证据
There is clear evidence that smoking causes heart disease.
hard evidence (=very clear evidence which proves that something is true) 确凿的证据,铁证
They have no hard evidence to support their claim.
fresh evidence (=new evidence) 新的证据
The police say they may have found fresh evidence which proves Tilly was at the scene of the crime.
medical/scientific evidence 医学/科学证据
There isn’t any medical evidence to support the claim.
reliable/credible (=which people can trust or believe) 可靠的/可信的
Do you think their evidence is reliable?
flimsy (=not good enough to make you believe something) 不可信的
Their conclusions are drawn from some very flimsy evidence.
convincing/compelling (=making you feel sure that something is true) 令人信服的
The data provides compelling evidence that the climate is changing.
overwhelming (=when there is so much evidence that you are sure that something is true) 难以辩驳的
The evidence against him was overwhelming.
conclusive/incontrovertible/irrefutable evidence (=very strong evidence which cannot be disproved) 不容置疑的/无可辩驳的证据
nWe need irrefutable evidence before making an arrest.
nThe government claims it has conclusive evidence of the country’s nuclear weapons programme.
conflicting evidence (=pieces of evidence that support different conclusions) 互相矛盾的证据
nWith so much conflicting evidence, it’s almost impossible to make a decision.
nincriminating evidence (=making someone seem guilty of a crime)
The robbers were careful not to leave any incriminating evidence behind.
ndamning evidence (=proving that someone has done something wrong)
Her testimony proved to be the most damning evidence against him.
circumstantial evidence (=evidence which makes something seem likely, but does not prove it) 间接证据
nHis barrister claims the case against him is based on circumstantial evidence.
anecdotal evidence (=based on what people believe, rather than on facts) 传闻证据
nAnecdotal evidence suggests that gang-related violence is on the increase.
empirical evidence (=based on scientific testing or practical experience) 实验
nWhere is the empirical evidence to back up these claims?
nadmissible evidence (=acceptable in a court of law)
Her lawyer advised that the tape would not be admissible evidence in court.
a piece of evidence 一项证据
The study produced one interesting piece of evidence.
not a scrap/shred of evidence (=no evidence at all) 没有丝毫证据
There is not one scrap of evidence against our client.
COMMON ERRORSDon’t say ‘true evidence’. Say reliable evidence.
Examples from the Corpus
evidence2 verb [transitiveT]  
formalSHOW/BE A SIGN OF to show that something exists or is true 证明
as (is) evidenced by
 The volcano is still active, as evidenced by the recent eruption.
Evidence is usually passive.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
evidenceev·i·dence /ˈevɪdəns/ noun [uncountableU]
LAWinformation or facts given in a court of law to prove that someone is guilty
He refused to give evidence at the trial.




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