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词汇 even


Word family nounevenerevennessevenseveeveningevejarevenfallevening classevening primroseevensongeventideadverbevenlyeveningsadjectiveeven-handedeven-temperedeven
e·ven1 /ˈiːvən/ ●●● S1 W1 adverbadv  
1 XXused to emphasize something that is unexpected or surprising in what you are saying 甚至;即使
 Most companies have suffered a drop in their profits, even very large companies.
 It was quite difficult to see, even with the light on.
 He became quite successful and even appeared on a television show once.
 She did not even bother to phone us.
 He never even acknowledged my letter.
2 even bigger/better/brighter etc EMPHASIZEused to emphasize that someone or something is bigger, better etc 甚至更大/更好/更明亮等
 This will make our job even more difficult.
 The news was even worse than we expected.
 The new version is even better than the old one.
Examples from the Corpus
3 EXACTused to add a stronger, more exact word to what you are saying 甚至可以说;更确切地说
 Some patients become depressed, even suicidal.
4 even so spokenBUT used to introduce something that is true although it is different from something that you have just said 即便如此,即使这样
 I know he’s only a child, but even so he should have known that what he was doing was wrong.
Examples from the Corpus
5 even if IFused to emphasize that something will still be true if another thing happens 即使,纵然
 She’s going to have problems finding a job even if she gets her A levels.
Examples from the Corpus
6 even though ALTHOUGHused to emphasize that something is true although something else has happened or is true 虽然,尽管
 Even though he’s 24 now, he’s still like a little child.
 I can still remember, even though it was so long ago.
Examples from the Corpus
7 even now/then DESPITEin spite of what has happened 即使到现在/那时;即使这样/那样
 Even now I find it hard to believe that he lied.
 They invested in new machinery and equipment, but even then the business was still losing money.
Examples from the Corpus
8 even as TIME/AT THE SAME TIMEused to emphasize that something happens at the same moment as something else 正当,恰好在时候
 He realized, even as he spoke, that no one would ever believe him.
Examples from the Corpus
Even usually goes before the word or phrase that you want to emphasize because it is surprising. even 通常用在单词或短语之前以强调某事令人吃惊
Even young students were aware of how things had changed.
With a verb, even goes after the first auxiliary, if there is one. even 和动词连用时如有助动词则用于第一个助动词之后
There is wildlife even in the centre of town.
Even is not used to introduce another clause. Use even if, even though, or even when. 引导从句不能用 even,要用 even if, even though even when
I have even offered to pay for everything.
You can use still in a main clause after a clause beginning with one of these expressions, but do not use ‘but’ or ‘yet’. 如主句位于由上述短语引导的从句之后则主句中可用 still,但不可用 but yet
He can’t even spell his own name.
Even if it’s raining (NOT 不说 Even it’s raining), we go for a walk every day.
They feel anxious even when things are going well.
即使事情顺利,他们仍忧心忡忡 。
Even though we’re completely different, we’re still great friends (NOT 不说 but/yet we’re great friends).
Word order
You use even before a person, thing, or phrase, when you want to emphasize what you are saying:
Even young children know the difference between right and wrong.
Poverty exists even in rich countries.
You use even before a verb:
He even offered to buy me a drink.
You use even after an auxiliary verb:
He has even offered to buy me a drink.
You can even see tigers.
Even though/even if
You use even though and even if when saying that something happens or is true in spite of another thing:
Even though she was tired, she carried on walking.
We’re still going to the concert, even if it rains.
Don’t say: even she was tired | even it rains
You can use even though and even if with still:
Even though we’re completely different, we’re still friends.
Don’t say: Even though we’re completely different, yet we’re friends. | Even though we’re completely different, but we’re friends.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Numbers, Sport
even2 ●●○ adjectiveadj  
1 level 平面FLAT flat and level, with no parts that are higher than other parts 平的,平坦的 OPP uneven
 The floor must be completely even before we lay the tiles.
 You need a flat, even surface to work on.
 He had lovely white, even teeth.
see thesaurus at flat
2 not changing 无变化SAME an even rate, speed, or temperature is steady and does not change 〔比率、速度或温度〕平稳的,均匀的
 The room is kept at an even temperature.
 Wood burns at a fairly even rate.
3 divided equally 均分EQUAL divided equally, so that there is the same amount of something in each place, for each person etc 平分的,均分的
 Divide the dough into three even amounts.
 an even distribution of wealth
4 number 数字HMN an even number can be divided exactly by two 偶数的,双数的 OPP odd
 2,4, 6 and 8 are even numbers.
5 competition 竞赛EQUAL having teams or competitors that are equally good so that everyone has a chance of winning 势均力敌的,水平相当的
 The first half was very even, and neither side scored.
 an even contest
6 scores 比分 if the score in a game is even, two teams or players have the same number of points 平局的,平分的
 At the end of the first half the score is even.
7 be even informalOWE to no longer owe someone something, especially money 互不欠〔钱〕,两讫
 If you give me $5, we’ll be even.
Examples from the Corpus
8 calm 平静 calm and controlled, and not extreme 平和的;镇静的
 He read most of the speech in an even tone.
9 an even chance POSSIBLEa situation in which it is just as likely that something will happen as not happen 一半的可能性
 I think we have an even chance of winning.
 We knew there was an even chance that the operation would fail.
Examples from the Corpus
10 get even (with somebody) informalREVENGE to do something unpleasant to someone to punish them for something that they did to you (向某人)报复;(跟某人)算账 SYN get revenge (on somebody)
 I’ll get even with him one day.
Examples from the Corpus
11 break even to neither make a profit nor lose money 收支平衡;不赔不赚
 We’re hoping that we’ll at least break even, and perhaps make a small profit.
Examples from the Corpus
evenness noun [uncountableU]
Examples from the Corpus
even3 ●○○ verb  
1even out phrasal verbphr v EQUALif things even out, or if you even them out, the differences between them become smaller (使)相等;(使)平均 SYN level out
 The differences in their income should even out over time.
even something ↔ out
 Use a brush to even out the variations in colour.
2even something ↔ up phrasal verbphr v FAIRto make a situation or competition more equal 拉平;使平衡
 We put on a couple of more experienced players to even things up a bit.
From Longman Business Dictionary
evene·ven /ˈiːvən/ adjectiveadj
1staying at the same level, rather than frequently changing from one level to the other
Strong trade will encourage more even selling.
2giving two sides, things, ideas etc equal or fair treatment
We should try to create a more even balance between work and recreation.
3even tens/hundreds/thousands in whole numbers, to the nearest ten, hundred etc
4ACCOUNTING an even account is the same on each side, so that there is neither a credit nor a debit balance
Origin even1
Old English efne, from efen; → EVEN2
Old English efen




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