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词汇 effort


Word family noun effort effortlessnessadjective effortless effortfuladverb effortlessly effortfully
ef·fort /ˈefət $ ˈefərt/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 physical/mental energy 体力/精力 [uncountableU]WORK HARD the physical or mental energy that is needed to do something 力气;精力
 Lou lifted the box easily, without using much effort.
 Frank put a lot of effort into the party.
 Learning to speak another language takes effort.
2 attempt 努力 [countableC, uncountableU]TRY TO DO OR GET something an attempt to do something, especially when this involves a lot of hard work or determination 努力
 Please make an effort to be polite.
somebody’s effort(s) to do something
 Tom’s efforts to stop smoking haven’t been very successful.
 Church leaders are prepared to meet the terrorists in an effort to (=in order to try to) find peace.
effort at
 Further efforts at negotiation have broken down.
through somebody’s efforts (=because of their efforts) 通过某人的努力
 The money was raised largely through the efforts of parents.
despite somebody’s efforts
 Despite all our efforts we lost the game 1–0.
3 be an effort TRY TO DO OR GET somethingto be difficult or painful to do 是费力的事;是痛苦的事
 I was so weak that even standing up was an effort.
Examples from the Corpus
4 particular situation 特定情况 [countableC] work that people do to achieve something in a particular situation 特别行动
 the fundraising effort
 the international relief effort
 Everyone did what they could to support the war effort.
5 good/bad/poor etc effort TRY TO DO OR GET somethingsomething that has been done well, badly etc 干得好/不好/差劲等
 Not a bad effort for a beginner!
Examples from the Corpus
COLLOCATIONSMeanings 1 & 2
make an effort (=try) 尽量,尽力
She made an effort to change the subject of the conversation.
put effort into (doing) something (=try hard to do something) 努力做某事
Let’s try again, only put more effort into it this time.
take the effort out of something (=make it easy) 使某事变得容易
An automatic car takes the effort out of driving.
something takes effort (also it takes effort to do something) (=you have to try hard) 某事需要付出努力
It takes a sustained effort to quit smoking.
something requires/involves effort formal (=it takes effort) 某事需要付出努力
nTrying to get my mother to change her mind requires considerable effort.
successful 成功的
Their efforts were successful, and they won the contract.
unsuccessful 不成功的
Efforts to save the hospital from closure have been unsuccessful.
futile (=having no chance of succeeding, and therefore not worth doing) 无用的,徒劳的
Doctors knew that any effort to save his life would be futile.
a big/great effort 很大的努力
The government has made a big effort to tackle the problem of poverty.
considerable effort (=a lot of effort) 相当大的努力
The police put considerable effort into finding his car.
a supreme/tremendous effort (=a very big effort) 极大的努力
It was only with a supreme effort that Roger controlled his temper.
a special effort (=one that you do not normally make) 特别的努力
I made a special effort to be nice to the children.
na constant effort (=one that never stops)
Walking was a constant effort.
a sustained effort (=one that you continue making for a long time) 坚持不懈的努力
nIt will take a sustained effort over the next 5 years to achieve our objectives.
a conscious/deliberate effort (=one that you concentrate on in order to achieve something) 有意识的努力
nHe made a conscious effort to become a better person.
a determined effort (=showing a lot of determination) 坚决的努力
nShe had made a determined effort to lose weight.
a desperate effort (=one you make when you are in a very bad situation) 孤注一掷的努力
nThe fox made a desperate effort to get away.
a concerted effort (=involving a lot of different actions, or a lot of people working together) 尽全力;通力合作
nIt will take a concerted effort to change the culture of binge-drinking in the country.
a joint/team effort (=involving a group or team of people) 共同的/集体的努力
nWe had many fine individual performances, but the win was a real team effort.
na collaborative/cooperative effort formal (=with different people or groups working together)
This was a collaborative effort involving the three largest energy companies.
physical/mental effort 体力/心力
nHe struggled back from two sets down to win the match, showing great physical and mental effort.
na final/last-ditch effort (=a last effort, when you want very much to achieve something)
Sam took a deep breath and prepared herself for one final effort.
make the effort (=do something that requires some effort) 尽力做
I felt too tired to go to a party, but decided to make the effort.
make every effort to do something (=try very hard) 尽一切努力做某事
I made every effort to see their point of view.
make no effort to do something (=not try at all) 没尝试做某事
They make no effort to speak the local language.
be (well) worth the effort (=used to say that something is worth doing even though it is hard) 做某事 ()值得
It’s a difficult place to get to, but it's well worth the effort.
an effort of will (=a big effort to do something that you find difficult because of the way you feel) 意志力
It took a huge effort of will not to cry.
with effort formal (=trying very hard) 费劲地
With great effort, he managed to keep quiet.
without effort (=easily, without trying hard) 轻松地
nHer horse jumped the fence without any effort.
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 4: work that people do to achieve something in a particular situation 特别行动
NOUN + effort
a relief effort
The UN is organizing the relief effort to the region affected by the earthquake.
a fund-raising effort
The party is planning a huge fund-raising effort later this year.
the war effort
Taxes were raised to support the war effort.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin effort
(1400-1500) Old French esfort, from esforcier to force




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