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词汇 education


Word family noun education educationalist educationist educator educabilityeducatabilityadjective educateduneducated educational educableineducable educative educatableeducatoryverb educate adverb educationally
Related topics: Education
ed·u·ca·tion /ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃən $ ˌedʒə-/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 [singular, uncountableU]SE the process of teaching and learning, usually at school, college, or university 〔学校的〕教育
 She also hopes her children will get a good education.
 efforts to improve girls’ access to education
formal education at formal1(6)
2 [uncountableU] the teaching of a particular subject 〔某一学科的〕教育
health/sex education 健康/性教育
3 [uncountableU] the institutions and people involved with teaching 教育机构;教育界人士
 the local education authority
4 [singular] an interesting experience which has taught you something – often used humorously 有教益的经历〔常为幽默用法〕
 Having Jimmy to stay has been quite an education!
adult education, further education, higher education
a good education 良好教育
All parents want a good education for their children.
a poor education (=not very good) 水平较差的教育
She had a poor education, and left school without qualifications.
an all-round education (=including a balance of lots of different subjects) 综合教育
The school offers a good all-round education.
full-time education (=spending every weekday in a school or college) 全日制教育
Children must stay in full-time education until the age of 16.
state education British EnglishBrE, public education American EnglishAmE (=provided by the government of a country) 公立教育
The state of California guarantees free public education to all children.
private education (=that people have to pay for) 私立教育
I don't agree with the principle of private education.
formal education (=from teachers at school or college, rather than learning by yourself) 正规教育
She had no formal education and was brought up by her grandmother.
primary (school) education British EnglishBrE, elementary education American EnglishAmE (=for children aged between 5 and 11) 初等教育,小学教育
The government has announced plans to improve the quality of primary school education.
secondary education (also high school education American EnglishAmE) (=for children aged between 11 and 18) 中等教育,中学教育
She hopes to start a teaching career in secondary education.
university/college education 大学教育
Do you have a university education?
further/higher education (=at a college or university) 继续/高等教育
I did a carpentry course at the further education college.
adult education (=for adults) 成人教育
nThey run adult education classes at the local community college.
vocational education (=relating to skills needed for a particular job) 职业教育
nWe offer vocational education and job training.
nursery/pre-school education (=for children aged under 5) 幼儿/学前教育
nThe funding will provide nursery education for all four-year-olds.
have an education 接受教育
The women have had little education.
get/receive an education 接受教育
Some children grow up without receiving any education.
give/provide an education 提供教育
The school aims to provide a good general education.
enter education (=start going to school, college etc) 入学
The number of students entering higher education has risen.
leave education British EnglishBrE (=stop going to school, college etc) 停学,结束教育
She left full-time education at the age of 16.
continue your education 继续求学
nI hope to continue my education after high school.
education + NOUN
the education system (=the way education is organized and managed in a country) 教育体制
Is the British education system failing some children?
the education department (=the government organization that makes decisions about education) 教育部门
Newcastle City Council’s education department
an education authority (=a government organization that makes official decisions about education in one particular area) 教育当局
nThe school is funded by the local education authority.
the education service (=all the government organizations that work together to provide education) 教育机构
nThere are plans to expand the adult education service.
education policy (=political plans for managing an education system) 教育政策
nThe teaching unions are calling for the government to review its education policy.
education reform (=changes that a government makes to the education system in a country) 教育改革
nthe government’s programme of education reform
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
educationed·u·ca·tion /ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃənˌedʒə-/ noun [uncountableU]
the process of learning, for example at schools and universities, and the process by which your mind develops through doing this
The most important element of business education is teaching kids that business is more than just ‘chasing after big bucks.’
a consulting firm specializing in management education and organization development
Russian immigrants have very high levels of technical education.
tertiary education




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