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词汇 dummy


Word family noundumminessdummy rundummy
Related topics: Babies, Cards
dum·my1 /ˈdʌmi/ noun (plural dummies) [countableC]  
1 for clothes 用于服装DCC a model that is the shape and size of a person, especially used in order to show clothes in a shop or when you are making clothes 〔制作或陈列服装用的〕人体模型
 a shop-window dummy
 a tailor’s dummy
2 copy 仿制PRETEND an object that is made to look like a tool, weapon, vehicle etc but which you cannot use 〔工具、武器、车辆等的〕仿制品,仿真物品
 During practice runs, the warheads in the missiles will be dummies.
3 doll 玩具娃娃 a small model of a person, with a mouth that can be moved so that it looks as though it is talking, used for entertainment 〔用于表演,嘴巴会动的〕玩具娃娃,玩偶
 a ventriloquist’s dummy
4. sports 体育运动 British EnglishBrE a move in a sport such as football in which a player pretends to pass the ball but does not, in order to deceive the other team’s players 〔足球等运动中的〕假传球
5. dummy.jpg for babies 用于婴儿DHB British EnglishBrE a specially shaped rubber object that you put in a baby’s mouth for it to suck 橡皮奶嘴 SYN American English pacifier
6 stupid person 笨蛋STUPID/NOT INTELLIGENT especially American EnglishAmE informal someone who is stupid 傻瓜,蠢货
 No, you dummy. The other hand.
7. card game 纸牌游戏DGC cards that are placed on the table by one player for all the other players to see in a game of bridge 〔桥牌中的〕明手牌
spit the dummy at spit1
Examples from the Corpus
dummy2 adjectiveadj [only before noun]  
PRETENDa dummy tool, weapon, vehicle etc is made to look like a real one but you cannot use it 假的,仿真的 SYN replica
 a dummy rifle
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
dummydum·my1 /ˈdʌmi/ noun (plural dummies) [countableC]
1MARKETINGa product that is made to look like a real product and is used for testing, obtaining people’s opinions etc
2MARKETINGa test advertisement or design
3a model of a human used for showing clothes in a shop window or for testing car safety
dummydummy2 adjectiveadj [only before a noun]
1MARKETINGa dummy product is made to look like a real one and is used for tests, getting people’s opinions etc
72% of the men in the group taking a dummy pill continued to lose hair.
2ORGANIZATIONSa dummy organization is used to hide the real owner of assets, or to hide criminal activities
They had set up a series of dummy corporations to buy and sell 8,000 acres of useless New Mexico desert.
3a dummy activity is used to make people think that something is happening when it is not
They used dummy trades to create a false impression of a more active market than really existed.
Origin dummy1
(1500-1600) → DUMB1




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