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词汇 dry


Word family noundrierdryingdrynessDryasdustdry batterydry goodsdry landdrymouthdry rotdry rundrysalterdrysalterydrywalladverbdrilyadjectivedryishdry-eyeddry-roasteddry-shoddryverbdrybeatdry-clean
Related topics: Nature, Drink
dry1 /draɪ/ ●●● S2 W2 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp drier, superlativesupl driest)  
1 not wet 不湿的DRY without water or liquid inside or on the surface 干的,干燥的 OPP wet
 I need to change into some dry clothes.
 Make sure that the surface is clean and dry before you start to paint.
 You should store disks in a cool, dry place.
shake/rub/wipe etc something dry
 Jean rubbed her hair dry.
 The path is dry as a bone (=very dry).
bone dry
2 weather 天气DN having very little rain or moisture 干旱的,干燥的 OPP wet arid
 The weather was hot and dry.
 Eastern areas should stay dry tomorrow.
 the dry season
 These plants do not grow well in dry conditions (=when there is not much rain).
 a prolonged dry spell (=period)
3 dry mouth/skin/lips/hair etc HBHDRYwithout enough of the liquid or oil that is normally in your mouth, skin etc 干燥的嘴巴/皮肤/嘴唇/头发等 parched
 His heart was pounding and his mouth was dry.
 Mary has dry, sensitive skin.
 a shampoo for dry hair
 She licked her dry lips.
Examples from the Corpus
4 run/go dry DNDRYif a lake, river etc runs dry, all the water gradually disappears, especially because there has been no rain 〔湖泊、河流等〕干涸
 The river ran dry last summer.
Examples from the Corpus
5 humour 幽默JOKE someone with a dry sense of humour says funny and clever things while seeming to be serious 冷面滑稽的
 He had a delightfully dry sense of humour.
6 boring 枯燥乏味的BORING boring, very serious, and without humour 乏味的,无趣的
 In schools, science is often presented in a dry and uninteresting manner.
 a dry debate on policies
see thesaurus at boring
7. dry cough MIa cough which does not produce any phlegm 干咳
Examples from the Corpus
8 dry wine/sherry etc DFDwine etc that is not sweet 干葡萄酒/雪利酒等
 a glass of dry white wine
Examples from the Corpus
9 without alcohol 无酒的SCLDFD not drinking alcohol, or not allowing any alcohol to be sold 不喝酒的;不允许出售酒精饮料的
 Paula had been dry for a year before she started drinking again.
 Kuwait’s a dry country.
10 voice 声音EMOTIONAL showing no emotion when you speak 冷漠的,没有感情的
 ‘Good evening gentlemen, ’ he said, in a dry voice.
11. dry bread/toast DFFbread etc eaten on its own without anything such as butter or jam spread on it 未涂黄油[果酱]的面包/吐司
Examples from the Corpus
12. thirsty 口干的,口渴的 informal thirsty 口渴的
13. not a dry eye in the house CRYused to say that everyone was crying because something was very sad – often used humorously 〔因伤心之事〕在场众人无不眼泪汪汪〔常为幽默用法〕
Examples from the Corpus
dryness noun [uncountableU]
drip-dry, dry rot, → home and dry at home2(6), → leave somebody high and dry at high2(5), → dryly
dry grass
There had been no rain and the grass was very dry.
dry clothes
I had no dry clothes to change into.
dry land (=not the sea)
It was good to get off the ship onto dry land again.
dry ingredients (=the things in a recipe that are not liquid)
Add the eggs and milk to the dry ingredients.
keep dry
We managed to keep dry inside an old farm building.
get dry (=become dry)
Come inside and get dry.
shake/rub/wipe etc something dry
He wiped his hands dry with a handkerchief.
towel something dry (=use a towel to dry something)
Towel your hair dry before using a hairdryer.
dry as a bone/bone dry (=completely dry)
These plants need some water – they’re dry as a bone.
dry having very little moisture, or no longer wet
How do plants survive in hot dry conditions?
My mouth feels dry.
The clothes should be dry.
The ground was bone dry (=completely dry).
parched completely dry – used about land, or about someone’s lips, throat, skin etc
The earth was so parched that there were huge cracks in it.
parched lips
arid extremely dry because of lack or rain and therefore difficult for growing crops
the arid landscape of the Danakil desert
an arid mountain region
Examples from the Corpus
dry2 ●●● S2 W3 verb (dried, drying, dries) [intransitiveI, transitiveT]  
1 DRYto make something dry, or to become dry (使)变干,把弄干
 Mrs Brown hung the washing on the line to dry.
 He was drying his hair with a towel.
 Mary dried her hands.
 Leave the first coat of paint to dry before adding another.
 She stood up and dried her eyes (=wiped away her tears).
dry yourself
 He quickly dried himself on the thin towel.
2PLATES/DISHES ETC 盘子/碟子等 (also dry up British EnglishBrE) to rub plates, dishes etc dry with a cloth after they have been washed 擦干〔洗好的盘、碟等〕
 You wash and I’ll dry.
 Shall I dry up these glasses?
3dry off phrasal verbphr v DRYto become dry or to make something dry, especially on the surface (使)变干,把〔某物〕弄干
 We swam in the sea, then stretched out on the sand to dry off.
dry something ↔ off
 He dried the camera off, hoping it would still work.
Examples from the Corpus
4dry out phrasal verbphr v 
a) DRYto become completely dry or to make something completely dry, especially after it has been very wet (使)干透,使〔某物〕完全变干
 In summer, water the plants regularly and never let the soil dry out.
dry something ↔ out
 The kitchen was flooded and it took ages to dry it out.
b) dry (somebody) outMHDFD to stop drinking alcohol after you have become an alcoholic, or to make someone do this (使)(某人)戒酒瘾
 He’s been drying out at a private clinic.
 The hospital dried Michael out and sent him home.
Examples from the Corpus
5dry up phrasal verbphr v 
a) come to an end 枯竭FINISH/COME TO AN END if a supply of something dries up, it comes to an end and no more is available 〔供应等〕耗尽,枯竭
 Foreign investment may dry up.
 The work soon dried up.
b) river/lake etc 河流/湖泊等DNDRY if something such as a river dries up, the water in it disappears 干涸
 Across central and west Texas, waterholes and wells have dried up.
dry something ↔ up
 Taking too much water for household use is drying up the river.
c) stop talking 停止说话FORGET if someone dries up, they stop talking 停下来不说话,说不出话来
 ‘It was -’ She dried up again.
那是——” 她又说不出来了。
 Everyone became embarrassed and conversation dried up.
d) plates/dishes etc 盘子/碟子等 British EnglishBrEDF to rub plates, dishes etc dry with a cloth after they have been washed 用布擦干〔洗好的盘、碟等〕
dry something ↔ up
 I’ll just dry up these mugs and we can have a coffee.
Examples from the Corpus
cut and dried, dried
Dry belongs to a group of verbs where the same noun can be the subject of the verb or its object.
You can say:
I’m drying the washing on the line.
In this sentence, ‘the washing’ is the object of dry.
You can also say:
The washing is drying on the line.
In this sentence, ‘the washing’ is the subject of dry.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
drydry /draɪ/ verb (past tensepst and past participlepp dried)
dry up
Origin dry1
Old English dryge




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