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词汇 drive


Word family noun drive driver driving drivabilitydriver's licensedrive shaftdrivethroughdrivewaydriving licencedriving rangedriving testadjective driving drivabledrivendriverlessdrive-byverb drive
Related topics: Motor vehicles, Power, Industry
drive1 /draɪv/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tensepst drove /drəʊv $ droʊv/, past participlepp driven /ˈdrɪvən/)  
a) [intransitiveI, transitiveT]TTC to make a car, truck, bus etc move along 开车,驾驶
drive to/down/off etc
 I am planning to drive to Morocco next year.
 the man driving the car
 Can you drive?
 So when did you learn to drive?
 Bye! Drive carefully!
 He drives 12 miles to work.
 He drives (=has) a BMW estate.
b) [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] if a car, truck etc drives somewhere, it moves there 〔车〕行驶
 After the accident, the other car just drove off.
c) TRAVEL SOMEWHERE[intransitiveI]TTC if people drive somewhere, they travel somewhere in a car 开车去
 Shall we drive or take the bus?
drive to/down/off etc
 They drove back to Woodside.
d) TAKE somebody SOMEWHERE[transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]TTC to take someone somewhere in a car, truck etc 驾车送〔人〕
 She drove Anna to London.
 I’ll drive you home.
drive yourself
 I drove myself to hospital.
2 FORCE somebody/somethingmake SB move 使某人移动 [transitiveT] to force a person or animal to go somewhere 驱赶,驱使,迫使去〔某处〕
 Torrential rain drove the players off the course.
 With a few loud whistles, they drove the donkeys out of the enclosure.
3 FEELINGmake SB do STH 驱使某人做某事 [transitiveT] to strongly influence someone to do something 迫使,促使〔某人做某事〕
drive somebody to do something
 The detective wondered what had driven Christine to phone her.
drive somebody to/into something
 The noises in my head have nearly driven me to suicide.
 Phil, driven by jealousy, started spying on his wife.
4 make SB/STH be in a bad state 使某人/某物处于糟糕状态 [transitiveT] to make someone or something get into a bad or extreme state, usually an emotional one 迫使,逼得〔某人或某物处于极糟糕的状态〕
drive somebody crazy/nuts/mad/insane (=make someone feel very annoyed) 把某人逼疯
 This cough is driving me mad!
drive somebody crazy/wild (=make someone feel very sexually excited) 使某人性欲亢奋
drive somebody up the wall/out of their mind (=make someone feel very annoyed) 使某人非常生气
drive somebody to distraction/desperation
 The mosquitoes drive me to distraction.
drive somebody/something into something
 The factory had been driven into bankruptcy.
5 HIThit/push STH into STH 把某物钉入某物 [transitiveT] to hit or push something into something else []
drive something into something
 We watched Dad drive the posts into the ground.
 She drove her heels into the sand.
6 make SB work 逼某人工作 [transitiveT] to make a person or animal work hard 驱使,逼迫〔人或动物拼命干活〕
drive yourself
 Don’t drive yourself too hard.
7 sports 体育运动 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]
a) to move a ball etc forward in a game of baseball, football, golf etc by hitting or kicking it hard and fast 〔在棒球、足球、高尔夫球等运动中〕猛击,猛踢,猛抽(球)
 He drove the ball into the corner of the net.
b) to run with the ball towards the goal in sports such as basketball and American football 〔篮球、美式橄榄球等中〕带(球)前进
5 see picture at 见图 golf
8 PROVIDE POWERprovide power 提供动力 [transitiveT]TP to provide the power for a vehicle or machine 为〔车辆或机器〕提供动力
petrol-driven/electrically-driven/battery-driven etc
 a petrol-driven lawn mower
9 rain/wind etc/风等 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] if rain, snow, wind etc drives somewhere, it moves very quickly in that direction 〔雨、雪等〕猛下;〔风〕猛吹,猛刮
 The rain was driving down hard.
10 drive a coach and horses through something DESTROYto destroy an argument, plan etc completely 彻底推翻某事,摧毁某事 〔指论点、计划等〕
 The new bill will drive a coach and horses through recent trade agreements.
Examples from the Corpus
11 MAKE A HOLEmake a hole 钻洞 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]TI to make a large hole in something using heavy equipment or machinery 〔用重型设备或机器〕钻〔大洞〕
 They drove a tunnel through the mountains.
12 drive something home CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDto make something completely clear to someone 使某事明白无误
 He didn’t have to drive the point home. The videotape had done that.
Examples from the Corpus
13 drive a wedge between somebody DISAGREEto do something that makes people disagree or start to dislike each other 挑拨某人之间的关系,离间某人,使某人不和
 I don’t want to drive a wedge between you and your father.
Examples from the Corpus
drive/strike a hard bargain at hard1(18)
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 4: to make someone or something get into a bad or extreme state, usually an emotional one
drive somebody crazy/mad/insane spoken (also drive somebody nuts spoken informal) (=make someone feel very annoyed)
The continuous noise was driving me crazy.
drive somebody crazy/wild (=make someone feel very sexually excited)
He drives women wild.
drive somebody up the wall/round the bend/out of their mind spoken informal (=make someone feel very annoyed)
That voice of hers drives me up the wall.
drive somebody to distraction (=make someone feel very upset or annoyed)
She was being driven to distraction by her husband’s bad habits.
drive somebody to despair/desperation (=make someone despair)
Escalating personal debts have driven many people to despair.
drive somebody to drink (=make someone so annoyed or upset that they depend on alcohol)
His problems had almost driven him to drink.
14drive at something phrasal verbphr v what somebody is driving atSAY the thing someone is really trying to say 某人说话的真正意图 SYN get at
 I still couldn’t understand what Toby was driving at.
Examples from the Corpus
15drive somebody ↔ away phrasal verbphr v FORCE somebody TO DO somethingto behave in a way that makes someone leave 赶跑〔某人〕
 He was cruel because he wanted to drive me away.
Examples from the Corpus
16drive something ↔ down phrasal verbphr v BBTPEto make prices, costs etc fall quickly 〔迅速〕压低,降低〔价格、成本等〕
 We have to drive down costs.
Examples from the Corpus somebody/something ↔ in phrasal verbphr v to hit the ball so that another player can score a run in baseball 〔棒球击球〕使跑垒得分
Examples from the Corpus
18drive off phrasal verbphr v 
a) DSGto hit the ball to begin a game of golf 〔高尔夫球运动中〕开球
b) FORCE somebody TO DO something drive somebody ↔ off to force a person or animal to go away from you 赶走某人[动物]
 We keep dogs in the yard to drive off intruders.
Examples from the Corpus
19drive somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v 
a) FORCE somebody TO DO somethingto force someone or something to leave 迫使〔某人或某物〕离开
 Downtown stores are being driven out by crime.
b) written to make something stop existing 使消失
 As we went forward, our fear was driven out by horror.
Examples from the Corpus
20drive something ↔ up phrasal verbphr v BBTPEto make prices, costs etc rise quickly 迫使〔价格、成本等〕快速上升
 The oil shortage drove gas prices up by 20 cents a gallon.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Motor vehicles, Household, Policies, Mechanical, Sport, Computers
drive2 ●●● S2 W2 noun  
1 IN A CARin a car 在车上 [countableC]TTC a journey in a car 驱车出行
drive to/along etc
 Let’s go for a drive along the coast.
 Taylor took me for a drive through the town.
an hour’s/a two-hour etc drive
 It’s a two-hour drive from Calais to Thiepval.
see thesaurus at journey
2 NATURAL NEEDnatural need 自然需求 [countableC]HBH a strong natural need or desire 本能的需求,基本欲求
 The treatment will not affect your sex drive.
3 OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSEoutside your house 在房屋外面 [countableC]DH the hard area or road between your house and the street 〔房屋与街道之间的〕私人车道 SYN driveway
in/on the drive
 He parked his car in the drive.
4 A FIGHT FOR somethingeffort 努力 [countableC]PPPSSO an effort to achieve something, especially an effort by an organization for a particular purpose 〔尤指有特定目的的有组织的〕活动,运动
 a recruitment drive for new members
 an economy drive (=effort to reduce spending)
drive to do something
 a nationwide drive to crack down on crime
5 determination 干劲 [uncountableU]ENERGETIC determination and energy to succeed 干劲,魄力
 Brian has got tremendous drive.
6 POWERpower 动力 [uncountableU]TTCTEM the power from an engine that makes the wheels of a vehicle go round 驱动
front-wheel/rear-wheel/four-wheel drive 前轮/后轮/四轮驱动
7 computer 计算机 [countableC] a piece of equipment in a computer that is used to get information from a disk or to store information on it 驱动器
hard/floppy/A etc drive 硬驱/软驱/A驱等
disk drive
8 SPORTsport 体育运动 [countableC]DS an act of hitting a ball hard, especially in tennis, baseball, or golf 〔尤指网球、棒球或高尔夫球的〕猛击,猛抽
 He hit a long, high drive to right field.
9 MILITARY ATTACKmilitary attack 军事进攻 [countableC]PM several military attacks 大规模攻击
drive into
 a drive deep into enemy territory
10. animals 动物 [countableC] when animals such as cows or sheep are brought together and made to move in a particular direction 驱赶
n11. Drive
Examples from the Corpus
1TTRused in the names of roads 路,道〔用于路名〕
 141 Park Drive
From Longman Business Dictionary
drivedrive1 /draɪv/ verb (past tensepst drove /drəʊvdroʊv/, past participlepp driven /ˈdrɪvən/, present participle driving)
drive a hard bargainCOMMERCE to succeed by arguing in a very determined way in making an agreement that is very much to your advantage
Sorrell drives a hard bargain and may not sell at all if he can’t get a suitable price.
drive something → down
drive something → up
drivedrive2 noun [countableC]
1a planned effort by an organization to achieve something
They have decided to sell some parts of the business in a drive to raise capital.
The airlines will step up their recruitment drive for pilots in North America.
sales drive
2COMPUTING a part of a computer that reads information from a disk
Insert the floppy disk into Drive A.
CD-ROM drive disk drive tape drive
Origin drive1
Old English drifan




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