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词汇 dream


Word family noun dream dreamer dreamerydreaminessdreamingdreamlessnessdreamboatdreamcatcherdreamlanddreamscapedream ticketdreamtimedreamwhiledreamholeadjective dream dreamless dreamy dreamfulverb dream adverb dreamily dreaminglydreamlessly
dream1 /driːm/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countableC]  
1 while sleeping 睡着时DREAM a series of thoughts, images, and feelings that you experience when you are asleep daydream
 I had lots of dreams last night.
dream about
 a dream about drowning
in a dream
 In my dream I flew to a forest of enormous trees.
2 wish 愿望HOPE a wish to do, be, or have something – used especially when this seems unlikely 梦想,愿望,理想
 Her dream is to make a movie.
dream of (doing) something
 She had dreams of university.
fulfil/realize a dream
 I fulfilled a childhood dream when I became champion.
 I have just met the man of my dreams (=the perfect man)!
beyond your wildest dreams (=better than anything you imagined or hoped for) 做梦也想不到
3 dream house/home/job etc something that seems perfect to someone 梦想中的房屋//工作等
 I’ve finally found my dream house.
 Win a dream holiday for two in San Francisco!
Examples from the Corpus
4 in a dream IMAGINEhaving a state of mind in which you do not notice or pay attention to things around you 魂不守舍,心不在焉
 Ruth went about her tasks in a dream.
Examples from the Corpus
5 be a dream come true WANTif something is a dream come true, it happens after you have wanted it to happen for a long time 梦想成真
 Marriage to her is a dream come true.
Examples from the Corpus
6 like a dream EFFECTIVEextremely well or effectively 好极了;非常有效
 The plan worked like a dream.
Examples from the Corpus
7 be/live in a dream world IMAGINEto have ideas or hopes that are not correct or likely to happen 生活在梦幻世界
 If you think that all homeless people have it as easy as me, then you are living in a dream world.
Examples from the Corpus
8 be a dream be perfect or very desirable 很完美,非常理想
 Her latest boyfriend is an absolute dream.
 Some performers are a dream to work with; others are not.
somebody’s dream (=something someone would really like) 某人的理想之物
 She’s every adolescent schoolboy’s dream.
Examples from the Corpus
9 in your dreams spokenIMAGINE used to say in a rude way that something is not likely to happen 痴心妄想,在做梦〔表示某事不可能发生〕
 ‘I’m going to ask her to go out with me.’ ‘In your dreams!’
我要约她出来。” “做你的梦吧!
Examples from the Corpus
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 1: a series of thoughts, images, and feelings that you experience when you are asleep
have a dream 做梦
I had a dream about you last night.
a bad dream (=unpleasant or frightening) 噩梦
The movie gave the kids bad dreams.
a strange/weird dream 怪梦
Sometimes I have a strange dream in which I try to speak but I can’t.
a vivid dream (=very clear) 逼真的梦
nIn a vivid dream he saw a huge coloured bird flying above his head.
a recurrent/recurring dream (=that you have many times) 反复出现的梦
nHaving recurrent dreams is a very common experience.
be/seem like a dream (=seem unreal) 就像是做梦
That summer was so wonderful it seemed like a dream.
Sweet dreams! (=said to someone who is going to bed) 做个好梦!
nGood night, Sam! Sweet dreams!
when you are sleeping
dream the thoughts, images, and feelings that go through your mind while you are asleep
I had a strange dream last night -- you and I were in some sort of forest.
nightmare a very unpleasant and frightening dream
She still has terrible nightmares about the accident.
daydream a series of pleasant thoughts that go through your mind when you are awake, so that you do not notice what is happening around you
Neil was in a daydream, and didn’t hear the teacher call his name.
reverie formal a state of imagining or thinking about pleasant things, that is like dreaming
The doorbell rang, shaking her from her reverie.
something that you want to do
dream something very special that you want to do and that you think about a lot, especially something that is not very likely to happen
As a teenager, his dream was to become a professional footballer.
ambition something that you want to achieve and that you work hard to achieve, especially in your work
My ambition had always been to start my own business.
aspirations the important things that people want from their lives – used especially about the things a society or a large group of people wants
It’s important that young people think seriously about their career aspirations.
fantasy something exciting that you imagine happening to you, which is extremely unlikely to happen and often involves sex
schoolboy fantasies
pipe dream a dream that is impossible or is extremely unlikely to happen
Is world peace no more than a pipe dream?
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: a wish to do, be, or have something – used especially when this seems unlikely 梦想,愿望,理想
have a dream/dreams
I had dreams of becoming a doctor.
achieve/fulfil/realize a dream (=do or get what you want)
He had finally achieved his dream of winning an Olympic gold medal.
pursue/follow a dream (=try to do or get what you want)
She left her home town to pursue her dreams.
dream a dream literary (=have a wish)
We can dream great dreams for ourselves and others.
big/great dreams (=a wish to achieve great things)
She was a little girl with big dreams.
an impossible dream (=about something that cannot happen)
Having a number one record had seemed an impossible dream.
a childhood dream (=that you had when you were a child)
I had a childhood dream of becoming an astronaut.
a lifelong dream (=that you have had all your life)
His lifelong dream had been to write a novel.
a distant dream (=that it will take a long time to achieve)
Peace in this area may still be a distant dream.
na dream comes true (=something you want happens)
I’d always wanted to go to Africa and at last my dream came true.
nthe man/woman/house etc of your dreams (=the perfect one for you)
We can help you find the house of your dreams.
nnot/never in your wildest dreams (=used to say that you had never expected something to happen)
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would win the competition.
beyond your wildest dreams (=better or more than you ever hoped for) 做梦也想不到
nSuddenly he was wealthy beyond his wildest dreams.
Examples from the Corpus
dream2 ●●● S3 W3 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp dreamed or dreamt /dremt/)  
1 THINK ABOUTwish 希望 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] to think about something that you would like to happen or have 梦想,希望
dream of/about (doing) something
 She dreamed of becoming a chef.
 He’s got the sort of money that you and I can only dream about.
dream (that)
 She dreamed that one day she would be famous.
You dream of doing something:
I’ve always dreamed of being an artist.
Don’t say: I’ve always dreamed to be an artist.
2 while sleeping 睡着时 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DREAM to have a dream while you are asleep 做梦,梦见
dream about
 I dreamt about you last night.
dream (that)
 It’s quite common to dream that you’re falling.
3 not pay attention 注意力不集中 [intransitiveI] to think about something else and not give your attention to what is happening around you 做白日梦,开小差 SYN daydream
 She had been dreaming and had not followed the conversation.
4 imagine 想象 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]IMAGINE to imagine that you have done, seen, or heard something that you have not 想象着做过[见过,听到过](某事)
 I was sure I posted the letter but I must have dreamt it.
5 never dreamed (that) used to say that you did not think that something would happen 从没想过,做梦也没想过
 We never dreamed that we would get through to the next round.
Examples from the Corpus
6 wouldn’t dream of (doing) something spokenNOT DO something used to say that you would never do something because you think it is bad or wrong 无论如何也不会做某事
 I wouldn’t dream of letting strangers look after my own grandmother!
7 who would have dreamt that ...? spokenSURPRISED used to express surprise about something that has happened 谁能料到会?〔表示惊讶〕
 Who would have dreamt that this would happen?
8dream something ↔ away phrasal verbphr v WASTE somethingto waste time by thinking about what may happen 〔在空想中〕虚度〔光阴〕
 She would just sit in her room dreaming away the hours.
Examples from the Corpus
9dream on phrasal verbphr v [only in imperative] spoken HOPEused to tell someone that they are hoping for something that will not happen 别做梦了〔用于告诉某人希望的事情不可能发生〕
 You think I’m going to help you move house? Dream on!
10dream something ↔ up phrasal verbphr v INVENTto think of a plan or idea, especially an unusual one 想出〔不同寻常的计划、主意〕
 He was continually dreaming up new schemes to promote and enlarge the business.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin dream1
Old English dream noise, great happiness




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