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词汇 draw


Word family adjectivedrawabledrawnnoundraweedrawerdrawingdrawingsdrawbackdrawbardrawbridgedrawdowndrawing boarddrawing pindrawing roomverbdraw
Related topics: Sport, Games, Banking, Welfare, Water
draw1 /drɔː $ drɒː/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tensepst drew /druː/, past participlepp drawn /drɔːn $ drɒːn/)   drawer
1 WITH PENCILpicture 图画 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DRAW to produce a picture of something using a pencil, pen etc 〔用铅笔、钢笔等〕画,绘画
 Katie had drawn a cottage with a little stream running next to it.
 She asked the little girl to draw a picture of the man she’d spoken to.
 Keith was drawing a complicated-looking graph.
 I’ve never been able to draw very well.
draw somebody something
 Can you draw me a map of how to get there?
2 draw (somebody’s) attention ATTENTIONto make someone notice something 使(某人)注意
draw (somebody’s) attention to
 I have been asked to draw your attention to the following points.
 A dark house can draw attention to the fact that the house is empty.
draw attention to yourself
 He didn’t want to draw attention to himself.
 The case drew international attention.
Examples from the Corpus
3 draw a conclusion TRUEto decide that a particular fact or principle is true according to the information you have been given 得出结论,下结论
draw a conclusion from
 It would be unwise to draw firm conclusions from the results of a single survey.
In everyday English, people usually say reach a conclusion or come to a conclusion. 在日常英语中,人们一般说 reach a conclusion come to a conclusion
Examples from the Corpus
4 draw a comparison/parallel/distinction etc COMPAREto compare two people or things and show how they are similar or different 进行比较/找到相似点/加以区别等
draw a comparison/parallel/distinction etc between
 The author draws a comparison between East and West Germany and the North-South divide in England.
 The report draws a distinction between various forms of health care.
In everyday English, people usually say make a comparison or distinction (but NOT make a parallel). 在日常英语中,人们一般说 make a comparison distinction(但不说 make a parallel)。
Examples from the Corpus
5 GET A REACTIONGETget a reaction 得到反应 [transitiveT] to get a particular kind of reaction from someone 引起〔某种反应〕
draw something from somebody
 His remarks drew an angry response from Democrats.
draw praise/criticism
 The movie drew praise from critics.
6 attract 吸引 [transitiveT]ATTRACT to attract someone or make them want to do something 吸引
draw somebody to something
 What first drew you to teaching?
 Beth felt strangely drawn to this gentle stranger.
 The festival is likely to draw huge crowds.
7 GET something IMPORTANTget STH you need 得到你需要的东西 [transitiveT]GET to get something that you need or want from someone or something 得到,获取
draw something from something
 I drew a lot of comfort from her kind words.
 Plants draw nourishment from the soil.
8 GIVE INFORMATION 提供信息be drawn [usually in negatives]PERSUADE to give information in reply to questions about something 提供信息,回答问题
 She refused to be drawn on the subject.
Examples from the Corpus
9 MOVE IN ONE DIRECTIONmove 移动 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]MOVE/CHANGE POSITION to move in a particular direction 〔向某一方向〕移动
 She drew away, but he pulled her close again.
 The boat drew alongside us and a man appeared on the deck.
 I arrived just as the train was drawing into the station.
In everyday English, people usually use pull rather than draw: 在日常英语中,人们一般用 pull ,而不用 draw
The train was pulling into the station.
10 draw near/closer NEARto become closer in time or space 接近,靠近
 Maria grew anxious as the men drew closer.
 Christmas is drawing near.
In everyday English, people usually say get nearer/closer: 在日常英语中,人们一般说 get nearer/closer
Christmas is getting nearer.
Examples from the Corpus
11 draw level DSDGto move into a position where you are equal to someone else in a race, game, or competition 〔体育比赛中〕追上,追平
 Black drew level with the other runners.
Examples from the Corpus
12 PULLpull SB/STH 拉某人/某物 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]MOVE/CHANGE POSITION to move someone or something in a particular direction by pulling them gently 轻拉
draw somebody/something aside/up/across etc
 Bobby drew a chair up to the table.
 Hussain drew me aside to whisper in my ear.
draw the curtains/a blind etc (=close them by pulling them gently) 拉上窗帘/放下百叶窗帘等
see thesaurus at pull
13 PULL A VEHICLEpull a vehicle 拉车 [transitiveT]TTBPULL if an animal draws a vehicle, it pulls it along 〔动物〕拉〔车〕
 a carriage drawn by six horses
 an ox-drawn cart
see thesaurus at pull
14 TAKE OUTtake STH out 拿出某物 [transitiveT]TAKE something FROM SOMEWHERE to take something out of a container, pocket etc 拿出,取出
draw something out/from something
 Ali reached into his pocket and drew out a piece of paper.
draw a gun/sword/weapon etc
 Maria drew her gun nervously and peered out into the gloom.
In everyday English, people usually use pull something out or take something out rather than draw something out: 在日常英语中,人们一般说 pull something out take something out,而不说 draw something out
Ali reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.
15 draw a line (between something) DIFFERENTto think or show that one thing is different from another 划清(与某事的)界线,(对某事物)加以区别
 Adolescents often use drugs simply to try to draw a line between their own and their parents’ way of life.
Examples from the Corpus
16 draw the line (at something) to allow or accept something up to a particular point, but not beyond it 拒绝(做某事),给(某事)定出界线
 I don’t mind doing some gardening but I draw the line at digging.
Examples from the Corpus
17 where do you draw the line? spoken used to say it is impossible to decide at which point an acceptable limit has been reached 这标准该怎么定呢?谁又说得清呢?
 Some say 50 is too old to have a baby, but where do you draw the line?
Examples from the Corpus
18 draw a line under something FINISH/COME TO AN ENDto say that something is completely finished and you will not think about it again 某事已彻底结束
 I just want to draw a line under the relationship.
Examples from the Corpus
19 draw somebody’s eye (to something) INTERESTINGif something draws your eye, it makes you notice it (某事)引起某人注意,吸引某人的视线
 My eye was drawn to a painting on the wall.
Examples from the Corpus
20 FROM YOUR BANK ACCOUNTfrom a bank 从银行 (also draw out) [transitiveT]BFB to take money from your bank account 提取〔银行账户中的钱〕 SYN withdraw
 Hughes had drawn $8,000 in cash from a bank in Toronto.
21 BE PAIDreceive money 收到钱 [transitiveT]BEWPEW to receive an amount of money regularly from a government or financial institution 从政府或金融机构〕定期领取〔一定数量的钱〕
 How long have you been drawing unemployment benefit?
 I’ll be drawing my pension before he’ll ever get around to asking me to marry him!
22. draw a cheque (on something) British EnglishBrE, draw a check (on something) American EnglishAmEBFB to write a cheque for taking money out of a particular bank account 开〔从某银行账户取款的〕支票
Examples from the Corpus
23 INTO YOUR LUNGSbreathe 呼吸 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]HBH to take air or smoke into your lungs 吸入〔空气或烟〕
 She drew a deep breath.
 Ruth paused to draw breath, her voice barely hiding her excitement.
 He lit his pipe and drew deeply.
24 draw breath RESTto find time to have a rest when you are busy 〔在忙碌时〕喘口气,歇一下
 I’ve hardly had a moment to draw breath.
Examples from the Corpus
25 take liquid from STH 从某处取液体 [transitiveT]
a) to take a liquid from something such as a barrel or tap 〔从木桶或水龙头中〕取出,放出〔水等液体〕
b) to take water from a well 〔从井里〕打〔水〕
26. FIRE/CHIMNEYfire [intransitiveI]BURN if a fire or chimney draws, it lets the air flow through to make the fire burn well 〔炉火或烟囱〕通风好,通气〔使火烧得旺〕
27 PLAYING CARD/TICKETchoose 选择 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DG to choose by chance a ticket etc that will win a prize 抽出〔获奖的票等〕
 The winning ticket will be drawn at the Christmas Party.
28 draw lots/straws DECIDEto decide who will do something by taking pieces of paper out of a container or choosing straws of hidden lengths 抓阄,抽签〔以决定谁来做某事〕
 We drew lots to see who would go first.
Examples from the Corpus
29 draw the short straw UNLUCKYused to say that someone has been unlucky because they were chosen to do something that no one else wanted to do 倒霉地被选派去做不愿做的事情
 He drew the short straw and had to drive everyone to the party.
Examples from the Corpus
30 GAMEgame 比赛 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] especially British EnglishBrEDSDG to finish without either side winning in a game such as football (使)〔足球等体育比赛〕打平,打成平局;以平局结束 SYN tie
 They drew 3–3.
draw with
 Liverpool drew with Juventus.
31 be drawn against somebody British EnglishBrEDSO to be chosen by chance to play or compete against someone 抓阄[抽签]决定与某人竞赛
 England have been drawn against France in next month’s game.
Examples from the Corpus
32 draw a blank informalFAIL to be unsuccessful in finding information or the answer to a problem 〔在查找信息或问题的答案时〕不成功,无结果
 All his investigations have drawn a blank so far.
Examples from the Corpus
33. draw to a halt/stop TTCif a vehicle draws to a halt or stop, it slows down and stops 〔车辆〕慢慢停下来
Examples from the Corpus
34 draw to a close/end FINISH/COME TO AN ENDto end 结束,终止
 Festival-goers began to drift off as the evening drew to an end.
Examples from the Corpus
35 draw a veil over something SECRETto deliberately keep something unpleasant or embarrassing from being known 避而不谈某事,故意隐瞒某事
 I’d rather draw a veil over what happened last night.
Examples from the Corpus
36 draw blood 
a) to make someone bleed 使〔某人〕流血
 The dog bit her so hard that it drew blood.
b) to make someone angry or embarrass them in an argument, especially a public one 〔尤在公开场合〕激怒,使难堪
 Barker sought to draw blood by mentioning his rival’s weakness of character.
Examples from the Corpus
37. draw a bow DGOto bend a bow by pulling back the string in order to shoot an arrow 拉弓
Examples from the Corpus
38. TTWship [transitiveT] technical if a ship draws a particular depth, it needs that depth of water to float in 〔船〕吃水
be at daggers drawn at dagger(3)
draw to make a picture, pattern etc using a pen or pencil 〔用钢笔或铅笔〕画
The children were asked to draw a picture of their families.
I’m going to art classes to learn how to draw.
sketch /sketʃ/ to draw a picture of something or someone quickly and without a lot of detail (给)画速写
Roy took a pencil and sketched the bird quickly, before it moved.
illustrate to draw the pictures in a book 画插图
It’s a beautiful book, illustrated by Arthur Rackham.
doodle /ˈduːdl/ to draw shapes or patterns without really thinking about what you are doing 〔心不在焉地〕乱涂
He was on the phone, doodling on his notepad as he spoke.
scribble to draw shapes or lines without making a definite picture or pattern. Small children do this before they have learned to draw or write 乱画,乱涂〔小孩子学画或学写字之前就在乱涂〕
At the age of two, she loved scribbling with crayons and coloured pencils.
trace to copy a picture by putting a piece of thin paper over it and drawing the lines that you can see through the paper 〔用薄纸在图上〕映描,描摹
First trace the map, and then copy it into your workbooks.
39draw back phrasal verbphr v 
a) MOVE/CHANGE POSITIONto move backwards, especially because you are frightened or surprised 〔尤指因恐惧或诧异〕往后闪,后退
 Suddenly, she drew back, startled.
draw back in horror/shock/fear etc
 She peeped into the box and drew back in horror.
b) WILLINGto decide not to do something, especially because you think it would be bad for you 放弃,撤回 SYN withdraw
 The government drew back from their extreme standpoint.
Examples from the Corpus
40draw something ↔ down phrasal verbphr v to obtain money that it has been agreed that you can borrow, or to use money that has been saved 获得〔借款〕;花费〔存款〕
 He drew down the final $25 million of the loan.
41draw in phrasal verbphr v 
a) TM British EnglishBrE if the days or nights draw in, it starts to get dark earlier in the evening because winter is coming 〔白天变得〕渐短;〔天黑得〕渐早
 In October the nights start drawing in.
b) TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED draw somebody ↔ in to get someone involved in something 使某人卷入[参与]进来,吸引某人
 We should use the demonstration as an opportunity to draw more supporters in.
 Despite himself, he found himself being drawn in by the man’s warmth and ease.
c) draw in your horns British EnglishBrEBFSPEND MONEY to spend less money because you have financial problems 紧缩开支
Examples from the Corpus
42draw somebody into something phrasal verbphr v TAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDto make someone become involved in something, especially when they do not want to be involved 将〔某人〕扯入〔某事中〕
 He tried to draw her into conversation.
 She found herself drawn into a disagreement between two of her neighbours.
Examples from the Corpus
43draw something ↔ off phrasal verbphr v TLIQUIDto remove some liquid from a larger supply 使流走,排掉
 The cold water is heated as it is drawn off.
Examples from the Corpus
44draw on phrasal verbphr v 
a) draw on/upon somethingPURPOSE to use information, experience, knowledge etc for a particular purpose 〔为某种目的〕利用某事物,动用〔信息、经验、知识等〕
 His work draws heavily on learning theories of the 1980s.
 She has 20 years’ teaching experience to draw on.
b) draw on something to use part of a supply of something such as money 动用某物,利用〔钱等〕
 I drew on my savings to pay for the repairs.
c) draw on a cigarette/cigar etcDFT to breathe in smoke from a cigarette etc 抽香烟/雪茄等
d) DNNEAR British EnglishBrE formal if a period of time or an event draws on, it comes closer to its end 〔一段时间、某一事件〕临近结束
 Winter is drawing on.
 As the journey drew on, he started to feel tired.
draw on somebody's experience
The books have drawn on the experience of practising teachers.
draw on somebody's knowledge
Fortunately I was able to draw on my own knowledge of the law.
draw on somebody's resources
The committee has drawn on the resources and skills of several local people.
draw on somebody's ideas
We hope that we will be able to draw on these ideas to develop the work further.
draw on somebody's expertise (=expert knowledge and experience)
Now we can draw on the expertise of some of the most talented network engineers.
Examples from the Corpus
45draw out phrasal verbphr v 
a)FROM A BANK 从银行 draw something ↔ out to take money from your bank account 〔从银行账户里〕取出〔钱〕
b) TALK TO somebody draw somebody ↔ out to make someone feel less shy and more willing to talk 消除某人的羞怯,使某人愿意说话
 She just needed someone to draw her out and take an interest in her.
c) draw something ↔ out formal to mention a particular piece of information and explain it clearly and in detail 详细解释某事
 There are two major themes to be drawn out in this discussion.
d) PASS/TIME PASSING draw something ↔ out to make an event last longer than usual 拖延某事,拖长某事
 The final question drew the meeting out for another hour.
e) TMC British EnglishBrE if the days or nights draw out, it stays light until later in the evening because summer is coming 〔因夏季来临而白昼〕变长;〔天黑〕渐晚
46draw up phrasal verbphr v 
a) LIST/CONTRACT ETC draw something ↔ upSCLB to prepare a written document, such as a list or contract 起草某文件,拟定〔名单、合同等〕
 Draw up a list of all the things you want to do.
draw up plans/proposals
 He was asked to draw up proposals for reforming the law.
 The contract was drawn up last year.
b) VEHICLETTARRIVEif a vehicle draws up, it arrives somewhere and stops 〔车辆〕到达某处后停下
 A taxi drew up at the gate.
c) draw up a chair to move a chair closer to someone or something 把椅子拉近
d) draw yourself up (to your full height)STAND to stand up very straight because you are angry or determined about something 〔因生气或下决心而〕挺直身体站立
 He drew himself up and said, ‘This has gone far enough.’
他直起身子说道: “这已经很过分了。
e) draw your knees upBEND to bring your legs closer to your body 曲起双膝〔让腿靠近身体〕
 Ruth sat, knees drawn up under her chin, and waited.
draw up a plan/scheme
Local authorities have drawn up new plans for waste disposal.
draw up a proposal
The European Communities were drawing up proposals to control the export of chemicals.
draw up a list
They drew up a list of suitable candidates for the job.
draw up guidelines
A committee of teachers has drawn up guidelines for schools on how to deal with difficult students.
draw up a report
Environmental organizations have been involved in drawing up the report.
draw up a contract/agreement
Some people draw up a contract when they get married.
draw up a timetable/schedule
They haven’t yet drawn up a timetable for the elections.
draw up a programme
A small team has drawn up a programme of action.
draw up a constitution (=set of laws and principles that govern a country)
The first Czech constitution was drawn up here in 1920.
draw up a budget (=plan of how to spend the money that is available)
Each year business managers draw up a budget.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Sport, Gambling
draw2 ●●○ S3 noun [countableC]  
1 DSthe final result of a game or competition in which both teams or players have the same number of points 平局,和局 SYN tie
 The match ended in a draw.
4  See picture of 见图 draw
2 DGGan occasion when someone or something is chosen by chance, especially the winning ticket in a lottery, or the teams who will play against each other in a competition 抽彩;抽签
 England has been selected to play Germany in the draw for the first round of the World Cup.
3 British EnglishBrE a competition in which people whose names or tickets are chosen by chance win money or prizes 抽奖
 Congratulations! You have been entered into our £100,000 prize draw!
4 APDSa performer, place, event etc that a lot of people come to see 吸引许多人的表演者[地方,事件等]
 It is hoped that the new art gallery will be a big draw for visitors.
5 when you breathe in smoke from a cigarette 吸烟 SYN drag
 Maltravers took a long draw on his cigarette.
the luck of the draw at luck1(18), → quick on the draw at quick1(9)
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
drawdraw /drɔːdrɒː/ verb (past tensepst drew /druː/, past participlepp drawn /drɔːndrɒːn/) [transitiveT]BANKING
1 (also draw out) to take money from your bank account
Many credit cards can now be used to draw cash from ATMs around the world.
All the money in his account has been drawn out.
2to receive an amount of money regularly from your employer or from the government
In the first year of the partnership, Jenny drew a salary of £30,000.
You are entitled to draw unemployment benefit.
3ACCOUNTINGto write out and sign a cheque or BANK ORDER
I’ll draw a cheque on the company account.
4to write a BILL OF EXCHANGE
Bills are drawn by the exporter on the issuing or confirming bank.
draw something → down
draw something → up
Origin draw1
Old English dragan

draw2 noun




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