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词汇 drain


Word family adjectivedrainablenoundrainagedrainerdraining boarddrainpipeverbdrain
Related topics: Food
drain1 /dreɪn/ ●●○ verb  
1 LIQUIDliquid 液体
a) [transitiveT]DFTA to make the water or liquid in something flow away 使流走,使排出
 The swimming pool is drained and cleaned every winter.
drain something from something
 Brad drained all the oil from the engine.
 Can you drain the spaghetti, please (=pour away the water from the pan)?
b) [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]POUR if liquid drains away, it flows away 〔液体〕流走,流光
drain away/off/from
 I watched the bath water drain away.
c) [intransitiveI]TAEMPTY if something drains, the liquid that is in it or on it flows away and it becomes dry 流干,沥干
 Open ditches drain very efficiently.
 She washed up and left the dishes to drain.
well-drained/poorly-drained soil (=soil from which water flows away quickly or slowly) 排水性能好/差的土壤
 This plant needs rich, well-drained soil.
2 make SB tired 使某人疲劳MAKE TIRED [transitiveT]TIRED to make someone feel very tired and without any energy 使筋疲力尽
 Working with children all day really drains you.
3 use too much 消耗过多USE TOO MUCH [transitiveT]USE/CONSUME to use too much of something, especially money, so that there is not enough left 耗尽〔尤指钱〕
 Huge imports were draining the country’s currency reserves.
4 the colour/blood drains from somebody’s face/cheeks used to say that someone’s face becomes very pale, because they are frightened or shocked 〔因恐惧或震惊〕某人变得脸色苍白
 When the verdict was read out, all the colour drained from Zelda’s cheeks.
5 drain a glass/cup etc DFDDRINK written to drink all the liquid in a glass, cup etc 喝干杯中的饮料
 Hannah drained her mug in one gulp.
6drain away phrasal verbphr v if something drains away, it is reduced until there is none left 耗尽;减少;消逝
 I watched the light drain away.
anger/confidence/tension/hope etc drains away
 Sally felt her anger drain away.
Examples from the Corpus
7drain something ↔ off phrasal verbphr v EMPTYto make water or a liquid flow off something, leaving it dry 使流走,使变干
 After cooking the meat, drain off the excess fat.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Construction
drain2 ●●○ noun [countableC]  
1 especially British EnglishBrETBC a pipe that carries water or waste liquids away 下水管,下水道,排[]水管
 The flood was caused by a blocked drain.
 There’s a problem with the drains.
2. TBC British EnglishBrE the frame of metal bars over a drain where water etc can flow into it 下水道箅子 SYN American English grate
3. American EnglishAmE the hole in the bottom of a bath or sink that water flows out through 〔浴缸或洗涤槽底下的〕排水孔 SYN British English plughole
4 a drain on something USE/CONSUMEsomething that continuously uses a lot of time, money etc 大量耗费某物的事物
 The war was an enormous drain on the country’s resources.
Examples from the Corpus
5 down the drain informalWASTE something
a) if time, effort, or money goes down the drain, it is wasted or produces no results 〔时间、努力或金钱〕白白浪费掉
 Well that’s it. 18 months’ work down the drain.
b) if an organization, country etc goes down the drain, it becomes worse or fails 〔组织、国家等〕败落,失败
 That’s why this country’s going down the drain!
Examples from the Corpus
brain drain, → laugh like a drain at laugh1(1)
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
draindrain1 /dreɪn/ noun [countableC usually singular]
a drain on something something that continuously uses up a lot of money, time, or effort
This project has been a serious drain on our financial resources.
draindrain2 verb [transitiveT]
to use too much of something so that there is not enough left
The high cost of road maintenance is draining funds from the local government budget.
Huge imports were draining the country’s currency reserves.
Origin drain1
Old English dreahnian




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