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词汇 absent


Word family nounabsenceabsenteeabsenteeismadverbabsentlyadjectiveabsent-mindedabsent
ab·sent1 /ˈæbsənt/ ●●● W2 adjectiveadj  
1 HERETHEREnot at work, school, a meeting etc, because you are sick or decide not to go 缺席的,不在的 OPP present
absent from
 students who are regularly absent from school
In everyday English, if someone is on holiday or on a business trip, people usually say that he/she is away: 在日常英语中,如果某人在休假或出差,人们一般说he/she is away
He's away at the moment. He’s gone to Hawaii.
If you want to say that someone is not in a particular place, say not there: 如果想表示某人不在某处,要说not there
I called in to see her but she wasn't there.
If you want to say that someone is not with you, say not here: 如果想表示某人和你不在一起,要说not here
I'm afraid he's not here at the moment. Can I take a message?
对不起,他这会儿不在。 要我记下留言吗?
2 if someone or something is absent, they are missing or not in the place where they are expected to be 缺乏的,不在场的
absent parent/father
 plans to force absent fathers to pay child maintenance
absent from
 Local women were conspicuously absent (=obviously not there) from the meeting.
3 [only before noun]INTERESTED a look etc that is absent shows you are not paying attention to or thinking about what is happening 心不在焉的 absently
 The dull, absent look on her face implied boredom.
Examples from the Corpus
ab·sent2 /əbˈsent, æb- $ æb-/ verb [transitiveT] formal  
absent yourself (from something) formal to not go to a place or take part in an event where people expect you to be 缺席,不参加
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin absent1
(1300-1400) Old French Latin, present participle of abesse, from ab- away + esse to be




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