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词汇 detail


Word family adjectivedetailedverbdetail
Related topics: Army
de·tail1 /ˈdiːteɪl $ dɪˈteɪl/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  
1 [countableC]DETAIL a single feature, fact, or piece of information about something 细节,细微之处
detail of
 She told me every detail of her trip.
down to the smallest/last detail (=completely) 全面详细地
 Todd had planned the journey down to the smallest detail.
2 [uncountableU]DETAIL all the separate features and pieces of information about something 详细情况,全部细节
in detail
 He described the process in detail (=using a lot of details).
 This issue will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 5.
 McDougal was reluctant to go into detail (=give a lot of details) about the new deal.
 Editing requires great attention to detail.
 the fine detail of the plan
have an eye for detail (=be skilled at noticing details) 善于捕捉细节
 Photographers need to have an eye for detail.
3 details [plural]DETAIL information that helps to complete what you know about something 〔某事物的〕资料,信息
details of
 Full details of the incident were recently revealed.
details about
 She refused to give any details about what had happened.
 Details of the course can be found on our website.
further/more details
 For further details, contact the personnel department.
Examples from the Corpus
4 [singular, uncountableU]PMA technical a specific duty in the army, or the person or group with that duty 〔军队中的〕任务;特遣队,小分队
 the security detail
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: all the separate features and pieces of information about something
go into detail (=give a lot of details)
He refused to go into detail about what they had said at the meeting.
describe/explain something in detail
The doctor spent time describing the treatment in detail to me.
discuss something in detail
His report discusses the problem in detail.
examine/consider/study something in detail
He asked his lawyer to examine the contract in detail.
be set out in detail (=be written down and described in detail)
The changes to the system are set out in detail in the next paragraph.
plan/work something out in detail
I haven't worked our trip out in detail yet.
great/considerable detail
The subject has already been studied in great detail.
enough/sufficient detail
The party was criticized for not giving sufficient detail about their proposed tax changes.
little detail (=not much detail)
Maps of the area showed little detail.
fine/minute/precise detail (=very exact detail)
We've been through all the arrangements for the wedding in minute detail.
meticulous detail (=very careful detail)
His books describe the mountains and their paths in meticulous detail.
graphic detail (=a lot of very clear and often unpleasant detail)
I didn't like the graphic detail of the violence in the film.
vivid detail (=in such a way that they seem real)
The three characters in the novel are described with vivid detail.
attention to detail (=care that all the small features of something are correct or nice)
I was impressed by the hotel's attention to detail.
an eye for detail (=skill at noticing all the small features)
He's a brilliant photographer with a fantastic eye for detail.
ask for details
I went into the bank to ask for details about their student account.
send (off) for details (=write asking for information)
Why don't you send for details of the course?
send your details (=send your name and address to someone in the post)
For a free sample, send your details to us on a postcard.
give details
Our price list gives details of special offers.
provide/supply details
Hotels that join the scheme provide details of their accommodation and facilities.
confirm the details (=make sure that they are correct)
Could you confirm the details of your reservation in writing?
disclose/reveal/release details (=make secret information public)
The company has refused to reveal any technical details until next month.
announce/publish details
Further details of the band's tour will be announced later.
further/more details
Check our website for more details.
full details
The police have not yet disclosed the full details of the case.
precise/exact details
Precise details of the evidence presented at that meeting have not yet been revealed.
gory details (=full details about an unpleasant or interesting event – often used humorously)
She wanted to hear all the gory details about Tina's date with Nigel.
personal details (=your name, address and other information about you)
Please make sure that all your personal details are correct.
Examples from the Corpus
detail2 verb [transitiveT]  
1 DETAILto list things or give all the facts or information about something 详细说明,详述
 The report details the progress we have made over the last year.
2 detail somebody to (do) something PMTELL/ORDER somebody TO DO somethingto officially order someone, especially soldiers, to do a particular job 指派某人〔尤指士兵〕做某事
 Four soldiers were detailed to guard duty.
Examples from the Corpus
3. American EnglishAmE to clean a car very thoroughly, inside and out 彻底清洗〔汽车〕 SYN British English valet
Examples from the Corpus
Origin detail1
(1600-1700) French détail, from Old French detail piece cut off, from taillier to cut




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