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词汇 deny


Word family noun denial deniabilitydenieradjective undeniable deniableverb deny adverb undeniably deniablydenyingly
de·ny /dɪˈnaɪ/ ●●● S3 W2 AWL verb (denied, denying, denies) [transitiveT]  
1 say STH is not true 否认SAY/STATE to say that something is not true, or that you do not believe something 否认,否定 denial
deny (that)
 I’ve never denied that there is a housing problem.
 I can’t deny her remarks hurt me.
deny doing something
 Two men have denied murdering a woman at a remote picnic spot.
strongly/vehemently/strenuously etc deny something
 Jackson vehemently denied the allegations.
 The government denied the existence of poverty among 16- and 17-year-olds.
deny a charge/allegation/claim
 The men have denied charges of theft.
You deny doing something:
She denied taking the money.
Don’t say: She denied to take the money.
2 not allow 不允许REFUSE to refuse to allow someone to have or do something 拒绝,不允许〔某人拥有某物或做某事〕
 Some landowners deny access to the countryside.
deny somebody something
 She could deny her son nothing.
deny something to somebody
 This is the only country in Europe to deny cancer screening to its citizens.
see thesaurus at refuse
3 there’s no denying (that/something) spokenCERTAINLY/DEFINITELY used to say that it is very clear that something is true 无可否认,不容否认
 There’s no denying that this is an important event.
Examples from the Corpus
4 feelings 情感ADMIT to refuse to admit that you are feeling something 拒绝承认
 Emotions can become destructive if they are suppressed and denied.
5 deny yourself (something) NOT HAVEto decide not to have something that you would like, especially for moral or religious reasons 〔尤指出于道德或宗教原因〕节制;戒绝,禁绝
 He denied himself all pleasures and luxuries.
Examples from the Corpus
deny + NOUN
deny a charge/allegation
Officials denied allegations that torture was widespread.
deny any involvement in something
The chairman denied any involvement in the affair.
deny all knowledge of something
CIA officers denied all knowledge of the operation.
deny a fact
You can’t deny the fact that we made a mistake.
deny a rumour
Their chief executive denied rumours of the company’s decline.
deny a claim
Claims that money had been wasted were denied by the chairman of the committee.
deny the existence of something
The government has denied the existence of any political prisoners in the country.
deny any wrongdoing formal (=illegal or immoral behaviour)
The White House denied any wrongdoing.
strongly/firmly deny something
Reports of government corruption have been strongly denied.
vehemently/vigorously/strenuously deny something (=very strongly)
He vehemently denied that he had ever been to her house.
flatly/categorically deny something (=very definitely and directly)
In the interview, he flatly denied that charge.
hotly deny something (=in an angry or excited way)
She hotly denied ever having taken drugs.
repeatedly deny something
King has repeatedly denied being a gang member.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin deny
(1200-1300) Old French denier, from Latin negare to deny




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