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词汇 declare


Word family adjectivedeclarabledeclarativedeclaratorydeclarednoundeclarantdeclarationdeclaratordeclareradverbdeclarativelydeclaratorilydeclaredlyverbdeclare
Related topics: Tax
de·clare /dɪˈkleə $ -ˈkler/ ●●○ W2 verb  
1 state officially 正式宣布 [transitiveT]SAY/STATE to state officially and publicly that a particular situation exists or that something is true 宣布,声明
 A state of emergency has been declared.
declare that
 The court declared that Brown’s case should be reviewed.
declare somebody/something (to be) somebody/something
 Several countries wanted Antarctica to be declared a ‘world park’.
 The city was declared to be in a state of siege.
 I declare you man and wife.
declare something illegal/invalid etc
 The war was declared illegal by the International Court of Justice.
 Mr Steel has been declared bankrupt (=it has been officially stated that he cannot pay his debts).
 We celebrate September 16, the day when Mexico declared independence from Spain (=officially stated that it was no longer ruled by Spain).
see thesaurus at say
2 state what you think 说出所想的 [transitiveT]SAY/STATE to say publicly what you think or feel 声称,宣称
 ‘It’s not fair, ’ Jane declared.
 He declared his intention to stand for president.
declare that
 Carol held a press conference and declared that she was innocent.
declare yourself (to be) something
 Edward declared himself angry and frustrated.
3 declare war (on somebody/something) 
a) WARto state officially that you are at war with another country (对某国)宣战
b) informalWAR to say that something is wrong and that you will do everything you can to stop it (向自己认为不对的事)宣战
 Angry residents have declared war on the owners of the factory.
Examples from the Corpus
4 money/property etc 金钱/财产等MONEY/PROPERTY ETC [transitiveT]
a) PETto state on an official government form how much money you have earned, what property you own etc 申报〔收入、财产等〕
 All tips are counted as part of your earnings and must be declared.
b) to tell a customs official that you are carrying goods on which you should pay tax when you enter a country 〔向海关官员〕申报〔应征税的物品〕
5 declare an interest OWNto tell people that you are connected with something that is being discussed 宣布有关系,申报利益关系
 I should, at this point, declare an interest: I own shares in the company.
我现在应该申报利益关系: 我拥有这家公司的股份。
Examples from the Corpus
6. cricket 板球 [intransitiveI] to choose to end your team’s turn before all your players have batted 〔当击球员还未全部出局时〕宣布一局结束
7.declare against somebody/something phrasal verbphr v AGAINST/OPPOSEto state publicly that you oppose someone or something 声明反对
8.declare for somebody/something phrasal verbphr v SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLANto state publicly that you support someone or something 声明赞成[支持]
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
declarede·clare /dɪˈkleə-ˈkler/ verb [transitiveT]
1to make something known officially to the public
Shares in the company, which declared a £216 million loss, fell 712p to 334p.
Two dominant companies have declared major redundancy programmes in the course of restructuring.
2declare an interestCOMMERCE to officially state that you are connected with something and that this might affect the decisions you make about it
If a director is involved in any way with the contractor, he or she is required to declare his interest at the meeting of the board.
3declare somebody bankruptLAW to state officially that a person or company is unable to pay all their debts
The consequences of being declared bankrupt would be harsh and severe.
4declare bankruptcyCOMMERCELAW to state officially that you are unable to pay your debts
The new law established a mechanism to declare bankruptcy.
5declare an optionFINANCE to state whether or not you are accepting an OPTION that you hold
6declare a dividendFINANCE when a company declares a DIVIDEND, it says that it will pay a dividend to its shareholders
Before declaring a dividend, the trustee must give notice of his intention to do so to all creditors.
7TAXto make an official statement saying how much money you have earned, what property you own etc
A lot of childcare is in the black economy, with carers not declaring their cash payments.
Rent received from the property must be declared for tax.
8to formally say that something is done, open, closed etc
I now declare this factory open.
Anything else? No? Then I declare the meeting closed.
Origin declare
(1300-1400) Latin declarare, from clarare to make clear




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